What is Sweden doing there? Can you achieve fame and fortune for your noble family, or will your names be forgotten to history? Bonuses: start with Primogeniture. As a female ruler I don't seem to get it. Crusader Kings II is a grand strategy game set in the Middle Ages, developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive as a sequel to Crusader Kings.The game was released on February 14, 2012. This is the dynasty that historically repelled the vikings and united England. From what I can see, it seems as if almost all the adult women in the game is gaining the "Werewolf Bitch" modifier. Zunists are impossible. Ok Brittany sounds very promising, does the different culture group put the French off absorbing you early or am I misunderstanding how culture works? What does this mean for players? Charlie is vassal hell and too overwhelming for a beginner, also OP said he doesn't want to become a continent spanning blob. Big Bulgaria is uncommon at best, Umayyads do tend to roflstomp western Europe, no Byzos is strange, and Bohemia usually goes north, rather than east. Uhhhm, Charlie, the Jew of Semien, or the Zoroastrian Duke of Tabriz. Wessex or Mercia are the strongest but the smaller ones may be more interesting too. You might be onto something here. 769 start is 50/50 between whether or not Catholicism will survive, it gets squeezed between the pagans in the north and Islam in the south. From the oldest character to the most recent: 769 Anglo Saxon kingdoms are good. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. These rulers are highlighted in the main menu with a custom description about the character's goals or traits, and are eventually replaced by another character of note after a certain period of time. I run CK2+, and it feels like the real start date for that is 769. This is one of the classic Crusader Kings playthroughs and I haven’t attempted it yet with 500+ hours. You also have primogeniture on start. If you go waaaaaaaay out to the East you can find a character within the western protectorate who is Han culture and Taoist religion. This is a natural consequence of the AI being utter horseshit at playing as Christians in a start date where Christianity is actually quite weak. start feudal. They don't have it at the start, and as far as I bother to play (12 may, 769) not everyone gets it, but around 90% or something gets the modifier. If you play as the Petty King of Svitjod then you'll be the father to Ragnarr Lodbrok (mfing badass viking), who comes with an event at the age of 14 which guarantees him the traits brawny and diligent. 769 start is 50/50 between whether or not Catholicism will survive, it gets squeezed between the pagans in the north and Islam in the south. Now that Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne has been patched to remove some of the more obvious and serious bugs and balance issues, I've decided it's time to revisit the 769 start date. I’m still a way from branching out from Catholicism I think but shit I might just have to give a Viking run a try. Start a reign of tyranny in which you imprison all vassals and seize all their titles. Starts the game without a Religious Head, but if one is instated, that Head can Grant Invasionsand declare Crusades (called Great Holy Wars), and rulers can Request Divorces from him. That's what makes it so much more interesting IMO, often difficult to predict what will happen and you have to focus on your religion instead of just blobbing, keeping moral authority high is vital. Doubt. As the northern pagans convert, eventually it ends up as an Islam/Christian back and forth over Jerusalem for a few centuries. A lot of that run relies on RNG. In this series I will be playing the Byzantine Empire starting in 769. If you have them on, I almost always see the HRE form and Byzantine remain until end game without player intervention. Charlemagne always gets himself killed in like 2 days creating an unholy mess. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Expect larger wars at later start dates, as You start as an Independent count but with a bit of murder you can inherit all 3 of the other independent counties in Brittany, form the duchy and then swear fealty to West Francia for a very fun vassal game. Of course the game will probably go Wessex -> England -> Britannia -> Big Red Blob without much challenge, past the opening 20 years. You start with primogeniture and absolute power in the council so that makes vassal management easy for the first 100 years. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the CrusaderKings community. Good starts for beginners? You have a MASSIVE safety net being under the blanket of the Western Protectorate. It Creates a lot of gore and rebellions due to a everyone getting claims. As technology advances, holdings tend to have more buildings pre-built; tribal realms also tend to be relatively weaker compared to feudal realms, as feudal realms utilize advanced tech for construction of buildings. Men seem to be dying like flies. You only have single county conquests, so you can't expand faster than the Abbasids steal land from you. If you are a Catholic you have to play less selfishly and try to create more Christian alliances going, and if you can keep Italy, Germany, Britain as Catholic states until the the first crusade gets called, you can generally retake France and stablise for a divided Europe in the 12th century. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the CrusaderKings community. They're feudal and I believe they have Primogeniture (though I'm not certain). Their start is harder against the Anglo Saxons and their names are a mouthful to pronounce but they're good fun too. There's really 2 ways 769 games can go, either: Charlie forms HRE/Francia and the Karlings become a massive oppressive blob to rival the Abbasids, or, Charlie fucks up/dies early and all of Western Europe falls into a chaotic swarm of pagans, heretics, and Muslim conquerors. They might lose to the Umayyad, forcing you to convert and go Sunni, or they might get super strong, forcing you to play the vassal game. In Crusader Kings II Christianity is the dominant religion in Europe and has three main branches: Catholic, Orthodox and Miaphysite. If you can wait before executing your reign of … By default, Christian characters are playable. If you have them off, 769 start is just an awful clusterfuck of huge empires blobbing. If you want to try a different religion then 769 is a fun start for vikings as you're still landlocked. However, although CK2 wiki provides little details of what each bloodline is, it might be difficult for players what to focus and what to ignore. Honestly the weirdest part is that the Umayyads aren't at the Rhine. Your father and grandfather are still alive, you have an older brother (all landed) so with some careful assassinations you can get a claim to a whole bunch of land (hint, go brother -> grandfather -> father to claim the … Are you new to Crusader Kings 2 and don’t know where to start? Doesn't help that eastern Europe is also super devided. Let' Play Crusader Kings 2 --- CK2 --- The Tale Of The Irish King --- Ireland 769 #1 We start again Hey Peeps! You only need to get hold of - I think - 10 more counties to form England so it's not too hard to get Britannia. Be warned... you thought gavelkind sucks, meet ELECTIVE gavelkind. You also start with a son who you can marry off for alliances/eugenics as you see fit. Additionally, without Conclave, law changes are unilateral by the liege and paid for with Piety rather than requiring vassals to vote their agreement. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac & Linux developed & published by Paradox Interactive. A sequel, Crusader Kings III, was released on September 1, 2020. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. The new expansion for Crusader Kings 2, Holy Fury, besides being the best DLC to come out since The Old Gods back in 2013, is an absolutely massive overhaul that, through introducing guided event chains, new management options for religious leaders—especially those of the pagan persuasion—that it would take a book the length of all the sagas to describe absolutely everything. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac & Linux developed & published by Paradox Interactive. That last one... Just no. Let's have a look at all the bloodlines present in the 769 start along with a little bonus bloodline at the end. Mercia is also pretty easy, needing less counties to form England and holding a few of them as tributaries, yet starting with gavelkind.-. Chapter 0: Before We Start The 9th century is a pain in the backside in terms of catholic MA, with all the raiding going on, but if you unite all the catholic nations under 1 empire there's no need to wait for crusades. Also, many players often don’t know what bloodline even exists. A 769 start in Middle Francia, vassal of King Karloman. Some rulers have been marked by Paradox itself as characters of special interest. Press J to jump to the feed. Iqta also allows tyranny-free revocation of duchies and vassal retraction. There's also Kernev in Brittany. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Still too afraid to not fight with a numerical advantage. It's a relatively boring game, but it teaches you a lot of different mechanics. Mostly due to gavel kind, that system really doesn't work on large realms! Karling Gore, Umayyad Blob, Byzantium falling apart, all these events are normal. It's perfectly doable in 769 to keep Asturias in one piece, help the reconquista's succeed and prevent the Ummayad from ever taking off in the first place. Wessex or Mercia are the strongest but the smaller ones may be more interesting too. (I have all DLCs bar Horse Lords, India and Sunset Invasion), If you're not bored of Catholics yet try Wessex in 769. Also I play with shattered retreat off which generally seems to make it slightly easier for the defenders when attrition in important, which makes the world a little more stable, but still interesting. Defining feature… More like #2 happens 95% of the time, and #1 happens only very rarely. If your neighbors are eyeing your land, do this on day 1, before they evaluate your strength and decide whether to attack you. No more crying over a second born genius. Alternatively start as a vassal of either Karl or Karloman and see what happens in Europe. The ERE is basically always revolting, but it's pretty rare for them to get destroyed or rump-stated. Rule 5: This seems even gorier than usual, does the world go weirder in earlier start dates? This page was last edited on 2 September 2020, at 23:34. It looks like there is a tiny piece next to Saxony on the rhine. If you ever become independent you can adopt Chinese Imperialism, a special government type that I haven't actually played with yet. 1. Ok so I’ve played the tutorial and a hundred years or so on newbie Ireland (1066) and have the basics down - but the earliest start is where I really want to sink my teeth into the game properly. I did actually try a game as Count of Durham, with the aim of taking of Northumbria from the inside and then moving on to form England but was crushed by the Northumbrian King revoking the title within 3 months of game start. 1.1. You can fuck with history very well as Ragnarr, potentially realising his invasion of England when the viking age starts (793). Can you achieve fame and fortune for your noble family, or will your names be forgotten to history? Do you have Defensive Pacts on or off? This posts show what historical bloodlines exists in the beginning of start date of Charlemagne (769). There are three major denominations of Islam: Sunni, Shi'a, and Ibadi, which share a number of common features. There are some incredible mods out there as well. Your ruler can designate heirs, meaning any one of your sons is elligible for the throne, even if he's 4th in line. well the saxons are muslim so I think that's close enough. The Kingdom of Wales is a Christian (formerly pagan) nation found on Great Britain. A sequel, Crusader Kings III, was released on September 1, 2020. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. You probably encountred the tip to start from Ireland for the begging but the game is still slow and/or confusing? Unreformed germantics often eventually convert, and once the crusades start chunks of the Christian heartlands and Aquantine eventually get reclaimed in the first 2-3 crusades. Of course the game will probably go Wessex -> England -> Britannia -> Big Red Blob without much challenge, past the opening 20 years. The same people who bitch about Catholicism dying out in Charles start also bitch hard about defensive pacts. (As such, there are no theocracies in Muslim realms.) On, Game Rules are basically defaults with Supernatural off as I want to export this to EU4. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. For an additional challenge maybe start as Welsh? Iqta government is a special variant of feudalism that allows nobles to hold temples without penalty. Crusader Kings II - Beginner's Guide to Kingdom of Ireland. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. huscarl retinues are quite strong. If you get a kick out of the medieval time period, CK2 is going to be your best bet. 769 is a clusterfuck. 5 years ago. With the right DLC, though, you can actually start as early as 769. In my own games (No Sword of Islam, No Sons of Abraham, No Horse Lords, Defensive pacts ALWAYS on) it's common for Christianity to lose a lot of territory early on (Saxxony has went hog-wild in my last four games) but only occasionally has Germantic reformed. The petty king of Semien still sometimes gives me trouble after 1000 hours. What are some good starts in 769, ideally ones that have good scope for working my way up from lowly beginnings, good RP potential, space to fuck with history a fair bit without just turning into a huge continent spanning blob? If you have sufficient piety, go all the way down to baronies. While vassal temple holder… Thanks! You cannot change to primogeniture until you reform the germanic faith, but I'll leave that to you to discover. Whatever you end up doing, have fun! Large realms become more stable and merchant republics become economic powerhouses. I have them on and I've done 3 achievements runs recently and all had exactly the same cluster fuck showed here. Catholic Head - The Pope Heresies - Cathar, Fraticelli, Waldensian, Lollard Holy sites - Köln, Rome, Santiago, Jerusalem, Canterbury Catholicism is one of the oldest branches of Christianity and the one that has had the biggest impact on the history of Europe. He is the only man on the map with this setup. Fear not for this guide will show you how to create a kingdom in one character! Yes, this always happens in this start date. The Holy Fury DLC just dropped and there's a lot of stuff I wanna' do in it. The formal head of the religion is the Bishop of Rome - the Pope. In that game, you start between 1444 and 1821. Yup, totally normal. Relatively speaking, Europa Universalis IV is a bit more modern. I find Europe in 769 can be a very interesting place. The nobles of the area are the Cymry (Brotherhood) who joined Cunedda of Strathclyde in retaking the north coast from Irish invaders after Roman withdrawal left a power vacuum on the island. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac & Linux developed & published by Paradox Interactive. There are Some incredible mods out there as well achievements runs recently and all had exactly the same who... Between 1444 and 1821 your reign of tyranny in which you imprison all vassals and seize all titles! 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