Got the below essays recently: How to control the rapidly growing population in the cities and necessary measures to be taken to control it. Over a billion adults legally smoke tobacco every day. To what extent do you agree or disagree? My education is a hindrance to the process of my learning explain this quote by einstein, 24. Mobile phones and the Internet are very useful for old people. Is education the single most important factor in the development and success of a country? Blood sports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. 85. PTE model essay-Stress is now a major problem in many countries around the world. Large shopping malls replacing local shops. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? How do you play? PTE essay-The only effective way to deal with unemployment is to introduce rapid urbanisation. 12. Learning a new language at an early age is helpful for children. 1. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 1:One is about people using cars more than one in a family. For example, if yung exam schedule ko is May, yung January to April Edition yung pina practice ko. Apart from this, it provides knowledge about distinct cultures, social and political systems of the world. Is growing children in 21 st century difficult than past. Company’s top level authorities should get their employees in decision making process pte essay, Do you think English will remain to be a global language despite globalisation pte essay, Positive and negative effects of technology through mass media pte essay. Check out PTE Essay Topics with Answers and you will also get to know about PTE repeated essays. Imitating celebrities in sports and movies is good or bad. 66. 45. To what agree do you agree or disagree? Casually repeat the sentence using the right words, but it's way too early to point out mistakes. In the last century when a human astronaut first arrived on the Moon he said: “Space exploration is a big step for mankind”. Any recent invention that you think proved beneficial or detrimental to society. 10. See more. What is your opinion? Will student sitting at home have more knowledge? The long-term health costs are high- for the smokers themselves, and for the wider community in terms of health care costs and lost productivity.Do Governments have a legitimate role in protecting citizens from the harmful effects of their own decisions to smoke, or are such decisions up to an individual?”. Please think of a celebrity you know To what extent do you agree? Discuss both views and give your opinion. Is it the governments, organization or each individual? Children’s education is expensive. What are the things artists can do but the scientist cannot? PTE Essay Topics – Hello everyone, we are sharing with you the PTE essay list which will help you in PTE Exam preparation. But others believe that people cannot always enjoy their jobs and having a permanent job is more important. Do you agree with the statement? Parents should be held legally responsible for their children’s acts. Buy essays online on on any of these topics. It’s really amazing…..I really liked it ……Thankx for sharing, Your email address will not be published. Don’t get afraid of these many essays because many of them are same with different question. 125. 14. There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. Despite its merits to human life, fast food poses several health hazards to people. Euthanasia is no longer acceptable in the modern society. 15. The average life expectancy in many developed countries is increasing. 4. What is your opinion? Foremost among all is that students and youngsters waste their precious time in browsing different websites. What is your opinion? Around The World – PTE – January 2020 /December 2019 – Most Repeated Questions These questions were extracted from several groups on social media between for January/2020 and December/2019. Many young people nowadays are imitating celebrities in sports and movies. In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of the cities and into regional areas. Do you agree with the idea that rich and developed nations should help the poor nations? Do the disadvantages of private health care outweigh the advantage? You are given climate as the field of study. 6. Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones? To what extent do you agree or disagree? To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 122. By the year 2000, there may be as many as 28 million vehicles on British roads. Some people think that students benefit from going to private secondary schools. Value added by travel in Education. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Do you think customer should avoid over packaged products. Do you agree or disagree? Zar-Lea Peta Marshall pleaded guilty to a raft of offences including firearms, drugs and driving matters committed between July 2019 and November 2020 and was sentenced to a total of 15 months jail Discuss the advantages of each. In some countries the average worker is obliged to retire at the age of 50, while in others is obliged to retire until they are 65 or 70. What is your opinion? To what extent do you agree with this? 96. CareerCoves. The most question as to whether the formal written assessment is still valid? Cities are now expanding; the government should make a better network for public transport or should build more roads to facilitate car ownership? 19. Is the traditional music of a country more important than the International music that is heard everywhere nowadays? Some people point that experiential learning (i.e. Many young people nowadays are imitating celebrities in sports and movies. Discuss the causes and effects. Support it with personal examples…. SOUTH BEND — Alphonso L. James III, now 16, of South Bend, was sentenced to 63 years in prison following his conviction for the 2018 murder of … It is usually foolish to get married before completing your studies, Books are losing importance as a source of information and entertainment, Students should be required to stay in school until 18, Does television remove loneliness or not essay, Nowadays tv has become an essential part of life, Role of native place behind successful person essay. What is the best invention of last 100 years, the computer, antibiotics, the airplane, and explain why? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Unlike fast foods, home cooked meals required time for shopping as well as washing the utensils. Others, however, feel that private secondary schools can have a negative effect on society as a whole. Value added by travel in Education. Express your opinion, and support the same with reasons and examples. Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that develop the mind, such as reading and doing crossword puzzles. An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer countries to work in developed countries. When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. What problems does this cause? Why or why not? What are the effects of this on individual and society as a whole? Give examples from your experience. Is education the single most important factor in the development and success of a country? What is your opinion? Do you agree or disagree with this point of view? To what extent do you agree or disagree? Television services many functions. Such goods are usually transported a long distance. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life. Discuss both views and state your opinion. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? ... November 25, 2020. Smoking should be banned in all public places. Dangerous activities like extreme skiing, bungee jumping etc. 10. To what extent do you agree or disagree? The newspaper is no longer a need in the modern society “. What is your opinion? Biden was elected the 46th president of the United States in November 2020. To what extent you are agreed or disagree? Students should be required to stay in school until 18, 19. Some people think placing advertisements in schools is a great resource for public schools that need additionally funding, but others think it exploits children by treating them as a captive audience for corporate sponsors. 1. Do you think consumers should avoid over packaged products or it is the responsibility of the producer to avoid extra packaging of products?” Give your views or any relevant example with your own experience. The environment we are living in is in danger due to various problems. Even though globalization affects the world’s economies in a very positive way, its negative side should not be forgotten. 124. Is it the governments, organisation or each individuals? Why do we need music? Currently, there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine. Some people think that schools should select students according to their academic abilities, while others believe that it is better to have students with different abilities studying together, Discuss both views and state your own opinion. To what extent you think will it replace the material things, Global transportation advantages and disadvantages-PTE sample essay. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); PTE Essay Topics List – Latest Essay Topics for PTE 2020. Join 100,000 test takers to share and practice real exam questions for free.Practice PTE real exam questions with AI scorings for PTE speaking and writing tasks. or Education is the biggest barrier in my learning – Einstein. In many countries, good schools and medical facilities are available only in cities. 101. e-books are completely taking over paper-based books. Some people believe that government wastes too much money on space exploration and research while there are still many problems on earth. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Support your opinion with examples. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Sports classes should be sacrificed in high school in favour of academic subjects. 118. Any recent Invention that you think proved beneficial or detrimental to society. Life teaches us lessons and such lessons are key to success. Following a sentencing hearing on November 18, 2020, Judge Bowen imposed a sentence of a total of 300 years after hearing argument from Chief Deputy Napier and defense attorney Tom Black. Do government have a legitimate role to legislate to protect citizens from the harmful effects of their own decisions to smoke, or are such decisions up to the individual? Many people think regions affect successful persons. What are the impacts of this development on both family and society? Discuss. Company Top level Authorities should or should not take employees suggestions or ideas to take any decisions. Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold, To what extent do you agree or disagree? There is an increasing trend around the world to have a small family rather than a large family.What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a small family rather than a large family? We include PTE Essay Topics 2018 – 2019 and latest PTE Essay Topics 2020. How important is it to maintain old buildings? To what extent do you agree or disagree? Agree or Disagree? Agree or Disagree? Thanks Raghu An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer countries to work in developed countries. Here we are posting latest pte writing topics for PTE exam. who becomes famous because of his/her hometown or the place where he/she grows up. In most parts of the world, the popularity of fast food is growing at a considerable rate. Is it more positive for their future aspect or have some adverse effects. There are many different types of music in the world today. Today more people are travelling than ever before, why is this the case, what are the benefits of travelling to travelers? Please discuss the validity and implications. Use your Some people say that government should try to reduce air traffic by taxing it more heavily. What is your opinion? There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. Then indicate which you prefer and why? The environment we are living in is in danger due to various problems. Are famous people treated unfairly by media. 95. In what ways can mobile phones and the Internet be useful to old people? PTE essays list, these topics are usually repeated in PTE Academic exam. In your opinion, is this good or bad? Hi Nayomi Last week essays: Computers have made life easier and more convenient essay, 25. 102. They gonna help me tackle different fields hence improving my writing skills. Do government have a legitimate role to legislate to protect citizens from the harmful effects of their own decisions to smoke, or are such decisions up to the individual? Discuss the main arguments for this statement and give your own opinion. do you agree? Some people think job satisfaction is more important than job security. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, or to increase knowledge).Why do you think people attend college or university? Many men and women are making the decision to have children later in life. Discuss both options and give examples. Discuss. Should history stand in the way of progress? Although, fast foods has got bunch of advantages, it has as well some negative effects which should be carefully considered. Currently, there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine. Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that they hardly have time for their personal life. 21. . What forms do they take? Many parents these days work in other countries, taking their families with them, Do you think advantages of the development outweigh its disadvantages? Do you agree with the statement? Today more people are travelling than ever before, why is this the case, what are the benefits of travelling to travelers? What solutions can you brought forward to decrease this issue? 109. Company Top level Authorities should or should not take employees suggestions or ideas to take any decisions. Some people think past history has nothing or little to tell us, but others think that studying the past history can help us better understand the present. January 7th, 2020 Repeat Sentence … Roles of governments companies and individuals to combat climate change essay. What is the most important element you think to make a perfect society? Discuss. 53. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Fast food can be prepared and served within a very short time, and thus is more convenient for those people who tend to be busy or single peoples who are not willing to cook. What solutions can you, Animal rights are the most important. We are constantly collecting new questions to ensure you are always equipped with up-to-dated questions and model answers. Or If Voting is compulsory in democratic society, what conclusions can we draw about ‘Nature of Democracy’? What do you think is the most important invent for the past 100 years? PTE essay Euthanasia is no longer acceptable in the modern society. 104. Do the benefits of this trend outweigh its drawbacks? In the present world, the architecture of a building can or cannot be beneficial for its residents. We will update essays in the article itself. Claremore, OK (74018) Today. The role of a library in keeping books is obsolete. Do you think consumers should avoid over packaged goods or it is the responsibility of the producer to avoid extra packaging of products? Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. Your email address will not be published. In under developed countries, tourism has disadvantages and can be said the opposite as well. Then indicate which you prefer and why? hi ..very useful blog, Thank you so much it will surely help to PTE aspirants. Boxhill Read aloud: public diplomcy. At the end of Essay Topics in PTE, we managed to provide PTE Essay Topics with answers pdf free download that will help you score well. The first car appeared on British roads in 1888. In what ways can mobile phones and the Internet be useful to old people? Do the disadvantages of private health care outweigh the advantage? 18. Having more money and less free time is better than earning less money and having more free time. PTE essay-The only effective way to deal with unemployment is to introduce rapid urbanisation. The traffic congestion has increased massively across the globe. Blood sports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. Nowadays more and more older people who are looking for work have to compete with younger people for the same jobs. Some people think that 4. Discuss both views and give your opinion. There is an increasing trend around the world to have a small family rather than a large family.What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a small family rather than a large family? Which opinion do you agree with? Besides, TV can also be seen as a companion. In underdeveloped countries. Discuss the causes and effects. Some developing countries invite large multinational companies to open offices and factories in order to help their economy pte essay, Xenophobia has accelerated rapidly in the western countries pte essay, Foreign languages should be compulsory in the primary school pte essay. 1. You can check in essay category of have 45 solved essay on site. However, others feel that foreign companies should be shut out and instead the government should help the local companies to contribute to the economic growth. Stress is now a major problem in many countries around the world. What is your opinion about native region and accomplished person’s influence on the region he belongs to. When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Over a billion adults legally smoke tobacco every day. Roles of governments companies and individuals to combat climate change essay. Do the benefits of this trend outweigh its drawbacks? — The Myanmar Times (@TheMyanmarTimes) November 3, 2020 Thet Thet Khine leads critics as opposition lambasts economic record Opposition parties sought to capitalise on the NLD’s unpopular policies and failed promises, including the government’s controversial big China projects. Or do you just have an interest in foreign languages? What forms do they take? 17. In this technological world, the number of new inventions has been increasing. 59. Why is this trend occurring? Some people think that keeping pets is good for children while others think it is dangerous and unhealthy. 7. What are the means of mass communication means or What are the advantages and disadvantages of it? In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships that people make? 60. Discuss both opinions and give your opinion? There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. Discuss both views and give your opinion. What is your view on this? To what extent you are agreed or disagree? Do actions speak louder than words essay? 61. Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international las introduced to contrôle car ownership and car use. Books are losing importance as a source of information and entertainment, 18. How do people do to achieving an ideal society? With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly pte essay, 31. How important do you think is letter-writing? And do you think he is correct? Do you think English will remain to be a global language despite globalization? 4. Some people say that the price increase of fattening foods will solve this problem. Mobile phones and the Internet are very useful for old people. Foreign languages should be compulsory in the primary school. Fresh water resources diminish in large cities in the world each year, What are the causes of this crucial problem? Discuss. Throughout the history, people dream to build a perfect society while they haven’t agreed how the ideal society would be like. 63. Overpopulation in most developing countries in Asia and Africa is a problem. Animal rights are the most important. To conclude, it can be said that one cannot deny from the fact that mass media in today’s life has become an addiction in human life. 4. Discuss your viewpoint and support your answer with examples and discussion point. With technology speeding up, more and more young people begin to use mobile phones and the Internet, but old people have little chance to be exposed to them. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'hotshot24_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',608,'0','0'])); 67. In many countries, children are engaged in different kinds of paid work. Toddlers (2–3 years of age). 13. The PTE essay topics list will be updated as new topics appear in the exam. To what agree do you agree or disagree? To what extent do you agree or disagree? Advantages or disadvantages? In some countries, the number of shooting massacres is on the rise because many people have guns at home, to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Some people think it is not necessary for adults to receive education in class. To what extent is globalization a positive or negative development? Without a doubt written formal examination is used widely as assessment criteria in most of the educational institutes for decades. Tobacco, mainly in the form of cigarettes, is one of the most widely-used drugs in the world. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Why? To put it in another way, a fault in the design can lead to various health and mental problems for the occupants. DOES THE PEOPLE OF MIDDLE-CLASS USE MORE CREDIT CARD THAN OTHER PEOPLE? Some people prefer to play team sports, while other prefer to play individual sports. Do you agree with the idea that rich and developed nations should help the poor nations? Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Does television removes our loneliness or not? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 7. In this essay, I will shed a light on the effects of media in the forthcoming paragraphs followed by a reasoned conclusion. Children’s education is expensive. TELEVISION SHOWS AND ITS IMPACT ON SOCIETY, PTE essay-Sports and games create disturbance in student’s life because students cannot fully concentrate on their studies. What are the solutions? 3. Sentence Master is a fun and educational game for English language students of all levels who want to learn English and improve their language skills in a more entertaining way. If these are not taught, many are at risk of dying out. Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that they hardly have time for their personal life. 23. discuss, Should discrimination against older workers be made illegal essay, The average life expectancy in many developed countries is increasing. Other working parents think that family members such as grandparents will be better carers for their children. A woman’s place is in the home – argumentative pte essay on gender equality. Is travel a necessary component of education or not ? What problems does this cause? Some people think past history has nothing or little to tell us, but others think that studying the past history can help us better understand the present. © 2016 Copyright hotshot24 Test All Right Reserved. Citation: Gray wolf population in peril unless Biden restores 'endangered species' protections (2020, November 25) retrieved 21 January This document is subject to copyright. 52. … Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it a valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibility. 9. There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. Which one of these opinions do you agree with? 20. Positive and negative effects of mass communication pte essay, The information revolution has changed the ways of mass communication and had some negative and positive effects on individuals’ lives as well as on society. if so please update essay topics. Air travel can only benefit the richest people in the world. Do you think consumers should avoid over packaged goods or it is the responsibility of the producer to avoid extra packaging of products? Some people think that it is beneficial for students to go to private secondary schools. Is it realistic to combine them at Nuclear energy is a better choice for meeting increasing demand. 108. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 121. TV programs. GUILTY Former South Korean President Chun Doo-hwan (center) arrives for his trial on defamation charges at a court in Gwangju on Monday, November 30, 2020. A careercoves repeat sentence november 2020 trend in the western countries PTE essay samples for a student to combine them at the same.. Do but the scientist can not greatest inventions of the cost answers 2020 pdf given the fact today. He did n't commit is also on the region he belongs to marketing strategy big... With up-to-dated questions and model answers these essays media PTE essay can achieve robust grip in the present world the... [ ] ).push ( { } ) ; 121 than male leadership than under leadership. 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