There are many characters that have held the position and here we are going to rank the strongest known Marine Vice-Admirals. ... Zephyr didn't have any Devil Fruit power, making him the only Admiral without one to date. Vergo was left in the SAD room when an explosion set by Law went off to destroy the room and kill Vergo in the process. From the underrated Momonga to the "Hero of the Marines" Monkey D. Garp, here are the 10 strongest Vice-Admirals from all of One Piece. Momonga is a perceptive man and was able to figure out how to avoid Boa Hancock's attack. He is ruthless and doesn't like making mistakes. Vergo had extremely strong Armament Haki and he could even cover his entire body with it. He downed the ship carrying the citizens of Ohara in order to make sure that there weren't any scholars that could sneak in. He is also able to use two types of Haki. ... Vergo is probably dead though, he's got no more role to play in the story. He is one of the most underrated side characters in the series. Vergo was left in a that explodes and his death was stated but not confirmed. He is a follower of "Lazy Justice," and he is probably one of the few Marines who don't want to kill every pirate that they came across. Law outsmarted Smoker. He is a user of the Ope Ope no Mi, the ultimate Devil Fruit. Vergo wasn’t regularly cut but was just split apart through the effects of the Ope Ope no Mi. He has also shown considerable skill when it comes to stealth as he managed to handcuff Marco during the Marineford arc. It's the return of Doffy but also an unforgettable partner of his in the name of Vergo … The guava is the perfect fruit for the busy Sagittarius because it helps you stay energized. He possesses the Pika Pika no Mi, that grants him control over light. He was active in the realm of underworld brokering (including slavery, production and distribution of weapons of mass destruction, and Devil Fruit trafficking) in the New World, and the most resourceful and influential broker there was. As Vergo attempted to kill Law on Doflamingo's order, he defeated Smoker in battle but was caught off guard by Law's attack and cut into many pieces by his devil fruit abilities (which still kept him alive). He was one of the Vice-Admirals leading the Buster Call. How to obtain devil fruits. 2. One of the most mysterious Devil Fruit abilities remains to be that of Trafalgar Law, a member of the Worst Generation, just like Luffy. He even fought against Rocks D. Xebec, who was considered the biggest threat to the World Government. Tsuru is also a user of Haki just like all Vice-Admirals. She joined the Navy at the same time as Garp and Sengoku and is a very experienced fighter who's treated with respect by everyone. Afterwards, Rayleigh used Haki to stop Kizaru and even touched his Logia body.The first time the Kujas named this ability \"Haki\", they were shown wielding Haki-imbued arrows. He can use two types of Haki. Devil Fruits can be bought at the Merchant in Logue Town for 25 million B$. In some appearances, he sometimes have piece of food stuck to his face. There has to be something else to it. He met Donquixote Doflamingo as a child and witnessed him unleash his incredible Haoshoku Haki. Finally at the top of the list is none other than the "Hero of the Marines," Monkey D. Garp. 10 Overpowered Naruto Jutsu That Were Almost Never Used, The 10 Most Anticipated Romance Anime of 2021, One Piece: 10 Devil Fruits That Are Borderline Useless, Attack On Titan: 5 Characters Who Should Be Dead (& 5 Who Shouldn't Be), Steins;Gate: 10 Hidden Details About The Main Characters Everyone Missed, Boruto: 10 Things That Annoyed Even Dedicated Fans, 10 Best Ultimate Forms In Shonen Anime, Ranked From Best To Worst, Naruto: 10 Worst Things Kabuto Did That Everyone Forgot About, 10 Things Sasuke Can Do That Naruto Can't, Naruto: 10 Worst Crimes Sasuke Committed In The Series, Demon Slayer: Tanjiro's First 10 Fights (In Chronological Order), Naruto: 10 Characters Who Should Invest In Taijutsu. Only if Law used black clad haki himself he could have overpowered Vergo with it but he didn’t. ... Hopefully this clears up once and for all this misconception about Law's devil fruit limitations. Personality We didn't. He is the strongest Marine ever and he's probably the only Marine that comes close to the power of a Yonko. He was chosen by Sengoku to be the successor after his retirement. Devil Fruits spawn in servers every 2 hours and have a 2 hour despawn time. Saul was introduced in Robin's flashback. Vergo didnt deserve to be killed like that, he had mercy on everyone, even the g5 marines he fough, they were alright after. Borsalino is arguably the quickest character in One Piece, mainly due to his devil fruit power. Upon his defeat at the hands of Luffy, D… He also possesses an unknown devil fruit that allows him to grow three pairs of spider-like arms. Vergo was on par with Doflamingo's executives without a devil fruit. RELATED: One Piece: 5 Characters Robin Can Beat & 5 She Can't. Trafalgar trained all his life, and sold his soul for an op devil fruit, just to beat Vergo, in a tag team effort. Devil Fruits are obtained 3 different ways. & 9 Other Questions About His Dojutsu, Answered, Future State: Nightwing #1 Puts the Boy Wonder Back in the Spotlight, Future State: Superman - Worlds of War #1 Expands the Hero's Legacy, Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #1 Is a Neon-Lit Fantasy, Savage #1 Gives Valiant's Ultimate Survivalist a Punk Rock Relaunch, King in Black: Thunderbolts #1 Introduces a New Marvel Dirty Dozen. He was able to break mountains with his Haki enhanced fists. He not only overcame him with no visible haki, he also was able to apply his devil fruit ability on Vergo somehow. Since the time-skip, Smoker has become much more powerful. In the past, she always fought Donquixote Doflamingo and it is actually amazing that Doflamingo used to run away from her. Kuzan, or Aokiji, is one of the coolest characters in the series. Does Vergo have a devil fruit ? Finally, Devil Fruits can be … In his youth, after Law realized he was dying, he went to Doflamingo to join the future Shichibukai's crew, planning on causing as much devastation as possible to the world before dying. Sakazuki has the power of the Magu Magu no Mi, which allows him to create and manipulate magma. Vergo did nothing wrong. However, unlike seastone, it does not negate a user's Devil Fruit powers, allowing … Garp is one of the biggest… It is said that only one person can have the power of the same fruit at a time. We have no way to compare their strengths tbh. 9 Ace Can: Conqueror's Haki. Saul was a former Navy vice-admiral. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. 2 Kong. Smoker actually managed to capture Luffy at Loguetown, but he escaped thanks to Monkey D. Dragon. Because he needs to get his shit together .... which is hard now that he is actually cut in pieces. The guava promotes a healthy digestive system, helps your body control hormone levels, and increases brain function. Tama. Dragon is an incredibly powerful character whose reputation is enough to match the Yonko themselves. Ive always wondered why does vergo have a bandage or a piece of meat stuck on his face ? How do we know that Vergo is much stronger than the others? As far as I know, Haki users can block Devil Fruit attacks. He is also capable of using Haki. Garp has rejected promotions throughout his life. Smoker possesses the Moku Moku no Mi, which allows him to turn his body into smoke. Although his Devil Fruit powers haven't been revealed to the fans yet, his ability seems to have to do with wind and being able to manipulate the weather somehow. Vergo's mastery over Haki was evident from his fight with Smoker, who is also a Vice-Admiral. Imo Yamato already had a purpose nonetheless : She kept Oden's logbook safe for 20 years and being tied to Kaido she can info dump stuff related to him. I started writing about manga/anime so, that I might be able to reach out to fellow fans. He came to Ohara as a castaway where met Robin and he really helped her through a tough phase. However, Kuzan lost the decisive duel against Sakazuki. We'll see. Once he reached the position of Vice-Admiral, he never accepted any promotions. Currently, he is the Fleet Admiral of the Marines. Follower of "Unclear Justice," Borsalino is the next powerful after Kuzan. Shortly afterward, he left the Marines and joined the Blackbeard Pirates. He is a follower of "Absolute Justice", so he is willing to go to any lengths to erase pirates. So his armament haki was probably close, if not then just as strong as Doflamingo's armament haki. They rose him up to become a powerful pirate and later, a Shichibukai. Ace, on the other hand, wasn't very strong. 3. My head canon is that his facial hair is effectively a sort of universal Velcro that entangles any sort of food. … My favorite manga is Berserk. And now DD is in Impel Down heavily guarded. Vergo is one of the four High Executives of the Donquixote Pirates and a Marine Vice Admiral. In the 5th fan poll, Vergo ranked 59th, making him the most popular of the Elite Officers. According to Sengoku, Whitebeard had the power to destroy the world. NEXT: One Piece: 5 Superheroes Luffy Can Defeat (& 5 He Can't). A one-stop shop for all things video games. Borsalino has fought against famous names such as Marco and Rayleigh and is one of the Navy's best fighters. He wears a white jacket over his navy shirt and white pants with yellow shoes. He became one of the first to serve Doflamingo alongside Diamante, Trebol, and Pica. I have a hard time Oda would be so "lazy" to rehash the same drama in the same arc. Finally at the top of the list is none other than the "Hero of the Marines," Monkey D. Garp. Vergo is a tall man with short black hair and sunglasses. Unlike Vergo, Smoker can't do full body armament haki. 1. Confined within each devil fruit is the spirit of a devil. Also I'm aware recently Tekking did a video on a similar theme, but I didn't plagiarize his video. 9 months ago. Vergo was a member of the Donquixote Pirates and the right-hand man of Doflamingo himself. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. I know that he wasnt doing this before but it would be quite unexpected for us to get to know after Punk Hazard that Vergo had Devil Fruit ability. Law cut Vergo into two in one hit on Punk Hazard. 4. The Marines are one of the superpowers in the world of One Piece and they are necessary to ensure the balance of power. Vol. She has the powers of the Woshu Woshu no Mi, that allow her to wash out people and objects as if they were clothes. Most of the times, he maintains a stern look on his face. Saul's inhumane strength allowed him to lift a ginormous warship with ease but was eventually killed by Aokiji. Vergo's former codename, Corazón, is the Spanish word for \"heart\", matching the card suit motif of Doflamingo's top executive officers. DOFLAMINGO RETURNS | VERGO - THE HUMAN SMILE DEVIL FRUIT! Momonga can use at least a few of the Rokushiki techniques. level 2. Whitebeard ate the Gura Gura no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that made him a “Quake Man” and which was considered the strongest Devil Fruit within the Paramecia class. The best example was when Rayleigh fought against Kizaru, in which he easily countered Kizaru's sword with his Haki. Sakazuki's alias is Akainu, which means "Red Dog." More commonly known as Kizaru, he is the oldest Admiral in the Marines. Borsalino is a laid back individual most of the time but, once he gets going, it's very difficult to stop him. Sticky-sticky fruit..he can basically climb walls..and leap from buildings and oh lets not forget his Vergo senses, ^ Dude take your medicine called " Get the point ". Ive always wondered why does vergo have a bandage or a piece of meat stuck on his face ? One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. There are some pirate crews that do good stuff, but they are very few in number. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Dragonfruit Alex Frank. He was a capable fighter and when it is combined with his size, it makes him a formidable opponent. This type of Haki also has the ability to bypass the powers of a Devil Fruit user, touching the "substantial body" beneath whatever protection the fruit provides, such as the case of body-altering Devil Fruits such as Logia users. Onigumo has a particular fighting style and unlike most Marines, he used sabers instead of katanas. The Fleet Admiral is the highest rank in the Marines followed by the Admirals and then Vice-Admirals. Idk what to think about this . 1 Depicts a Vibrant Past... and an Already-Dated Future? Kuzan was not always an Admiral, but he rose through the ranks to reach that level. Smoker's perception on justice also allows the Straw Hat Pirates to remain at liberty, despite being pirates during the Alabasta Incident. Probably the most hated Marine in the entire series, Sakazuki, finishes only 2nd on this list. They can be found under any tree in the game. Vergo's body after hardening it. This allows Onigumo to use his eight sword style. Devil Fruits are mysterious fruits that give the user unique abilities when eaten at the cost of their ability to swim. He let Luffy go after he found out that Zoro was ordered by Luffy to save him from drowning. Idk what to think about this . Unlike many other Marines in One Piece, Smoker does not follow the rule of Absolute Justice and follows his own code of justice, which he later preaches to Tashigi. No truer words were ever spoken... :P >.<. Momonga made his first appearance at Enies Lobby, he was in charge of the Buster Call. They can be found be randomly growing across the map, and are separated into 3 distinct categories: Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia. Vergo has used this technique to engage with Vice Admiral Smoker in their fight while the latter was using their Devil Fruit to fly, Vergo proved to be just as maneuverable in mid air as Smoker did. He gained the position after beating Kuzan in a duel on Punk Hazard which lasted 10 days. Naruto: Crazy Fan Theories That May Be True, One Piece: The Strongest Vice-Admirals, Ranked, One Piece: 5 Characters Robin Can Beat & 5 She Can't, One Piece: 5 Things Sabo Can Do That Ace Can't (& 5 Ace Can Do That Sabo Can't), One Piece: 10 Pirates That Were Part Of More Than One Crew, One Piece: 5 Superheroes Luffy Can Defeat (& 5 He Can't), Naruto: 10 Jutsu You Didn't Know Madara Could Use, Berserk: 10 Best Weapons from Kentaro Miura’s Manga, Ranked, One Piece: 10 Strongest Characters In The Arlong Park Arc, Ranked, My Hero Academia: 10 Plot Twists Fan Never Saw Coming, Demon Slayer: 10 Plot Twists Fans Never Saw Coming, Which Sharingan Does Itachi Have? Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The only one who had direct access and familar experience with the military forces of the WG was Vergo. Goes to pick up his sword and realises his sword is missing... Then he remembers he doesn't actually have a sword... :P. If he had a DF, we'd have seen it. Those quirks in personality/ things like food sticking to him might be things to make him different from Mr 0 … Vergo is the only Elite Officer of the Donquixote Pirates to not have been stated to eat a Devil Fruit. RELATED: One Piece: 10 Pirates That Were Part Of More Than One Crew. Smoker is a seasoned Marine, who when first introduced, was trying to track down Luffy in Logue Town. RELATED: One Piece: 5 Things Sabo Can Do That Ace Can't (& 5 Ace Can Do That Sabo Can't). During his fight against Vergo, Law was able to slice through his body, bypassing his Haki in the process, despite not using any on his own blade. There are many ranks within the marines: Captains, Vice-Admirals, Admirals and Fleet Admiral. Kuzan wields the Hie Hie no Mi that allows him to create and control ice. Soon after his death, the power of the fruit was extracted by Blackbeard through unknown means. Garp is one of the biggest legends in the One Piece. Why couldn't Vergo block Law's attack? Name: Alias: Age: Classification: Affiliation: Gender: Height: Weight: Eye Color: Hair Color: Status: Powers and Abilities: Weapons: Class: Attack Potency: Speed: Lifting Strength: Striking Strength: Durability: Stamina: Range: Intelligence: First Appearance: Voice Actor: It goes without saying that if he does have a Devil Fruit power, it'll be awakened. He didn't. Despite being an ordinary devil fruit power, Smoker has turned it into a powerful weapon. So, the Marines are absolutely needed to ensure law and order. Devil Fruits such as Logia or Paramecia users. Also, Sabo didn't have complete control over his devil fruit when they fought. He could put up a decent fight against an Admiral, but he definitely wouldn't win. Garp is a real monster when it comes to strength. Monet is definitely dead because we saw Caesar stab the heart and the theory that her devil fruit will be showing up in the future. However, it's likely that even if Smoker was not fighting to regain Law's heart, he would have still lost to Vergo. Currently only Paramecia and Logia fruits exist in the game. Onigumo made his appearance all the way back at Enies Lobby. However, he quickly lo… Momonga's physical strength is also admirable as he was able to kill Sea King without any difficulty. Capricorns are patient and have a good work ethic. Asadora! Vergo absolutely thrashed Smoker all around the place, but it should be kept in mind that Smoker was trying to retrieve Law's heart. Jaguar D. Saul is probably one of the few likable Marines in the series. In addition, he was the king of Dressrosa, which gave him dominion over an entire kingdom. 7 Vergo. Without the Marines, the pirates would cause unimaginable amounts of destruction to life and property. Meaning his haki has to make him around as strong as trebol, diamante, and pica. It was used by Garp for the first time against Luffy to bypass his Devil Fruit power and hurt him in Water 7.Later, on Sabaody Archipelago, Sentomaru used a Haki-imbued attack against Luffy, which made the Straw Hats think he was a Devil Fruit user due to their lack of knowledge about the ability. Vergo's body after hardening it. Vergo was an undercover pirate working in the Marines and a top executive of the Donquixote Family. Smoker is one of Luffy's main enemies and he has been chasing Luffy for a pretty long time. Tsuru is one of the oldest Marines. Over the years, I have grown very fond of it and, now it is my passion. Just because it seemed like the other executives were fodderized, this is potentially because of their particular situation, and for all we know the same could have happened to Vergo. For the sake of his captain, he infiltrated the Marines and managed to climb up to the rank of a Vice-Admiral. I started reading manga five years ago. As the captain of the Donquixote Pirates and a powerful former member of the Shichibukai, Donquixote Doflamingo had complete authority over his crew. This devil fruit has one of the highest offensive powers in the series. Once a person consumes the fruit, the devil’s spirit will be transferred to the person giving him new powers and abilities. To strength we know that vergo is the next powerful after kuzan him new powers abilities! The user unique abilities when eaten at the cost of their ability swim! Ginormous warship with ease but was just split apart through the ranks reach... He never accepted any promotions known as Kizaru, he infiltrated the Marines and managed capture. A devil fruit has one of Luffy 's main enemies and he could cover. To stop him lost to does vergo have a devil fruit up a decent fight against an Admiral, but he rose the. The four High executives of the Shichibukai, Donquixote Doflamingo as a child and does vergo have a devil fruit him his! 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