Throwing Thrawn in the middle of the month kind of threw me off, as I would have been good to 7* him next week, but oh well, thats the nature of the beast. A guild must have a minimum of 80 million Galactic Power to play the event. Staff Writer, Change Log: At the very least everyone should get 1 7-star character ASAP so that they can leech in raids in their guild. I think once we get more of the other SWGoH 101 pages together, an FAQ will definitely help out a lot and those are some excellent things to add. I'm in the process of making some updates for the Ships area due to the added crystals and also the introduction of Chimaera. Levels 1-50: Between Levels 1-50, creating synergy between the characters on your five-person team will not be as important as just having a suite of strong characters. SWGOH Tools and Guides. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. You might also want to mention crystal drops for top 20 rank in ship arena. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. 8/16/17 – Initiated, Use it for purchases at any Apple Store location, on the Apple Store app,, the App Store, iTunes, Apple Music, Apple TV, Apple News,…, SWGoH: Territory Wars Character Priority List for Endgame Players, SWGoH: Geonosis Republic Offensive – Phase 4 Jedi Combat Mission Walkthrough, SWGoH: Geonosis Republic Offensive – Phase 4 GAS & 501st Combat Mission Walkthrough, SWGoH – Geonosis: Republic Offensive Phase 3 Combat Mission, Middle – Galactic Republic Jedi, 22,000+ Power, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Views and In-Game Recommendations, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Dots/Rarities and Mod Levels, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Primary and Secondary Stats, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Understanding Mod Stats, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Speed, aka The Holy Grail, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Guide to Mod Slicing, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – How To & Mod Salvage, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – 5A to 6E Slicing, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – When to Slice & TL;DR Quick Tips, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: How to Choose Good Mods, SWGoH 101: Completing Rey’s Hero’s Journey Event, Rey’s Hero’s Journey: Mods and Strategies, Which Characters First? A Level 30 player should not be focused on creating a team meant to solo Phase 4 of the Heroic Tank Raid. guide includes: Farming with regard to GW and "Mid-Tier" Arena, Planning for advanced play, with a meta "history". /shrug. - Gives a progress report for various in game events based on level, gear and zeta status of units.. Mod Optimizer - Suggests optimal mod layouts for characters based on customizable criteria.. Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. This website has a collection of useful tools and resources for people playing Star Wars™ Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH). hopes to create a larger SWGoH 101 series to guide players from their first forays into the game all the way through advanced gameplay; this is one of the first major efforts. Mods Master List Helper - Find the best mods for each character Which mod for every character in SW:GoH Based on the work from redditor Skelturix ( Click here for original content ), I did a little upgrade to his spreadsheet, transforming it in a searchable and filterable list directly accessible below . 8/25/17 – Updated TL;DR lists for Territory Battles characters Edit: I basically went this route because of all the advice on how weak a 7 char with gear 5 is compared to low* chars with higher gear. I have to keep DS guys up to progress in the DS battles but then also trying to stay somewhat competitive in arena with the guys I have, and then also trying to figure out what to farm next whether it's Phoenix or Resistence, or more rebels. Anyway, that's just my opinion, but I put it out here as my experience, and something that's worked well for me over the past 7 weeks. In SWGoH 101 you will find more early and mid-game content. Start farming ships to 3 stars (focus on PS ships). I think my original logic in not including Boba in Cantina shipments right with QGJ was that it seemed faster folk newbies to get Boba from both Guild and his Hard Nodes and let the Cantina Store farming go towards others, but now that I realize Boba's not in Guild Store, he definitely does need to be listed in the Cantina farming. In addition, do not miss our Relic Amplifiers section where we review and analyze Relics for key SWGoH characters. Want to hang out with me on a monthly basis ? So huge kudos for putting this together. Press J to jump to the feed. Meanwhile, the SWGoH Advanced section centers on strategy for endgame players including our Sith Triumvirate Raid Guide, Grand Arena Guide and more. I hope that makes sense. Solid Guide, one thing that I really thought about as a new player 3-4 months ago that may help: What Legendary event just happened? Step 4) Be sure to include a small bit of Empire farming, depending on where you're at with Thrawn and EP. A big question for those starting out in SWGoH. Also the chance for zetas from the challenge is 0-4 not 1-4. Check out my Patreon! I joined SWGOH a few days after May 4th this year, so thought I'd post an "almost" 6 month update on what the game looks like for early players, as well as some general strategy tips beginners should use to find success in the game since I've seen some threads asking for it over the past few weeks. SWGoH 101: Which Characters First? I'll fix shortly. I got Thrawn at 5 stars (level 70 is a smidge too low level to get him to 6 stars). You can be prepared for the legendary events if you accept that you will miss the next one or two while prepping for the cycle to start again. The guide does not encourage panic-farming for different events and does not present "improper" advice such as telling a Level 50 player to farm specific characters intended to solo HAAT. Are rewards better for 3 staring a battle, should I save or spend bronziums, where to best use sim tickets, etc. To obtain 300K+ damage, you need to maximize the damage at the door stage. on the other hand my first 7 star was Kylo and i don't regret it for a second. Mods are included in the calculation and shown by the unit portrait. Nice, I was going to create a flow chart starting today of pretty much the same thing except working backwards from getting CLS. Also in the CLS event section Farmboy Luke can be obtained through Guild Store as well as the stated Cantina nodes. 10 Best Light Side Characters In Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes. Visit for more tools and information. The best way to play the game is to progress naturally. That being said, and please note this is purely a "MY OPINION ONLY" comment, but based on my recently starting a new account, hitting level 28 and entering the arena shard around August 20th (a roundabout way of saying I've been playing this alt account for 7 weeks), I would STRONGLY recommend the following order: Step 1) Get all members of the Phoenix Squad (except Sabine) to 7 stars. Geonosis Separatist Might is a Territory Battle that requires Dark Side characters and ships. com/channel/UCVhBzQv Darth Revan complete relic tier list for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes contains a huge variety of characters in its roster, and these are the best to utilize from the Light side. For example, let’s say you complete a Dark Side battle with Sidious, Royal Guard, Geo Soldier, Phasma and IG-86. The Which Characters First guide will always be updated through the life of the game, with regular updates for accuracy and new updated content. A more correct statement would be "cant quite farm one every day." Most cost effective way to buy gear from any store in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes! BB-8 event is called "Pieces and Plans" not "Pieces Heist and Plans". The Which Characters First? I'll be ready to get R2 at 5 stars. Step 2) Around level 55, get your Health mod challenge to 3 stars. This guide is pretty much all I could ask for in a 101 guide. Nice. Which characters should I work on first? Below is a summary of the monthly login characters in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Ooh! Not only will this take ages to accomplish, but by the time a player gets to this point, the game could (and most likely would) shift between different raids and newer characters. Hey there. Boba's not even in the guild store, where you listed him. When the game first presents itself, there are loads of options available, with dozens of characters to choose from, not to mention the ones that are given for free. 9/6/17 – Territory Battles farming added; Updated TL;DR lists Via Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Forums - … For me it was R2, so I knew that I would have time to work on his event while maintaining my arena team. Which characters should I work on first? And, you're definitely right about the 0-4 vs 1-4 on zetas, as I experienced this weekend...Updates coming asap! May I suggest a quick faq page and a link to that page at the beginning of the 1-50. Apart from the Squad Arena, your overall game focus will shift depending on your level in the game. The event lasts for 6 days and consists of 4 phases that last for 36 hours each. I want to have it as a visual aide to show all the interconnections between each toon that people farm and where they are useful. Hurrying from one set of toons to another depending on an upcoming event results in overall less progress and general disappointment. Use Jedi Consular’s heal first if possible as it is on a shorter cooldown. Bravo! Your Future in SWGoH, Which Characters First? The core of where you’re gonna farm ships is Galactic War and the Fleet Store. That's about it. Max Damage 4942. Thanks for putting this all together. If so then go untill they are 7*? If you get a new character you want to replace a member of your squad with, spend zero resources on the toon you are changing out, and then pump all your resources into the new character until it is on par with the rest of the team. Players should always focus on a single character at a time from any set of gameplay areas. For basics on how mods work in SWGoH don’t miss SWGOH 101: The Comprehensive Mod Guide – the Wikipedia of mods for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. All you need is a single 7* character to contribute and get rewards in a Heroic raid. Thank you! Cookies help us deliver our Services. 29 Don’t Waste Crystals On Mega-Pack If FTP. Thank you! 3) Take note of your character's special abilities and discover the best time to use them. There are several reasons this is your best strategy. View the full database of SWGOH Charactes with the most Speed, Protection, Health, Armor, Potency and Tenacity! Bam, your GW is set for the next half year (I finish GW every single day with my PS on auto). 10/9/17 – Updates for Territory Battles, BB-8 Legendary, Core Farming, and TL;DR lists As a level 70 with no 7* chars, but guys at gear 7 and 8, should I focus exclusively on getting character shards for a while? As for the "zeta a day", that is technically correct; the best kind of correct! There are numerous "newbie" guides littered across the internet, but many have been abandoned, left outdated, or get lost deep within various forums. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. All fully FTP, and all spending a minimum amount of time each day. If you don't mind taking a quick look at my squad, would you still recommend going all in on Phoenix? In this video i will be talking about how to level up fast in swgoh (starwars Galaxy of heros). You can only borrow characters which were not a part of your team in your most recent battle within that area. I think I got a little copy/paste happy when adding that. Hes a sacrifice to farm either place. ... Separatist Support who specializes in sabotaging enemy strategies Empire in "Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes" As a fan of the movies and the franchise, when I started playing Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, I immediately got started on my Empire team.I wanted to have every type of Stormtrooper with Darth Vader leading them into battle crushing Rebels under our feet. After getting the first 1915 currency you could farm one each day for the next 22 days without skipping a day not including any ship currency gained by achievements or events. SWGoH is great to play in short bursts throughout the day, ... as the AI will automatically use their abilities without a strategy. This guide shows you where the best place to buy Kyrotech, Carbanti, Stun Cuffs, … I'm also planning future articles that will focus on getting through the gear grind, but to answer your specific question, it would be best to take at least 5 of your highest starred and geared characters straight to 7*. Choosing characters should always reflect full teams meant for any of these areas. I enjoy these types of projects, because they are done with the goal of helping new players who aren't familiar with the game. It's hard to remember back to when I wasn't maxed at 85, or even back to 80, so this is a good primer for non-whales and anyone who didn't start playing in 2016. RH and GK are some of the best characters in the game, plus the rewards will help your progression. A big question for those starting out in SWGoH. View the full database of SWGOH Character Stats, Speed, Power, Ability Damage and more! Ideally, you should be able to do 250K+ damage just at the door and 75K+ after. Top Characters by Physical Damage Speed Health Protection Potency Tenacity Armor Physical Damage Critical Damage Special Damage Filters Character Name I do not recommend this, and I got QGJ before Boba when I started. Galactic War and Mid-Tier Arena, Which Characters First? Are you going to address the gear grind, though? Music by Savfk. That's a great idea!, I think my goal there, however, was to make sure folks got a full sense of how "expensive" zetas are and also how long it takes to acquire them. Include Sabine and Boba in your pilot farming. Start farming your pilots. Personally I farmed Magmatrooper to 6 stars to make sure I had a 5th for R2 - I stand by this but I wish I could have spend those GW tokens on ships and Biggs instead. Territory Battles, Which Characters First? I got EP at 5 stars (this was when I was level 60 or so). As you progress in the game, the four biggest features will be the Squad Arena, Galactic War, Raids, and Events. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. SWGOH Monthly Login Characters. I spent some time on jawas and ig86 and some other guys I will probably never use. This is not when your team is redlining - It's when your healer can just about max out your whole team. Swgoh gg counter ; Swgoh 5v5 GAC The strategy is all that matters sometimes.. After my last TW/GAC guide showcasing how to beat Padme very easily with Jedi, many asked what I use against Grievous now ... Swgoh Relic Guide keithslater / SWGOH Relic List. You are starting to hit gear levels that require raid gear or gear that is faster to acquire through the raids. Toss some refreshes towards modding up. Raids reward a decent amount of gear. 2/16/18 – Updates for TL;DR lists When I started I googled some of this and realized the data was a year or more out of date. Cheers! Hopefully this explains things a little better :). With that said, once you get around 20 or so 7* characters, it's best to change your focus to gear as you continue to farm characters. The SWGoH Arena is very competitive and to reach and stay within the Top 100, which offers a guaranteed 100+ crystal payout (up to 500 crystals at Rank #1 daily), a player must follow the Meta and, in some cases, even attempt to predict the next Meta characters. SWGOH F2P Character Farming Guide (For Beginners) – 2018. So I've gone with a combination of things I've read including this guide which I found when I first started but I feel like I'm being pulled in too many directions. As you progress in the game, the four biggest features… For specific character mod guides scroll down to see each character’s page. When the game first presents itself, there are loads of options available, with dozens of characters to choose from, not to mention the ones that are given for free. Last week, the Emperor's Demise event came to us. A couple small edits: on the 51-80 page the BB-8 event is called "Pieces and Plans" not "Pieces Heist and Plans". Cheers! Had i only read this guide back in march when I began, would i possibly have had an easier time overall. Great work!! I'm wondering now if I've been wasting time with so many resources put into gear as opposed to improving my star rating. The Which Characters First guide will always be updated through the life of the game, with regular updates for accuracy and new updated content. For example if you have a healer, you want to wait for the optimum time before using his ability. Fleet Meta Breakdown - November 2018 This is a fantastic and comprehensive guide. With it, the Emperor of the Galactic Empire: Emperor Palpatine, the Supreme Leader of the Sith. Nicely written, great layout, and some very important information right up front for the beginning player. You should have Tarkin at 6 or 7 stars, and TFP at 5 or 6 (depending on how much you've been refreshing to get Hera, Ezra, and mods). Character focus will differ depending on player Level, i.e., Beginning (1-50), Mid-Tier (51-80), High-Tier (81-84), End-Game (Level Cap). This is very helpful to a noob that inherited his sons' old account. SWGoH is a very complex game that is continually changing. I'm level 70 right now and last night was 48th in the arena and 2nd in ships (this has all been done FTP), which meant I pulled in 525 crystals yesterday. I've written a lengthy guide to help newer or even "mid-range" players focus their farming efforts as they progress through the game. Develop your SWGOH roster and take on the most challenging content in EA / Capital Games' hit mobile game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Good catch! None of those 5 characters will be available to borrow as a leader the next time you go into a dark side battle. My general advice is to always take characters straight to 7* if you can. I accidentally added Boba to Guild Store instead of Fleet. Character farming should be your main priority in the game but there are some ways you can get ships as well. I've just started about 5 or so weeks ago, and I got super lucky and pulled chirrut from my first chromium and then bought a few more once I decided I liked the game and got even luckier getting baze. Abilities on the list to farm '', yet you do n't regret it for a second yet do... Guide, Grand Arena guide and more are included in the game but there are some the! Endgame players including our Sith Triumvirate raid guide, Grand Arena guide and more of! 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