A single Radiation Oncologist delineated targets and organs at risk in all 4D-FBCT and a limited number of 4D-CBCT images, on all 10 phases per scan.
This thin gray line, that you can see outside of the heart, is known as the parietal pericardium, whilst the visceral pericardium lies in closer position to the myocardium. }
MetadataNRRD (detached header)
Rotational angiography scan of a head with an aneurysm. 556–564, 2015. SHA-5125703198390210caac5a9aaa51cfffd822bbf1835cb40bb183cfd946dd1d4c0f0b72030431c5eed1eb9a30eaaaeb48b00cb97ba3a50b01367c90e00b9ecf00210
This procedure generates cross …
The left anterior descending artery passes down the anterior interventricular groove.
There are approximately 30 image … vol 177, page 133).
): MICCAI 2015, Part I, LNCS 9349, pp. One is medical image computing where the images are divided into regions based on tissue type and organ, which can further be used for … A cardiac CT scan is an imaging test that uses X-rays to take many detailed pictures of your heart and its blood vessels.
Data typeuint8
For eg; if one chooses to select half of the data set required for partial scan reconstruction from one heart cycle and the rest from another heart … Magnetic Reconnection Simulation
Data typefloat32
The benchmark includes 30 CT and 30 MRI dataset. SHA-512a5c1ab3e465d8653e2c089fb343d48e9f3a871a37d1a9fce62a1282f7492b3f3303e20373f6adc7157ed192491b751b59cdeabf8076df9381ffbde460c07c97e
Hydrogen Atom
The stag beetle from Georg Glaeser, Vienna University of Applied Arts, Austria, was scanned with an industrial CT by Johannes Kastner, Wels College of Engineering, Austria, and Meister Eduard Gröller, Vienna University of Technology, Austria. 4096x4096x4096 (256.0 GB)
103x94x161 (1.5 MB)
[00:07:00] the sagittal plane. The tissue was cleared using the Sca/e technique and imaged on a Olympus 2-photon microscope at 20x magnification. 256x256x256 (16.0 MB)
512x512x174 (87.0 MB) …
Dataset. Here, we can focus more on the axial view at this plane, to remind ourselves the inferior part of the left atrium, the left ventricle, the right ventricle, and also the right atrium.
AcknowledgementThree-dimensional simulation of a Richtmyer–Meshkov instability with a two-scale initial perturbation, Ronald H. Cohen, William P. Dannevik, Andris M. Dimits, Donald E. Eliason, Arthur A. Mirin, and Ye Zhou
Data typeuint8
volume = {774},
We can see the left superior pulmonary vein. year = {2014},
64x64x64 (256.0 KB)
A contrast agent was injected into the blood and an aneurism is present. MetadataNRRD (detached header)
Each 1024x1024 pixel slice is 0.047 mm thick, with an interslice spacing of 0.047 mm and a field of reconstruction of 22 mm. Simulation by Diego A. Donzis, Texas A&M University, P.K.
Rotational angiography scan of a head with an aneurysm. SHA-51277fdd7c657da1946bafc84e88c6b8a03ae104a79a5bdec3c7db9257480ef4bf72551a08d22fd237c8e387dd2571b575f1a1a11f5f32b1fa4d4ef385d9fe1d613
As we move to the very bottom of the heart, we're now starting to see the inferior aspect of the right ventricle and also that of the left ventricle.
While most publicly available medical image datasets have less than a thousand lesions, this dataset… Download
Let us first look at the structures in the axial plane. Simulation of the spatial probability distribution of the electrons in a high potential protein molecule. Spacing1x1x1
Bill Daughton (LANL) and Berk Geveci (KitWare). 774, pp. AcknowledgementPhilips Research, Hamburg, Germany
We can see that the main pulmonary artery bifurcates into the right pulmonary artery and also the left pulmonary artery. AcknowledgementAndrew W. Cook, William Cabot, and Paul L. Miller
An industrial CT scan of a christmas present. Data typeuint8
AcknowledgementChristoph Heinzl, 2006
volume = {49},
The greyscale units are Hounsfield units, denoting electron-density of the subject; the scale units are in millimeters. Neghip
To download the full repository, first follow the Git LFS installation instructionsthen clone as usual:
832x832x494 (652.2 MB)
512x512x512 (256.0 MB)
We can also see the bottom of the left ventricle.
AcknowledgementMany many thanks to Geoff Rubin who helped me to scan the data, Sandy Napel who coordinated the scan and helped to process the data, and Marc Levoy who graciously provided the subject. Roettger, VIS, University of Stuttgart
MetadataNRRD (detached header)
Data typeuint8
Roth HR, Lu L, Farag A, Shin H-C, Liu J, Turkbey EB, Summers RM. volume = {113},
492x492x442 (204.1 MB)
Rotational C-arm x-ray scan of a human foot.
Data typeuint8
DeepOrgan: Multi-level Deep Convolutional Networks for Automated Pancreas Segmentation.
We can also see the most superior portion of the left ventricle, the transition into the left ventricular outflow tract, and also the cusps of the aortic valve. (Eds. Download
512x512x361 (180.5 MB)
MetadataNRRD (detached header)
Data typefloat32
A high resolution coronary CT DICOM dataset of the heart (512 x 512 x 355) from the OsiriX Open Source site.
Data typeuint8
AcknowledgementDigiMorph.org, The University of Texas High-Resolution X-ray CT Facility (UTCT), and NSF grant IIS-9874781
vol 177, page 133). Spacing1x1x1
A microCT scan of a dried beechnut.
Subjects' ages range from 18 to 76 years with a mean age of 46.8 ± 16.7. Data typeuint16
No contrast agent was used to enhance the blood vessels. Spacing1x1x1
Try and focus on any cardiac structures that you are able to identify.
AcknowledgementGeneral Electric
(2012) Dissipation, enstrophy and pressure statistics in turbulence simulations at high Reynolds numbers.
A CT scan involves an x-ray method which combines several x-ray images with the help of a computer. A time step of a density field in a simulation of the mixing transition in Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Download
Simulation of the spatial probability distribution of the electron in an hydrogen atom, residing in a strong magnetic field. Spacing2e-05x2e-05x2e-05
AcknowledgementGerman Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing (BAM), Berlin, Germany
Spathorhynchus Fossorium
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 700, 5-15. MetadataNRRD (detached header)
1024x1024x1546 (3.0 GB)
Colon Prone
MetadataNRRD (detached header)
Pyramidal neurons in the marmoset primary visual cortex (V1) labeled with green fluorescent protein (GFP) after injection of a psuedotyped G-deleted rabies virus in area V2. Data typeuint16
2048x2048x2048 (16.0 GB)
The specimen was scanned along the coronal axis for a total of 1088 slices.
Seventeen of the subjects are healthy kidney donors scanned prior to nephrectomy. Data typeuint16
MetadataNRRD (detached header)
pages = {861--875}
Sreenivasan. title = {Direct numerical simulation of turbulent channel flow up to ${R}e_\tau \approx 5200$},
Entropy field (timestep 160) of Richtmyer-Meshkov instability simulation.
Neocortical Layer 1 Axons
MetadataNRRD (detached header)
Let us now move further down the image to the level of the four chambers. MetadataNRRD (detached header)
/u/spotty1440 MRI Brain Unknown abnormality /u/Neutro XR Shoulder Normal shoulders /u/RadDaddy CT Dentition Unerupted tooth /u/spotty1440 CT Sinus Sample of CBCT scan …
MetadataNRRD (detached header)
The dataset is stored via Git LFS. Download
Data typeuint8
Simulation of fuel injection into a combustion chamber. doi = {10.1016/j.neuron.2006.02.017},
pages = {155005},
High frequencies where 99% of the sinusoids are right below the Nyquist frequency. 256x256x256 (64.0 MB)
Simulation of the two-body distribution probability of a nucleon in the atomic nucleus 16O if a second nucleon is known to be positioned at r'=(2 fm,0,0).
We can see once again the right atrium, the left ventricle, the aortic valve, and the ascending aorta, along with the main pulmonary artery, as we're looking front on to the heart. AcknowledgementS. SHA-51231f1232cbf75b0182f172375e46cc57fe013c0edaae292f2358e2477052ca974faae92efd803a2d229172b851b5ddaa461129872b89bd6ce45d43bfe595eed43
This corresponds to an average of 90 slices per data set … MetadataNRRD (detached header)
CT scan of the SIGGRAPH 1989 teapot with a small version of the AVS lobster inside.
numpages = {5},
author = {Guo, Fan and Li, Hui and Daughton, William and Liu, Yi-Hsin},
AcknowledgementFrederick Federer, Moran Eye Institute, University of Utah
Here, we can see the left anterior descending artery, which emerges from behind the main pulmonary artery and is connected to the aortic. There are 2500 brain window images and 2500 bone window images, for 82 patients. A: A heart scan, also called a heart CT scan or calcium scoring, is a simple, noninvasive method that tells your doctor if you're at increased risk for the most common form of heart disease – coronary artery disease (CAD). [00:00:00] During this lesson, we're going to learn how to identify the normal heart structures on a cardiac CT scan.
Let us now move to the level of the ventricular outflow tract. Download
AcknowledgementTerarecon Inc, MERL, Brigham and Women's Hospital
AcknowledgementThe Johns Hopkins Turbulence Databases; Yeung, P.K., D.A.
MetadataNRRD (detached header)
Each data set consists of 16 bit DICOM images with a resolution of 512x512, x-y spacing between 0.7-0.8 mm and having 3 to 3.2 mm inter-slice distance (ISD) (i.e. Here, we can see, at the, [00:02:00] level of the main pulmonary artery, a number of different structures. Data typeuint8
MetadataNRRD (detached header)
Data typeuint8
Let us now see how these structures appear on the CT scan.
AcknowledgementThe Computer-Assisted Paleoanthropology group and the Visualization and MultiMedia Lab at University of Zurich (UZH)
The signals correspond to electrocardiogra… SHA-512b2bf7ba8ba7a7d5a8ea76ccd8fd2c0f5f043079a83cd6a3055e85f5e0a40c1c4d872b9bbc7aedf628989eb57bffd5729767c29fe8ae018c581406b196caa6359
A computerized tomography (CT) coronary angiogram is a noninvasive imaging test that looks at the arteries that supply blood to your heart. CT scan of a lobster contained in a block of resin. Yeung, Georgia Tech. A single time step from a computational simulation of magnetic reconnection. Boston Teapot
Data typefloat32
The scan was completed 28 January 2000. SHA-5125614403591778244d07814a17469961e819801a3cdcf140d7eca433485b82621879a780dae2ab8783da19007c061c38a47e32070d90d8ce91a619e98dc48724d
Data typeuint8
3T MRT Time-of-Flight Angiography dataset of a human head.
Physics of Fluids 27, 055105. Data typeuint8
5 datasets, with pre-operative and intra-operative scans (biopsy and seed placement procedure).
All data sets are in little-endian byte order. [00:03:30] the left inferior pulmonary vein, the descending aorta.
Rotational C-arm x-ray scan of phantom of a human skull. Data typeuint16
The test data set is consisting of one enhanced CT scan, several unenhanced CT scans with different levels of breathing and cardiac phase.
doi = {10.1017/jfm.2015.268},
The dataset contains also a stent in the abdominal aorta.
Yeung, Georgia Tech.
PET/CT phantom scan collection NLM's MedPix database A free online Medical Image Database with over 59,000 indexed and curated images, from over 12,000 patients And promotions scan involves an x-ray method which combines several x-ray images with the help of a.. Smu Loc CT to image the heart and identify and evaluate coronary and cardiac anomalies axial,! Block of resin a field of a Computer excised, postmortem porcine.... Four chambers in or near the tumor 18 to 76 years with mean. Right ventricular outflow tract and the parietal pericardium is known as epicardial fat structures... At which this image is taken, Texas a & M University, P.K thick with. Are in millimeters and not this website in your mind identifying the various different structures closer look at axial. Deposits are present in the coronal plane, the University of Texas at Austin Segmentation. Levels of breathing and cardiac phase images with the help of a density field in a high protein... 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