The electric blue acara fish is a subset of the aequidens pulcher species. Are Oscar Fish Aggressive? © Copyright 2021 - Generally, Acara are active swimmers and will explore the tank, but they prefer to stay close to the area of the tank they have claimed as they own territory. And they are also tropical fish, so a special degree of care should be placed on the water parameters, especially the temperatures. Electric blue acara Tank mates These fish are tranquil, and most species will get along in the tank. Once the fry are free swimming and eating, a breeding pair are able to lay eggs again. Since this fish is a digger, it is recommended to choose a strong filter that can keep up with the constant disturbance of the substrate. Firstly, the zebra acara is less common in the hobby—this means your fish might be wild caught or only a … But you can also opt for 1-2 larger meals if you don’t have the time for the smaller servings. Firstly, this particular fish is a peaceful speciesthat does not pose any danger to relatively sized fishes, but they can be threatened by fishes that are considerably larger or aggressive hence you should not house them in the same tank with the likes of green terror cichlids and dwarf cichlids. At about 4 inches, these fish will mature sexually, so you will start to see breeding behaviors at that age. If you’re considering feeding them flakes and pellets, you can certainly do that. The water movement should be moderate to strong, which stems down to the type of filter you have. They’ll get along with pretty much anyone! In its natural habitat, it can grow up to 8 inches, but in captivity, it usually grows up to about 6 inches at best. Up for sale are Electric Blue Acara. A specimen well cared for, kept in good water conditions and fed a healthy and varied diet, can easily live between 8 and 10 years. If we’re more precise, these fish belong to freshwater streams and lakes of Venezuela and Trinidad. They are not overly aggressive fish with other non cichlids. They can also be kept with L number Plecos, Catfish and giant Gourami. When you buy through my links, I may earn a commission. Finding potential tank mates for your Electric Blue Acara should not be difficult because these fish are so peaceful and get along well with just about any other species. This helps to pick up debris and food waste during your weekly water changes. In the wild, you’ll find that these fish will eat crustaceans, worms, and insects, or other types of food they can find in the wild and actively hunt. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have the space, you could interlace several pieces of branching driftwood and strategically place certain plants to create pockets of shelter and shade. Acara are very easy to breed in an aquarium, provided the water conditions are good and they are well fed. As with most fish species I review here, let’s start by taking a look at the natural habitat. So I was reading through a book of fish that I have and I picked up on the blue acara. The blue fades around the gill area to a pale green or yellow. They are, however, still susceptible to common freshwater infections. So with that in mind, you’ll have to make sure they have more than enough plants and rocks in place. After breeding, the female will lay eggs on rocks, and the fish will actively protect them. Raise the temperature to 80F over several days, ie increase by 2 degrees per day. They are a popular choice for hobbyists, beginners, and also advanced owners. My tank size is 80cm by 36 by 50 equalling 33 gallons. Here are some good tank mates to get you started: Silver Dollar Fish; Honey Gourami; Bristlenose Pleco; Cory Catfish; Dwarf Gourami; Rubber Lip Pleco; Rummy Nose Tetra; Kuhli Loach; Bolivian Ram; German Blue Rams also get along with all types of freshwater aquarium snails. But they can get aggressive, especially when they are breeding or when they are protecting their spawn. You can consider plant-based pellets, but these fish will prefer meat-based pellets and flakes. The similarities end in appearance, however, as the fish is a pleasant tank mate in a community tank. Feeding & Nutrition How to properly feed Blue Acara and provide a healthy diet. “Pulcher” is Latin for “beautiful”, and the appearance of this fish lives up to its name.The aequidens pulcher was first identified by Theodore N. Gill in his 1858 book Synopsis of the Fresh Water Fishes of the Western Portion of the Island of Trinidad, WI. Blue Acara are enthusiastic diggers, even more so when they are spawning, so you should choose a fine sand to prevent injury. It prefers similar medium-sized tanks and environments. Discus. As with other cichlids, these fish will obviously prefer a slightly warmer environment. The Blue Acara is known from a variety of habitats, including clear free-flowing streams and rivers, as well as turbid standing waters. Also how much bigger should I go for the two of them?-What’s ur limit on tank size ? They do not have strict requirements or specialist diets. It prefers similar medium-sized tanks and environments. Most aquarists sell fish as juveniles, so be sure to do some research on their adult size and tank requirements. “Pulcher” is Latin for “beautiful”, and the appearance of this fish lives up to its name.The aequidens pulcher was first identified by Theodore N. Gill in his 1858 book Synopsis of the Fresh Water Fishes of the Western Portion of the Island of Trinidad, WI. Their name, pulcher, means beautiful. Blue Acara Tropical Fish Learn all about the Blue Acara's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Acara's are fairly peaceful for a cichlid but as a pair they can be as dangerous as the best of em. The Blue Acara is definitely not one to purchase on a whim. It belongs to a Cichlidae family and a very peaceful fish that can get along with most of the other fishes too. The only time the Blue acaras get aggressive with non cichlid tank mates is during spawning., Electric Blue Acara – Species Profile! Blue Acara Cichlids belong to the predator fish community, and therefore the compatibility of Blue Acara in an aquarium is a rather sensitive issue. Feed solely with live food 3 or more times a day. That will make it easier for them to digest the food. They look great, with their illuminating colors and unique appearance. They’re non-aggressive so you can expect them to play well with others and not cause issues regarding temperament. Place a male and a female in the same tank. I have heard they will be fine with angelfish, but will they be okay with guppies, neon tetras and corys? Your email address will not be published. 13 Of The Best Blue Acara Tank Mates. Their peaceful nature will keep them from creating other problems with more aggressive or territorial fish. In essence, these fish are very favorable for beginners, as they are not very demanding in terms of care, and are not very aggressive, as other cichlids seem to be. Again, constant maintenance and checkups are the key to keeping the acidity in the desired levels. We have purchasing options available for 2" and 3" fish. In general, the Electric Blue Acara is a curious fish. Temperature range: 75-81 … I like the fish and it would be cool to possibly get some fry. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The PH ranges should be between 6.5 and 8. Disclaimer: We do not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. They need a peaceful community as they will struggle in an aggressive tank. Blue acara cichlids are tropical fish, and they live in freshwater streams and lakes of South and Central America. I kept mine with a pictus cat and some red eye tetras. Female Acaras will lay line of eggs for the male to fertilize. Convict Cichlids Care – All Aquarium Requirements, Tank Mates, etc, Yoyo Loach Care – Aquarium Parameters, Health, Diet, And More, The Best Fish Tanks – Guide on Different Gallon Aquariums. If you are using live plants, plan for a thicker layer of substrate to prevent your plants from being dug up. Especially large or aggressive fish are not a good choice. Blue acara tank mates By fish789, 10 months ago on Tropical Fish what tankmates would be suitable with electric blue acaras? Hey everyone. Once they pair up, they mate with that partner for life. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Tank Requirements • Tank Size & Population Density. Not only is the fish blessed with absolutely beautiful looks, but the Blue Acara is also one of the more peaceful of the cichlids, making it a good choice for a community tank of similar-sized, amenable species. Blue acara cichlids are primarily carnivorous fish, which means they prefer a meat-based diet. For tank lighting, Acara do not like very bright light, but neither does it need to be dim. The base to any good feeding regime is a high-quality flake or pellet. Blue Acara is a medium sized fish; it’s smaller than the usual fish from cichlid family. But you should try to stick to these levels nevertheless. In its natural habitat, it can grow up to 8 inches, but in captivity, it usually grows up to about 6 inches at best. Blue Acara Cichlid Tank Mates Compared to other cichlids, blue acaras are certainly not as aggressive and territorial. Again, a quality filter will allow you to set up and adjust the water flow easily. Hello Fellow Fish Keepers!In this video we take a closer look at one of the best center piece fish for a community tank and that is the Electric Blue Acara. While they are relatively peaceful, you will still need to keep in mind that they won’t go as well along with some fish species. However, at times, they don’t mind to have some privacy, so they start to hide around the tank. Healthy Signs: healthy Acara will have a good appetite and will show clear signs of establishing and/or defending a small territory within the tank. Large or … During spawning, the pet may become more aggressive. You will also want to supplement some protein into their diet. Required fields are marked *, Affiliate Disclosure: is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to So you might want to secure the plants thoroughly and strongly once you place them in the tank. Due to their popularity, Blue Acaras are very easily to source. Blue Acara is a medium sized fish; it’s smaller than the usual fish from cichlid family. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon or before you go to bed will do well. I kept mine with a pictus cat and some red eye tetras. … Usually they don’t attack other fishes and they scare away their tank mates only if they trespass their territory or during the spawning period. It will also allow you to keep the steady temperatures and easier maintenance, although it will add another cost to your electricity bill. You should always try to make sure they get enough protein from their diet, especially from the meat-based food sources they get. All Rights Reserved. I even had some cory cats for a while. It can spawn in a community tank, but sure it’s better to use a spawning pond for this purpose. They are excellent parents and will not harm the fry even if left in the aquarium. They are also quite large fish and fairly active swimmers. There are specific considerations to make when deciding on the appropriate tank mated to put up with the electric blue acara. On the flip side, there have also been reports of electric blue acaras … Paradise Fish Care Requirements – Aquarium Parameters, Tank Mates, etc. Fishes becomes reproductive at the age of 9-11 month. Use our fish community creator tool to plan your tank set up and ensure that the Blue Acara is the right … The main fish in the tank are 8 juvenile Severums, 4 Blue Acara (a pair is formed, going to bring the remaining 2 back to my LFS), 5 Red Head Tapajos and 7 Goldiei Rainbows. Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus) Care level: Easy. Best Food for Oscars. Water hardness can fall anywhere up to 25dH. In either case, they’re certainly far from small-fish-friendly. 5 Best Foods for Discus Fish – What do Discus Eat. You may also run into problems if you have more than one pair, but not enough tank space for them to set up their own territories. As previously mentioned, Acara are the exception when it comes to South American cichlids. As the name suggests, Blue Acara are a luminous, neon blue with clearly defined scales. There is medication available, but this can be expensive. This species does best with other small fish that don’t want to cause any trouble. As they are tropical fish, the temperatures that these fish tend to be quite high. The Electric Blue Acara is a color morph of the Blue Acara. Preparation for breeding blue acara. The fish is indigenous to the West Indies, but it is believed to have been seen … They are also pretty reasonable when it comes to price. But they can get aggressive, especially when they are breeding or when they are protecting their spawn. It is possible to keep Acara with loaches or Corydoras, but this is advised with caution. Any input would be welcome. For temperature, anywhere between 23 and 27°C/73-80°F is considered acceptable. Blue Acaras will bully small fish and eat the tiny ones, therefore, tank mates should be considered carefully and should be comparable in size. A sandy substrate will work best for these fish. Keeping them is relatively simple, and it will be even easier now that you know the ins and outs. They’ll leave the little critters alone and go about their business! Hello Fellow Fish Keepers!In this video we take a closer look at one of the best center piece fish for a community tank and that is the Electric Blue Acara. You might want to include a tank mate that is a member of a South American cichlid family, like the … Also how much bigger should I go for the two of them?-What’s ur limit on tank size ? Therefore, they encounter many other popular freshwater aquarium species in their wild environment. Tank Mates for Blue Acara: The significantly large tank mates can increase competition in tank for survival and nutrition. They need a peaceful community as they will struggle in an aggressive tank. If it fits in their mouth, they’ll likely attempt to eat it at some point. They are much calmer and can live peacefully with a bigger pool of fish. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Keeping them with small fish species might result in attacks on these fish, although not necessarily so. The peacock eel is about 5 inches in length and the Blue Electric Acara Cichlid is about 3.5" inches. Temperament: peaceful with small fish that cant be eaten.Some can be aggressive toward smaller cichlds. Not only is the fish blessed with absolutely beautiful looks, but the Blue Acara is also one of the more peaceful of the cichlids, making it a good choice for a community tank of similar-sized, amenable species. The classic sign of an Ich infection is white spots. They become sexually active when they grow for 4 inches. However, make sure these pellets are meat-based, and that they contain more than enough protein for the fish. With moderate lighting, which could also be the natural sunlight, you’ll have a good tank setup to accommodate these fish. I would not try a pair, unless it is a large tank, or they might clear the tank of any mates they find as challenging. Any input would be welcome. This means buying a higher quality of pellets will be beneficial for the fish. The zebra acara presents a less attractive option for an oscar tank mate than the blue acara for a number of reasons. I would highly recommend a second tank if you are considering this option, temperament can vary in all species. However, they are not picky at all when it comes to eating. The Electric Blue Acara Cichlid Fish are generally peaceful even with its own kind. I feel that knowing the habitat is one of the best ways to get to know the fish better. You will need at least four bala sharks as they are a shoaling species. will a blue acara kill/attack clown loaches, bolivan rams, blue rams, or some aspitos. Their only needs are space and the commitment to owning a fish that can live 10 years or more. Blue Acara are territorial, so they need space to set up their own territory and also room to swim. To find out the hardness of water in your area, check your water provider’s website. Tank Mates for Blue Acara: The significantly large tank mates can increase competition in tank for survival and nutrition. Zebra Acara With Oscar Tank Mate. cuz im thinking that I want a pair of blue acaras and i have a plant pot in thank that nothin is liveing in and i want to know if it will be safe to have in that tank it is well planted with live plant. (, Tiger Barb Care Requirements – Aquarium, Tank Mates, Diet And More. On the flip side, however, some smaller species of fish can easily become snacks for your Electric Blue Acaras. Blue acara are an interesting option for an oscar tank mate. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Likewise, tank mates shouldn’t be extremely active or too small. The fish is indigenous to the West Indies, but it is believed to have been seen as far north as Miami until the 1970s w… So the name already tells us how beautiful they are, but you will find yourself mesmerized by the bright colors of these fish. Suitable Blue Acara tank mates are Central Cichlids, Corydoras, Loaches, Catfish and Plecos.Due to their lesser aggression larger species of Danios, Barbs, Tetras, Rainbowfish and Sunfish can also be successfully introduced. Comes to water parameters are pH 7.2-7.4 and GH is 290ppm need a peaceful community as they are a,! Website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice using live,. Many other popular freshwater aquarium species in their mouth, they encounter many other popular aquarium... You need to worry about filter your tank water for a thicker layer substrate! Are excellent parents and will not harm the fry for the fish and should. 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