But at the same time, Sugar would need to take one hit to go KO. One of the most popular theories was that Kaido is part dragon. It’s beyond broken. The intense heat can vaporize an iceberg instantly and boil the seawater that the magma lands in. It transformed his … Law's fruit is the Operation Fruit, so the room he makes is more like an operation theatre. He is the only person alive to have matched Gol D Roger in Combat. Storm Storm Fruit will be one of the most overpowered Devil Fruit in One Piece without a doubt. In several discussions I have heard Wapol's fruit decried as one if the weakest fruits out there. Akainu ate the Magu Magu no Mi, a Logia-class Devil Fruit which grants him the ability to transform his body into magma and manipulate it at will.The main strength of this Devil Fruit is that it allows the user to produce magma to attack their opponents with. Us manga readers know what it is and it's so powerful that it even makes Sugar's fruit look like a bag of shit. fruits like the Bomb and Kilo fruit would be insanely powerful in the right hands and we see from Luffy just how immensely powerful the Rubber fruit can be, not to mention Katakuri's fruit with its insane versality, same goes for the String fruit and the Bloom fruit. The real reason why he stands in the second position is his valor. Because the previous user was a key figure that got defeated before. Not only that, both of the devil fruits are strongest of its class, Dark-Dark fruit being the strongest Logia and Tremor-Tremor fruit being the strongest Paramecia. With this Fruit he might also be able to manipulate thunder and lighting at will. I wanna hear as many opinions so please actually comment on my list, what fruit is the best, etc.. Now enjoy or not. As a harpy, she had the ability to fly. (Lightning can be 50% to 99% the speed of light.) If we're talking real world applications, the guy with the bag of holding devil fruit on Blackbeard's crew is set for life. Both men are able to cause wide-scale destruction with this Devil Fruit. At some point, Blackbeard learned how to steal other’s devil fruit. The first fruit he ate, the dark-dark fruit, is lauded as the strongest devil fruit ever recorded. Though he is the most powerful but the award on Marshall D. Teach is still unknown. He was the only character we have seen going toe to toe with Whitebeard. Darkness-Darkness Fruit . ReddIt. Based on strength and speed, she alone defeated Hatcha with a swing vertical mid-air attack, Nari Kabura. Follow me on twitter! Just a devil fruit powers strength ( not a users strength ) Exclude any unknown fruits eg: Kaidous fruit ( if he has one ). Party party no mi. Exclude the users and their Haki etc. Then all the toys could've just been killed off one by one and no one would even know. It transformed his body into a rubber. Edward Newgate, also known as Whitebeard is one of the strongest Pirates to ever live. Not basing this all on 1 v 1 fights. And it's said that if you kill a toy they don't ever become human again. Blackbeard before he got his devil fruit was able to injure Shanks. It'll make sense on why people know that the Hobi Hobi no Mi can remove memories of certain people. I take nothing away from the Phoenix healing capabilities and flight, but looking past that, it’s just a typical zoan ,probably a much higher physical strength boost though. It makes the user immortal, turns anyone they touch (just a freaking touch) into a near powerless toy who can be forced into a contract, and makes everyone turned into a toy forgotten by everyone in the entire world. In my opinion, I think Kaido and big mom are physically the strongest, Shanks is the fastest, Kaido is the most durable, Shanks has the best Haki, Blackbeard has the best devil fruit powers. Press J to jump to the feed. Furthermore, his devil fruit can temporarily nullify the abilities of other devil fruit users. It turns Blackbeard into a man of darkness, as he can literally manifest himself into dark matter. but in general a DFs power would be as strong as the user can make it. I mean, we just saw that buddha gets huge and golden, but nothing else. but what if sugar just touches her once, gg. Oda said if Akainu was the main character oda would end the one piece in a year this means that Akainu is the strongest. The fruit is eaten by Enel, the former God of Skypiea and is mentioned as one of the strongest Devil Fruits based on its destructive capabilities. Source: u/peachy_kween (Reddit) Yamato, Kaido’s daughter (World’s Strongest Beast), is an influential Beast Pirate member. It was eaten by Nico Robin. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Weevil is a rather mysterious character who was introduced to us as the self-proclaimed son of the "Strongest Man in the World," Edward Newgate. As one of the Yonko, Kaido is one of the strongest characters in the series. The captain of Straw Hat Pirates and the protagonist of the series, Luffy, is the second strongest pirate. According to Sengoku, this Devil Fruit has the power to destroy the entire world. 9 Edward Weevil. Except probably Crocodile, Luffy, any other dirt/mud type logia. This fruit grants it’s user the ability to create quakes or tremors. Isn't Yami the strongest Logia? That is straight busted beyond reason. and came out clean! … Kanjuro's would also be completely world changing if you gave him a sci-fi book for a while and actually made him competent at drawing. given your other inclusions I would have expected the flame and snow fruits to be there too. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The Hana Hana no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to replicate and sprout pieces of their body from the surface of any object or living thing. That fruit on a competent fighter would be absolutely insane. You should specify this list is for combat then, because there isn’t a question about the strongest fruit otherwise. Sugar's fruit imo. 10 – MONET. The fruit of BigMom is gonna be the strongest. Within the rules of one piece, you can make the argument for Isso's gravity fruit. He was one of the Yonko before his death. Lighting doesn't travel anywhere near the speed of light, Also, since you're determining strength by speed for some reason, Kizaru's fruit would be the strongest. With the fruit’s power, Blackbeard is able to create a black hole, or a dark vortex, that is capable of sucking in objects, attacks and even humans and destroying them or wounding them to a heavy degree. Remember when Akainu went alone vs all the whitebeard pirates? Does a Logia user need to be awake for them to not be affected by attacks? He ate the Gura Gura no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that made him a “Quake Man” and which was considered the strongest Devil Fruit within the Paramecia class. Although bonneys and boas fruits are good, they require a setup for the effect to take place (touching the foe physically and having the foe be attracted to the user respectively) so I can’t put it on the list for me (that’s why Hobby is only 20). The Tremor-Tremor Fruit is a Paramecia-type; it allows people to create large vibrations or earthquakes. According to him, it’s the strongest. With this ability, the user can take on many attackers by using many sprouted limbs. Gura Gura no Mi is one of the strongest devil fruits in the field of Paramecia. He's widely theorized to be one of Oden's Vassals, Denjiro. As expected of someone with such a high rank, Kyoshiro's skills with a sword are magnificent. The only one I can honestly see easily defeating this devil fruit power is no other than the Gomu Gomu no mi user (Luffy). All other contenders will have zero chance (even with Busoshoku Haki) against the millions of volts generated from the Goro Goro no Mi fruit. The Hana Hana no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to replicate and sprout pieces of their body from the surface of any object or living thing. 10 Kyoshiro. Kizaru has the most powerful Devil Fruit out of all of the original three admirals and perhaps even the new generation. #11- Trafalgar D. Water Law’s Ope Ope no Mi Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows its user to create a spherical space or “room”, in which the user has complete control over the placement and orientation of the objects inside, making the user a Free Modification Human.. I don’t understand why people don’t like the magnet fruit so much, so much potential when you look at other fictional media, namely X-Men with Magneto, a pretty much unstoppable force. The Glint-Glint Fruit is a Logia-type Devil Fruit that lets the user take on the qualities of light, meaning that Kizaru is both indestructible and fast as a flash. If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! Some DF on the list don’t have an official name, so I really didn’t attempt to make a name. With this ability, the user can take on many attackers by using many sprouted limbs. Base the list on what we've seen. Devil Fruit I’d want if I was in the One Piece world (as a Pirate) 2. Based on strength and speed, she alone defeated Hatcha with a swing vertical mid-air attack, Nari Kabura. So is Shanks really the strongest Yonko and character in One Piece or was he just overhyped? It is also the arguably best fruit for being a undercover spy. One of Wano Country's strongest swordsmen, Kyoshiro is the leader of the Yakuza of the country, and a servant of Kurozumi Orochi. This fruit power allows the user to turn into darkness and can activate gravity. The thunder fruit is on there and I think that’s just what Blackbeard said cuz he’s pretty arrogant. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Lightning is orders of magnitude slower than light. Besides, he had consumed a Gomu Gomu Nomi (Gum-Gum fruit) which is a paramecia devil fruit. Had someone like Usopp eaten the fruit, it may have seemed underutilized or weaker… I’m kinda looking at every practical situation, that’s why I do have the Hobby Hobby on here. https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-50a608b24ba81d72b0b02e5b3a19e56b Pinterest. Renowned pirate Whitebeard, otherwise known as Edward Newgate, uses it until he dies. In our world Enels would be the strongest, as he would be practically unstoppable in the age of electronics. Devil Fruit I’d want (as a Marine) 3. 1. I mean that’s why I have the Door fruit on here, right? meanwhile pheoenix lets you heal up and tank alot ... and FLY. Since his introduction, a lot of fans began to speculate that he possessed a powerful Devil Fruit ability. 8. It’s the hobby hobby no mi. People are not magnetic, I dont feel like magnet fruit is that useful. First and foremost, this is my opinion. In one piece it has been stated that gura gura no mi is the strongest paramecia devil fruit in the world, a devil fruit capable of destroying the world but I think it means that it only has a huge amount of destructive force capable of destroying the world but what really is the strongest paramecia devil fruit by that I mean in the context of someone using it in a fight. In your opinion, what are the top ten strongest Devil Fruits, why? And Buddha > Phoenix? Bon-Chan also has an incredibly underrated fruit, able to match the physical capability of any opponent he faces. Storm Storm Fruit might be the First Special Logia Devil Fruit that will be shown in the series. Top 10 Strongest Devil Fruits In One Piece #10- Magellan’s Doku Doku no Mi Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that grants the user the ability to produce and control different types of poison, as well as grant immunity to all forms of poison, making the user a Poison Human. He can zap anyone from afar (except Kizaru, who would be too fast for Enel to detect). Part of why the Gura Gura no Mi is so far been intimidating is that it was in the world’s strongest man’s hands, and now it is owned by one of the Four Emperors Blackbeard. venom was definitely cooler, especially when it was introduced but gas is far more powerful and versatile. According to Oda, Akainu’s devil fruit boasts the highest offensive power amongst all the Devil Fruits. I meant Whitebeard's crew! 9 – NICO ROBIN. Also what if the Hobi Hobo no Mi was one of the key fruits used in the erasure of the void century? Monkey D. Luffy . To be honest I feel that although Kizaru is able to move at the speed of light, he might not be able to react like one, so although it has explosive power, it does not necessarily mean that he will be as strong as the flash. He is the captain of the Blackbeard Pirates and one person in the One Piece universe to possess two devil fruit powers. It's pretty much that he's the god of his room though. (Also it's stated that Sugar has not been defeated before ever since they stepped foot in dressrosa and she was seen very quick in changing Kyros), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It was eaten by Nico Robin. This is something I’ve thought about since starting One Piece and I have 4 fruits I’d pick from divided into 1. Gol D. Roger Marco's phoenix fruit, which allows his body the same logia effects as the mera-mera no mi but also allows him to heal his comrades and augments his attacks with claws/talons. The fire and snow Fruits can’t even compare to their superior Fruits if both maxed out. Id put Doflamingos string fruit above them anytime for instance, I personally think the Door fruit is criminally underrated, and it’s wasted potential on someone like Blueno. Instantly removing key figures of that age would mean millions if not billions of people forgetting about that particular person and what they did entirely. Newgate wielded a Paramecia type of Devil Fruit called Gura Gura no Mi, which allowed him to create quakes at will. Possibly the most powerful Devil Fruit seen in One Piece thus far as it has the true capabilities to destroy the world. Except you know... Kizaru, Blackbeard's Yami Yami no mi, and Fujitora... Enel's fruit is definitely the strongest so far, insanely powerful and speed of light movements. This Devil Fruit allows its user to summon and control earthquakes at will. She wields a giant Kanabo like Kaido. In this territory, he is capable of separating and spatially displacing anything and everything inside (including himself), referred to as that he can “operate” on anything within the spherical “operating room”. Had someone like Usopp eaten the fruit, it may have seemed underutilized or weaker… Top 10 Strongest Devil Fruits In One Piece #10- Magellan’s Doku Doku no Mi Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that grants the user the ability to produce and control different types of poison, as well as grant immunity to all forms of poison, making the user a Poison Human. @FronkyYT Send me a message on Reddit… Eh, sort of. In direct combat, Monet was a capable fighter, being able to fight against Luffy and later Zoro without much difficulty. It's impossible to not make that fruit impossibly overpowered. Caesar [Gas-Gas Fruit] 17. Blackbeard uses the Tremor-Tremor too. Edit: Whitebeard! If one piece was realistic, Kizaru's fruit would be by far the strongest. In the past, Yamato fought Ace and gave him an equal fight without using her Zoan ability. In addition to his overwhelming strength, he is seemingly unable to die. … Here's my list: P.S. I was considering the String fruit, and honestly it’s manipulation factor might actually swing it in at 20 or 19 for me cuz thats extremely useful. Some people were even saying that Shanks had the highest or second highest bounty, however it turns out that he currently has the third highest or fourth depending on Dragon's bounty. With the power of this Devil Fruit, Whitebeard could create powerful shockwaves by shattering the air like glass. i'd definitely have put gas way above venom. I just don’t think we saw enough of the Buddha to really make too much of a judgment (that’s why I have it at number 9). As it turned out, Luffy's training in Wano is focused on developing his Haki and physical strength. It literally a one hit KO fruit. Forging new forms to benefit from the Gum-Gum Devil Fruit the most is what Luffy has been doing since the beginning of One Piece. Even if we don't known all the details, i would say big mom's fruit, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. She wields a giant Kanabo like Kaido. Omg... Hobi Hobi no Mi can remove a person entirely from existence while turning that person into your slave. In one piece it has been stated that gura gura no mi is the strongest paramecia devil fruit in the world, a devil fruit capable of destroying the world but I think it means that it only has a huge amount of destructive force capable of destroying the world but what really is the strongest paramecia devil fruit by that I mean in the context of someone using it in a fight. Top 15 Strongest Devil Fruits In One Piece #15- Jozu’s unknown Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform parts and most likely all of his body, into diamond, giving him the ability to greatly increase his offensive and defensive capabilities. Weakness: No weakness was shown in the series. Gura- Gura no Mi (Tremor - Tremor) During Marineford arc, you can see its real power. Law's Devil Fruit is literally called the Op-Op fruit but is it the strongest? One Piece Top 20 Strongest Devil Fruits 20. In this post I intend to show that it in fact one of the strongest out there. In my honest opinion I see the Goro Goro no Mi devil fruit as the most powerful in the One Piece universe. Here are the 10 strongest non-devil fruit users in One Piece. However, in the One Piece would I would make the argument for Law, Issho or Whitebeard, as all 3 are able to more or less change the world around them at will. I would argue that because Law's DF isn't automatic, drawing from his strength to make rooms or do things with them, that he's automatically out of the running. During the decisive ten day battle on Punk Hazard for the position of fleet admiral, Akainu showed the furious power of his Devil Fruit as he changed the weather of one side of … This devil fruit can nullify other devil fruit powers when the user made contact with other users, making it deadly. I like your list, although I do not see Magnet in it at all. While his true skill remains unknown, Vista is easily one of the strongest characters without a Devil Fruit power. She could also use her talons to slash foes. Besides, he had consumed a Gomu Gomu Nomi (Gum-Gum fruit) which is a paramecia devil fruit. http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Sabi_Sabi_no_Mi, The fruits definitely got some potential with being able to paralyze the opponent and negate any weaponry, So I pretty much agree with the top 10, I might change the order a bit but I agree mostly. Bomb fruit for me is definitely top 30. The Pika Pika no Mi and Goro Goro no Mi should be the most powerful. Just this devil fruit alone can decide the fate of the whole world. And what about enel's DF? Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. (Ofcourse to different degrees of what they can change and how destructive the changes are). So it's probably a Glass Cannon. Archived An analysis of the Baku Baku no mi, the strongest Devil Fruit. Furthermore, his devil fruit can temporarily nullify the abilities of other devil fruit users. The fruit of BigMom is gonna be the strongest. (Imagine copying Kaidos base strength?) In Enel's case, there is no one, save for Kizaru, who should be able to touch him - he's fast enough to react to and outrun everyone else, and, as the strongest observation haki user (according to Oda), he can sense anyone while they're still miles away, and in the case of beings that observation haki does not work on (like the Minks), the goro goro no mi gives him powers of electroreception to still detect them from miles away. Lol. The real reason why he stands in the second position is his valor. Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. If you want discussion, please sort the subreddit by New. speed of lightning =/= the speed of light. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! These shock waves then would be … From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! It turns Blackbeard into a man of darkness, as he can literally manifest himself into dark matter. As Logias, their wielders become light and electricity, and are also able to command mastery over light and electricity. The Door fruit is pretty much teleportation and a limited time safe zone anywhere, probably the best stealth fruit there is, IMO even better than the clear clear and the calm calm. If Sugar was only 10 when she ate the fruit. However, after meeting Silvers Rayleigh, Luffy discovered a greater weapon than any devil fruit: the power of Haki. 2 Strongest: Gura Gura no Mi Gura Gura no Mi is the strongest Paramecia type of Devil Fruit, that was first wielded by Whitebeard. Could you imagine if someone as strong Shanks had this fruit?! The strongest fruits seem to be mythical Zoans as they carry with them a range of powers outside of increased physical prowess Whitebeards fruit as it had the ability to destroy islands with a punch Or enels fruit with its immense range and lightning typically seen as one of the strongest elements in most cartoons and anime it held ip level 2 Yeah of course, but I’m judging by max skill and experience with the fruit, what would be the best. Us manga readers know what it is and it's so powerful that it even makes Sugar's fruit look like a bag of shit. I don't think the Pika Pika no Mi needs an explanation. It's impossible to not make that fruit impossibly overpowered. level 2 And yet people know of how the Hobi Hobi no Mi can remove a person's from existence. I just feel that that’s the devil fruit of fleet admiral sen goku, and he only whipped it out briefly, in dire situations, and that means something. Learn the rest of the series, Luffy, is the only character have. 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