Download with Google Download with Facebook. The Plan also gives the estimated financial resources that are likely to be available to Government, as well as their proposed allocations between the recurrent and development budgets. The main driver of growth over the last decade has been large-scale public sector investment. GGKP organizes its research programme around expert working groups. 6 Ethiopia’s Agriculture Sector Policy and Investment Framework (2010–2020) External Mid-term Review PIF (Agriculture) Policy and Investment Framework PM&E … The handover ceremony took place during a UNWTO regional workshop on tourism in Addis Ababa. PROGRAM BACKGROUND The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Feed the Future Ethiopia Value Chain Activity (FTFE VCA) is a five-year program (January 2017 – December 2021) funded as part of the US Under the Base Case scenario, total revenues and grants are estimated at P365.08 billion for the NDP 11 period; of which, 34.2 percent will be Mineral revenue, and 26.1 percent will be Customs and Excise. Contribution of Ethiopia to the preparation of SDGs and Owning the 2030 Sustainable development … Sustainable Development in Ethiopia, 1992-2012 25 4.1. the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia undertakes initiatives for national development in parallel with continued responses to emergency situations. These leading partner organizations have committed to working towards a sustainable future by collaborating in the generation, management and sharing of knowledge. PDF. 0 Vast investment opportunities primarily in the agricultural and industrial sectors. This National Plan of Action on older persons /1998 - 2007 E.C/ has been developed to improve the standard and quality of social welfare service of Ethiopian older persons for the coming 10 years. Crossfire’s programme in Ethiopia for the period 2018-2021. The National Planning Commission (NPC) of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia being responsible to coordinate and prepare the national development plan, monitor and review implementation progress/performance of the national plan and conduct studies to verify the implementation of the national plan, spearheaded the A … Ethiopian Industrial Development Strategic Plan (2013-2025) FDRE Ministry of Industry. GTP II sets out the following objectives: Green growth is the pursuit of economic development in an environmentally sustainable manner. Free PDF. Overview of the Session 1. The National M&E System 8. Financing Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide for Policy Makers, Zero-Carbon Electricity Growth in the 2020s, The Circular Economy: A transformative COVID-19 recovery strategy, The Role of SDGs in Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery, Hotspot Analysis Tool for Sustainable Consumption and Production, The Costs and Benefits Appraisal Tool for Transit Buses, National Guidance for Plastic Pollution Hotspotting and Shaping Action Modules, National Guidance for Plastic Pollution Hotspotting and Shaping Action, Putting Electric Logistics Vehicles to Work in Shenzhen, Restoring Landscapes in India for Climate and Communities, Vietnam’s Urbanization at a Crossroads: Embarking on an Efficient, Inclusive, and Resilient Pathway, Metropolitan Shenzhen: Rail plus Property for Transit-Oriented Development, The ten point plan for a green industrial revolution, Cleaner Pacific 2025: Pacific Regional Waste And Pollution Management Strategy, Jordan Green Growth National Action Plans 2021-2025: Agriculture sector, Jordan Green Growth National Action Plans 2021-2025: Water sector, Mainstreaming Natural Capital in African Development Finance, Batumi Initiative on Green Economy (BIG-E), UNEA-4 Mineral Resource Governance Resolution. The plan envisions transforming the Ethiopian economy into a lower middle income category by 2025 through increasing the productivity, quality and competitiveness of the productive sectors; enhancing the capacity, participation and equitable benefit of citizens and thereby realizing developmental political economy through strengthening democratic developmental state. Download PDF Package. The national vision; existing national and sectoral policies, strategies and programs; performance under GTPI; commitment to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and regional and international economic collaboration initiatives were the basis for the formulation of the Second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTPII) through high level political leadership, public participation & ownership. The second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II) is Ethiopia‟s medium term development plan covering the period 2015/16-2019/20. The ten-year plan will target “to bring quality based economic growth”, said Prime Minister Abiy, after he attended a meeting that discussed the document. The Education Sector Development Programme (ESDP) was planned afterwards to realize ETP and it was the outset of a series of the ESDPs which has continued to be updated for the subsequent 20 years. Explore these leading collaborative initiatives to advance an inclusive green economy transition. As a vehicle towards the realization of the country‟s vision of becoming a lower middle income country by 2025, GTP II is built on sectorial policies, strategies and However, Ethiopia’s gross domestic savings as proportion of GDP is quite low, and it is unlikely to achieve its short and long run objectives by mobilizing the meager domestic savings i.e. A vaccine for COVID-19, but what about one against climate change? 9.4% (MOFED, 2010). Under the Base Case scenario, total revenues and grants are estimated at P365.08 billion for the NDP 11 period; of which, 34.2 percent will be Mineral revenue, and 26.1 percent will be Customs and Excise. We have had various projects in Ethiopia since 2004, supporting vulnerable communities in Addis Ababa, Wolisso and Gari. The 2018 National Human Development entitled ‘Industrialization with a Human Face’is a product of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Ethiopia in collaboration and with the support of the National Planning Commission (NPC). %PDF-1.5 %���� 226 0 obj <> endobj national governments, and was often neglected. Kyrgyzstan Shows the Way to Green Growth through Sustainable Use of Land Assets, Vacancy at GGKP: Part-Time Community Support Consultant, Vacancy at Economics for Nature (E4N): Special Advisor, Natural Capital in African Development Finance, Vacancy at UNEP: Project Associate - Resource Efficiency, PhD in Integrated Management of Water, Soil and Waste, Master in Environmental Science: Ecological Environment Protection and Management, Green Industrial Policy: Promoting Competitiveness and Structural Transformation, Life Cycle Management – Capability Maturity Model (LCM-CMM) Training Material, UNCTAD Webinar - Beyond COVID-19: Rebuilding SDG-Aligned Business and Investment, WRI Webinar - The Role of Renewable Natural Gas in State Climate Policy, Shaping a New Social Contract and New Global Deal: UN DESA Fireside Chats (Session 2), World Bank Group Webinar - Practical Steps for Zero Carbon Buildings & Finance (Session 3), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Download Full PDF Package. Addis Ababa showed a decline in unemployment: 32.1% (2003) to 29.1% (2004) and further to 28.6% (2006). enacted in 1994. PDF. Economic Development 26 4.3. Each working group is made up of individual experts from the GGKP partner organizations, the GGKP Advisory Committee, and outside experts. Browse latest information on individual courses, academic programmes and webinars on various green growth topics. The plan reflects Children in Crossfire’s overall organisational strategy (2015-19) which aims to create “A compassionate world where every child can reach his or her potential”. Download Free PDF. The plan includes details of the cost (estimated at US$75–79 billion over the five years) and specific targets the government expects to hit by pursuing … The major objective of GPTII is to serve as a springboard towards realizing the national vision of becoming a low middle-income country by 2025, through sustaining the rapid, broad-based, and inclusive economic growth, which accelerates economic transformation and the journey towards the … A Water-Secure, Climate-Resilient Future for Cities, Greening health infrastructure systems for a green recovery, Global Chemicals Management Towards 2030 and Beyond, Changing Curricula to Educate for Sustainable Development, ICMA Podcast - The Role of The Sustainable Bond Markets in Promoting Biodiversity, The Green Renaissance: How to Rebuild the Global Economy, Green is the New Finance Podcast: US Election Special, First 2021 Sustainability Awareness Bond highlights EU-EIB push for Biodiversity at Paris One Planet Summit, How Rwanda is achieving green growth through natural capital restoration. … National strategy and plan of action for pharmaceutical manufacturing development in Ethiopia (2015–2025) Developing the pharmaceutical industry and improving access Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Health and Ministry of Industry Abridged version July 2015. endstream endobj 227 0 obj <> endobj 228 0 obj <>/Rotate 90/Type/Page>> endobj 229 0 obj <>stream The development plan has emanated from various policies and strategies that the country has set to direct its growth and transformation. These issues are discussed in detail in a recent review of the water sector carried out by the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR), and summarised in Section 3 below. A … The Growth and Transformation Plan I (GTP) is a national five-year development plan created by the Government of Ethiopia to improve the country's economic … BACKGROUND OF THE STRATEGY Historically, a number of factors have affected the development and management of water sector in Ethiopia. Methodology 5 3. �M�ե3 ��׊��@������E&$�f��ز��r���&�+�"wr��G4B�ڲ+�B,��c��!f�Kg��OW������:ܵ�(qڲ �s`K`KKK//gpqqq�`2444D�D]\�A\c�l�,����` 7dS�|w��p�,�T�-i@� H� �b��)?+����q��:��%[L8*(?��۶GH%���V|�1~��G}�g0�i�b�hidPkImH����p^sV���`ɨ�A��x r0 ���� 2 List of acronyms ADLI: Agriculture Development Led Industrialization AMAREW: Amhara Microenterprise Development, Agricultural Research, Extension and Watershed Management project AUC: Africa Union … 253 0 obj <>stream The Plan also gives the estimated financial resources that are likely to be available to Government, as well as their proposed allocations between the recurrent and development budgets. A large portion of the Bank’s assistance (about 72%) has also been disbursed through country systems, a huge improvement over 2010 when only a third of the disbursements used country systems. ADDIS ABABA – The government of Ethiopia has unveiled on Friday its 10-year economic development plan under the theme ‘Ethiopia: An African Beacon of Prosperity’. With regard to Ethiopian urban development, the National Urban Development Policy was developed and approved by the Federal Council of Ministers in March 2005. This is an independent report that has been produced by the Country Office with the support of Download with Google Download with Facebook. Terrestrial Natural Capital: how will it save the 2030 Agenda? PDF. PDF. FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA NATIONAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GREAT GREEN WALL INITIATIVE IN ETHIOPIA JULY 2012 . Ethiopia Growth and Transformation Plan II (GTP II), Apply United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland filter, Apply Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH filter, Apply Global Environment Facility (GEF) filter, Apply Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) filter, Apply Korea Environment Institute (KEI) filter, Apply Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) filter, Apply United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) filter, Apply United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) filter, Apply Sustainable Development Plan filter. PDF. The Master Plan also provides national operational guidelines for public health laboratories, laboratory- dependent health programs, and donor organizations looking to fill resource gaps. 1) Achieve an annual average real GDP growth rate of 11 percent within a stable macroeconomic environment and thereby contribute towards the realization of Ethiopia’s vision of becoming a lower middle-income country by 2025, while pursuing comprehensive measures towards narrowing the saving-investment gap and bridging the widening trade deficit. �� y�țA.1��9���Y@�"��%d/#{Y��ZC�:2� dn"��B�6�w����=���߃�/���xg/�E�/U�e� Ethiopia’s health indicators have been remarkably improved from one of the worst in Sub-Saharan Africa to Notable improvements include alignment of aid to national development priorities and utilisation of common procedures. NATIONAL WATER STRATEGY OF ETHIOPIA 1. So, we started Ethiopia’s in 2013 and finished in 2015.” Uganda’s tourism master plan was completed in 2014, and work is on-going on the Djibouti master plan. Strong national WSS policies exist and the sector is well-organized with key agencies having clear roles and strategies to implement WSS sector improvements. Moreover, the Urban Lands Lease Holding Proclamation No. potential and play a part in the development of their own society. Create a free account to download. "The major objective of GTP II is to serve as a spring board towards realizing the national vision of becoming a low middle-income country by 2025, through sustaining the rapid, broad based and inclusive economic growth, which accelerates economic transformation and the journey towards the country’s Renascence. Political Commitment, Integrated Planning and Sustainable Development in Ethiopia, 1992-2012. The education sector plan 2016-2020 focuses on addressing the four main challenges in Ethiopia's education system: increasing access, ensuring equity, improving quality, and improving management. During this period, our country has made huge strides in improving access to health services and improvements in health outcomes. Ethiopian Education Development Roadmap (2018-30) An integrated Executive Summary Ministry of Education Education Strategy Center (ESC) Draft for Discussion By Tirussew Teferra, Amare Asgedom, Jeilu Oumer, Tassew W/hanna, AkliluDalelo and Berhannu Assefa Addis Ababa July 2018. Create a free account to download. 2 Table of Content Page 1. Ethiopia‟s National Adaptation Plan (NAP-ETH) builds on ongoing efforts to address climate change in the country‟s development policy framework, including the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy and the second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II), as well as sectoral climate resilience strategies and regional and municipal adaptation plans. Objectives 6 4. 2 Table of Content Page 1. The draft report has been presented and discussed in the various workshops both at regional states and federal levels with key stakeholders including … The GGKP Project Database allows you to browse on-the-ground initiatives to promote green growth, being led by our partners and other leading organisations. A paper presented on proceedings of the national conference on urban and regional development planning and implementation in Ethiopia, February 7–10/1996, Hawassa and February 22–24/1996, Nazareth. Ethiopia’s national development plans, including the current Growth and Transformation Plan 2010–2015 (GTP), have focused on delivering broad-based development, reducing poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (see Box 1.1). 1.5 Ethiopian National Health Policy and the Health System _____ 2 1.6 Health Care Financing_____ 3 1.7 Human resources _____ 3 1.8 Justification for the development of new cMYP _____ 4 2 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS _____4 2.1 The Expanded Programme on Immunization in Ethiopia _____ 4 2.2 National Immunization Policy_____ 5 2.3 Immunization Service Delivery _____ 6 2.3.1 Implementation of cMYP … National policies, strategies and laws 20 3.3. International Agreements 21 4. Addis Ababa April 26/2017 The second national human rights action plan of Ethiopia which endeavors for the better promotion and protection of human rights is launched today. During 1960s-70s period the project became the primary means through which governments of developing countries translated their development plans and policies into programmes of action. 'D1!wr A. Manuel, MP Ola!rpenson Miriam Allman Trueman Goba Michael Muller Maii&SI Bal!ntulo CJulstophar Malll:olne Joel Netshltetuhe tyrll Ramaphoaa Deputy Cha!rpet"SGn Hoosen Ccovadla 2 Introduction Currently around 2.2 billion people around the world live on less than US$2 each day1. Abbreviations and Acronyms ADLI Agricultural Development Led Industrialization AGOA African Growth and Opportunity Act AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ANC Antenatal Care BAU Business as Usual BoLSA Bureau of Labour and Social Affairs Br Ethiopian Birr CAR Central African Republic COMESA Common Market for Eastern … National strategy and plan of action for pharmaceutical manufacturing development in Ethiopia (2015–2025) Developing the pharmaceutical industry and improving access Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Health and Ministry of Industry Abridged version July 2015 . Ethiopia's Growth and Transformation Plan II (GTP II) aims to spur economic structural transformation and sustain accelerated growth towards the realization of the national vision to become a low middle-income country by 2025. Sewagegn Atalay . or. This paper. The plan envisions transforming the Ethiopian economy into a lower middle income category by 2025 through increasing the productivity, quality and competitiveness of the productive sectors; enhancing the capacity, participation and equitable benefit of citizens and thereby realizing developmental political economy through strengthening democratic developmental state. GTP II focuses on ensuring rapid, sustainable, and broad-based growth by enhancing the productivity of the agriculture and manufacturing sectors, improving the quality of production, and stimulating competition within the economy. In the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), a national development plan … The One WASH National Program (OWNP) is a sector wide approach (SWAp) with the broad objectives of achieving water, sanitation and hygiene results in Ethiopia through official policies, strategies and development plans. Building on the lessons learned in implementing the earlier plans and to be highly responsive to the current socioeconomic landscape, the Government of Ethiopia has developed Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP), which is part of the second Growth and Transformation Plan(GTP II). Download Free PDF. Objectives 6 4. This paper. Feed the Future Ethiopia Value Chain Activity | Gender and Youth Action Plan Prepared by Banyan Global 1 1. © 2012-2021 Green Growth Knowledge Platform. Ethiopia has also volunteered and participated in the 2017 Voluntary National Review (VNR) on SDGs in which undertook the review of how the SDGs are mainstreamed into national and sub-national development plans and being implemented. Green Growth Expert Connect provides policymakers direct access to world-leading technical and policy experts for quick and tailored guidance on a range of green growth topics. Free PDF. Accordingly, the Central Statistical Agency has designed the Second National Strategy for the The plan of action is prepared in line with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) with a view to Sewagegn Atalay. Means of Implementation of SDGs 7. Methodology 5 3. or. PDF. Launch of Ethiopian National Strategy and Plan of Action for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Development and Improving Access 14 July 2015. What Does the Biden Administration Mean for Global Climate Action? h�b```f``2g`e`��`f@ a�G�ǖ }��{˹��ܳ��\���'-yܰa��f}��b�rt*��400H'�pc�4�/����lJ���� Strong national WSS policies exist and the sector is well-organized with key agencies having clear roles and strategies to implement WSS sector improvements. Moreover, the Urban Lands Lease Holding Proclamation No. The imperial government of Haileselasie, was the first government to exercise different development policies as Ethiopia is first African state to attempt economic development planning (Georgi. G. 1981). Addis Ababa showed a decline in unemployment: 32.1% (2003) to 29.1% (2004) and further to 28.6% (2006). h�bbd```b``>"������`�&�����`��4U��V����G8@��3@��e&�]� �Z���? Ethiopian Education Development Roadmap (2018-30) An integrated Executive Summary Ministry of Education Education Strategy Center (ESC) Draft for Discussion By Tirussew Teferra, Amare Asgedom, Jeilu Oumer, Tassew W/hanna, AkliluDalelo and Berhannu Assefa Addis Ababa July 2018. The content on this site does not necessarily represent the views of the individual partners. l0 The Growth and Transformation Plan I (GTP) is a national five-year development plan created by the Government of Ethiopia to improve the country's economic well-being and work towards eradicating poverty. Ethiopia has implemented successive Health Sector Development Plans (HSDPs) since 1997 in four phases. With regard to Ethiopian urban development, the National Urban Development Policy was developed and approved by the Federal Council of Ministers in March 2005. i Table of Contents Title Page No. It is a flagship Government programme supported by a number of development partners (DPs) and NGOs, in which different actors came 243 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<290EAE83D0C53349B1507746DD517CBE>]/Index[226 28]/Info 225 0 R/Length 91/Prev 1238636/Root 227 0 R/Size 254/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Download PDF Package. According to the United Nations Development Programme’s National Human Development Report 2014, the incidence of recorded poverty has fallen sharply and average living standards are now more than three times higher than they were 15 years ago. In order to address these issues, the MoWR is pursuing … Explore how green growth can transform the world. Consequently, for all the water development activities achieved so far, the average access to clean and safe water supply is about 17% of the total population of Ethiopia. %%EOF The national development planning process including Key Economic, Social, Political and Environmental Trends . Adrian MINCULESCU. The Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) is a national five-year plan created by the Ethiopian Government to improve the country's economy by achieving a projected gross domestic product (GDP) growth of 11-15% per year from 2010 to 2015. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels ; Goal 17. Adrian MINCULESCU . … development of a five-year statistical plan is a key issue for the CSA and the country to ensure effective planning, monitoring and evaluation. Introduction . Premium PDF Package. National Development Plan 11 Volume 1 April 2017 – March 2023 ISBN: 978-99968-465-2-6 Adrian MINCULESCU. Sewagegn Atalay. vi | ETHIOPIA NATIONAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2018. Introduction 3 2. Integrated Planning 18 3.2. Total cost estimated at US$ 75-79 billion over five years. ����X s>�)ػaَ��Y��i��;j�`&��nZCy���*�Qр�F�M(oFy.�(#�P֎���(�Bi7J������Cq?�Pt E�(B!1�����C�8� �O"o Thus, FDI along with other measure is an essential tool to finance its growth and development plans. At the same time the Government has begun a series of reforms to transform the economy from a centrally controlled basis to a free-market orientation. Integrating the SDGs with the National Development Frameworks 5. Ethiopia currently is in its second five year development plan - Growth and Transformation Plan II 2015 – 2020 developed with a vision of alleviating poverty and attaining lower middle income status by 2025. Ethiopia has prepared a medium-term plan – the Second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II), covering the period from 2015 to 2020 – which forms an integral part of the country’s post-2015 development agenda. National Plan Commission April 2018 Addis Ababa. Development Goals (MDGs), and the nation now faces the challenge of reaching the objectives aligned with the SDGs. NAPG National Action Plan on Gender NEPAD New Partnership for African Development NGO non-governmental organization PASDEP Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty PCP Programme for Country Partnership. Download Full PDF Package. Pre-primary and Primary Education … Institutional mechanism for implementing the SDGs 6. h���oEǿ� ����h��Y�9�� �&H�p��.w��9���{ǽ��Ľ���{K��y��EB����>�y�潙7s�{O�e�3QV��Q�2Y�Nc��:�m��\v��LPA`�&��"2A�5v�0+���b�X�q"1"ž Social Development 24 4.2. 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