HUTh 11:35am-1:25pm, * ARCH 230b / STCY 176b / URBN 230b, Introduction to the Study of the City  Alexander Garvin, An examination of forces shaping American cities and strategies for dealing with them. HUTTh 10:30am-11:20am, * ARCH 271b / HSAR 266b / MMES 126b / SAST 266b, Introduction to Islamic Architecture  Kishwar Rizvi, Introduction to the architecture of the Islamic world from the seventh century to the present, encompassing regions of Asia, North Africa, and Europe. Courses of Yale School of Architecture are divided into four categories: undergraduate, postgraduate, doctorate and joint degree programs. For ARCH majors: ARCH 150, 200, and 280. ARCH 260a / HSAR 326a, History of Architecture: Antiquity to the Baroque Kyle Dugdale. In this course we look at how tubewells and other decentralized technologies have radically transformed urban and agricultural spaces across the globe since the nineteenth century to the present. Consideration of how design influences and shapes the material and conceptual spheres through four distinct subjects: the human, the building, the city, and the world. For seniors with DUS approval; meetings by appointment with DUS.HTBA, * ARCH 472a, Individual Tutorial Lab  Michael Schlabs, * ARCH 472La, Individual Tutorial Laboratory  Michael Schlabs, An independent tutorial focusing on methods and techniques of representation in architecture, including the synthesis of studio work using a variety of visual media. This site contains all courses offered by Yale University in the current term, with the exception of courses in the School of Medicine. Concurrently with ARCH 471 or after a spring term abroad. Investigation of a case study analyzing urban morphologies and the spatial systems of a city through diverse means of representation that address historical, social, political, and environmental issues. Students who would like to take a non-School of Architecture course to satisfy an area elective requirement must obtain permission of the study area coordinator(s). HUMW 10:30am-11:20am, ARCH 280b / AMST 197b / HSAR 219b / URBN 280b, American Architecture and Urbanism  Elihu Rubin, Introduction to the study of buildings, architects, architectural styles, and urban landscapes, viewed in their economic, political, social, and cultural contexts, from precolonial times to the present. This seminar explores the interaction of urban space and event, and the media and technologies of revolutionary representation, through case studies of particular cities at transformational moments in their development. Offered by Yale University. This course addresses these and other, related questions, seeking to position art and architecture in their broader urban, social, cultural, political, intellectual, and aesthetic contexts. Their cafes and taverns, drawing rooms and universities have been incubators of new ideas, revolutionary ideologies and debate, while their streets and public spaces have been the sites of demonstrations, protests, and uprisings. Links to archived prior versions of a course may be found on that course's "Other Versions" tab. Open Yale Courses provides free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University. Related Topics - Architecture History Biological Sciences Courses Life Sciences Courses Chemistry Courses Communication Courses Computer Science Courses Statistics Courses Data Analysis Courses Design Courses Economics Courses Finance Courses. 1½ Course crMW 1:30pm-3:20pm, * ARCH 471b, Individual Tutorial  Michael Schlabs, Special courses may be established with individual members of the department only. Included in the lectures, presented chronologically, are the gardens of Ancient Rome, medieval Europe, the early and late Italian Renaissance, 17th century France, 18th century Britain, 19th century Britain and America with its public and national parks, and mid-twentieth century America. Chapel Street. Field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Interested students may also consider courses such as ARCH 260, 262, 312, or STCY 176. The following conditions apply: (1) a prospectus describing the nature of the studio program and the readings to be covered must be approved by both the instructor and the director of undergraduate studies; (2) regular meetings must take place between student and instructor; (3) midterm and final reviews are required. Requirements include proposal drafts, comparative case study analyses, presentations to faculty, and the formation of a visual argument. The Yale Courses channel provides entry into the core of the University--its classrooms and academic programs--including complete sets of lectures from the Open Yale Courses initiative. But until it undergoes a faithful restoration, Yale will remain golf architecture’s greatest what-if. The Yale School of Architecture is dedicated to educating the next generation of leading architects and designers of the built environment. We watch how people exult before these technologies; we witness how governments and philanthropies as well as farmers and townspeople appropriate them for radically different ends. HUMW 11:35am-12:25pm, * ARCH 314b / URBN 314b, History of Landscape in Western Europe and the United States: Antiquity to 1950  Warren Fuermann, This course is designed as an introductory survey of the history of landscape architecture and the wider, cultivated landscape in Western Europe and the United States from the Ancient Roman period to mid-twentieth century America. Most of the lectures and course material within Open Yale Courses are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 license. Privacy policy For a current listing of Architecture courses, consult the School of Architecture bulletin, available online at, and Yale Course Search at Unless explicitly set forth in the applicable Credits section of a lecture, third-party content is not covered under the Creative Commons license. Start Date: 13 th April 2021. The Department of the History of Art at Yale offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses in art, architecture, and visual culture in their social and historical contexts. Technical notebooks, drawings, design and build exercises, and projects required. Roman Architecture is a course for people who love to travel and want to discover the power of architecture to shape politics, society, and culture. This course encourages students to consider these positions through not only research, presentations and discussion, but also speculative ‘making’ that challenges students to address the subject of “The New” themselves—through the very process of design. By all rights, it should belong to the top echelon of American golf courses, alongside National Golf Links of America, Cypress Point, and Shinnecock Hills. HUMW 11:35am-12:25pm, ARCH 312a / HSAR 312a, Modern Architecture in a Global Context, 1750-present  Craig Buckley, Architects, movements, and buildings central to the development of modern architecture from the mid eighteenth century through to the present. Networks of trade, energy, communication, transportation, spatial products, finance, management, and labor, as well as new strains of political opportunity that reside within their spatial disposition. Explore online courses, training programs, and study online for free. Course work in modern history is recommended. Courses—falling into the broad categories of design and visualization, technology and practice, history and theory, ... Yale University, School of Architecture offers the following NAAB-accredited degree programs: M.Arch. The following will be covered in this course, Introduction to Roman Architecture Required Courses in the History and Theory of Architecture Track Open only to Architecture majors. Through maps, diagrams, collages and text, students learn to understand spatial problems and project urban interventions. Prerequisites: trigonometry and some knowledge of calculus. Open to first and second year students. It explores issues of social justice as they relate to the material spaces of the modern city, and the manner in which those spaces are identified, codified, and made operative in service of aesthetic, social, and political experience. Prerequisite: general knowledge of 20th-century history. Today, Yale remains a course that will inspire you and deepen your love for the game. Get Free about Yale Open Courses. 1½ Course crW 1:30pm-3:20pm, Accessibility at Yale SOT 1:30pm-3:20pm, * ARCH 250a, Methods and Form in Architecture I  Katherine Davies, Analysis of architectural design of specific places and structures. Through the study of emerging creative trends, detailed historic case studies, both philosophical and popular readings, and engaged group discussion we examine the very concept of “The New” from all possible angles—what it is, its history, why it is desired, the motivations of those that produce and promote it, who profits from it, and the morality of its continued rehearsal in a world with evolving ethics regarding the use of human labor and natural resources in the production of things. Examination of the role of architects, as designers, in constructing and shaping the inhabited and urban world. The aim of the project is to expand access to educational materials for all who wish to learn.