Cet horizon peut, en revanche, se regarder comme le lieu de la surveillance généralisée et d’enjeux stratégiques et guerriers. For example, if you’re going to build secret airplanes, you need to have a secret aerospace industry. Diffuser autour de la planète ces lieux tenus secrets par les gouvernements britannique et américain. American, b. Trevor Paglen, Drone Vision (Still from video), 2010 Courtesy of the artist. Drone You say that your work tries to fill in “blank spots on the map.” What do you mean by that term, and what do you hope to achieve by filling these blanks spots? “Aussi abstraites qu’elles nous paraissent, les nouvelles formes de pouvoir ou d’économie, comme les algorithmes, la surveillance ou la reconnaissance faciale, sont toujours associées à des infrastructures bien réelles, souligne Trevor Paglen. You have to have almost monarchical powers in a part of the state in order to conduct one of these programs. Trevor Paglen blurs the lines between art, science, and investigative journalism to construct unfamiliar and at times unsettling ways to see and interpret the world around us.Inspired by the landscape tradition, he captures the same horizon seen by American photographers Timothy O’Sullivan in the nineteenth century and Ansel Adams in the twentieth. Trevor Paglen: Sites Unseen will open on 21 June 2018 at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., and will last until 6 June 2019. He points us toward areas citizens do not typically see —particularly the government’s covert operations and mass surveillance infrastructures. Drone It seems that a parallel can be drawn between your work and Wikileaks. Art21 produces the Peabody Award-winning PBS-broadcast series, Center for the Study of the Drone When did you begin photographing military subjects and military sites? For more than five years, Behram has been documenting the aftermath of drone attacks in Pakistan’s tribal areas, the hub of the CIA’s remote assassination program. Share. Short URL: July 4th. “Untitled” (Reaper Drone) [2010] de Trevor Paglen. Ses œuvres brouillent délibérément les frontières entre la science, l’art et le journalisme. 20.06.2015 — 30.08.2015. But on the other hand, the images are taken from so far away, through so much dust and haze and heat, that while it’s a photograph of a site, it’s also a photograph of what it looks like when you’ve pushed the physical properties of vision as far as they will go. In addition to the mediation with the audience, an extensive following program is being prepared, and an artist talk by Paglen is already scheduled for 20 June 2018 . Trevor Paglen, Display case with research material on CIA and „Large Hangars and Fuel Storage; Tonopah Test Range, NV Distance ~ 18 miles; 10:44 a.m.“, 2005 sowie „Reaper Drone (Indian Springs, NV, Distance ~ 2 miles)“, 2010 Installation view Frankfurter Kunstverein, Photo: Norbert Miguletz, ©Frankfurter Kunstverein Cet Américain né en 1974 s’est donné une mission: montrer au monde ce que les autorités veulent cacher. 9783866788329. ^ a b "The Cultural Award of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie (DGPh)". American, b. The student asked, “Why didn’t you make an image that was clearer, where you could see what was going on?” Then he realized, even if you clearly saw the top edge of that building at Dugway, what, if anything at all, would that image explain? Trevor Paglen. When Behram learns of a strike, he races towards ground zero to photograph the scene. Cela n’a rien de scientifique et rappelle les pires heures des XIXe et XXe siècles où des théories – souvent racistes – comme la physiognomonie pensaient pouvoir établir le destin d’un individu à partir de son visage.”. Drone Vision 2010 . C-Print, 121,92 × 152,40 cm. … Trevor Paglen blurs the lines between art, science, and investigative journalism to construct unfamiliar and at times unsettling ways to see and interpret the world around us.Inspired by the landscape tradition, he captures the same horizon seen by American photographers Timothy O’Sullivan in the nineteenth century and Ansel Adams in the twentieth. A lot of the images I create are very impressionistic, not at all self explanatory. Trevor Paglen: The Octopus. Short URL: July 4th. L’image du ciel ou de l’espace que je fabrique en 2020 est-elle si différente des images prises au XIXe siècle ou peintes dans les cavernes par les hommes préhistoriques ?” Pourtant, la réalité du ciel de 2020 n’a plus rien à voir avec un repaire de dieux païens ou un espace fantasmagorique à explorer. C-Print, 152,4 × 121,92 cm. choke points, surveillance and combat drones that alter the very conditions of visibility. The Guardian. Trevor Paglen's drone photography wins 2016 Deutsche Börse prize This article is more than 4 years old. Trevor Paglen focuses on creating art that helps us see the historical moment that we live in. You could get a lot of people killed for no reason. Trevor Paglen Untitled (Reaper Drone), 2010 / Courtesy of Altman Siegel Gallery SC: The notion of seeing remains consistent in your work. Trevor Paglen focuses on creating art that helps us see the historical moment that we live in. Having said that, I really don’t think of secrets as what you don’t get to know. US photographer Trevor Paglen, best known for his striking images of telecommunications and national security infrastructure, studies 'ungraspable architecture': radio wave transmissions, secret missile ranges, N.S.A. How would you describe your work? Drone Vision, 2010. 30 notes. L’Américain y a photographié des satellites et des débris spatiaux dans la nuit étoilée. I didn’t realize these things were being flown around in the open. Traditionally thought of as an extraterritorial space and a symbol of freedom and boundlessness, the sky takes on a different connotation in the photographs of this series . like. However, because it’s technically a secret program, it’s not discussed in Congress, so there’s no legislative authority controlling it. His is a practice broadly underpinned by an investigation into the relationship between vision, power and technology. Courtesy of the Artist. Retrieved 27 April 2016. Episode 217 : Trevor Paglen parle de deux photographies récentes à l’édition Griffin au studio d’imprimerie de la ville de New York. Paglen’s work has been widely exhibited at … L'Orbital Reflector : un nanosatellite un peu particulier Que l'on soit sensible à l'art ou non, il faut avouer que la démarche de Trevor Paglen est assez surprenante ! My project was never to figure out what exactly is going on in a place like Area 51. Courtesy the artist. Sous la dir. "Trevor Paglen's drone photography wins 2016 Deutsche Börse prize". I think we agree that if you’re going to have a war in Afghanistan, that’s probably not something you want to do. Dans ses images, il a capturé nos paysages contemporains peuplés de drones, de stations d’écoutes secrètes ou de satellites naviguant entre les étoiles, anticipant notre futur. It’s a photograph of a place, but it’s literally a photograph of what it looks like when your physical capacity to see collapses, or begins to collapse. Which is potentially a very different set of questions to “how do we understand the world?” or “how do we make sense of the world?” Seeing and images are a way to point towards things, but there is very little evidentiary material in the images that I create. Trevor Paglen reste vague sur sa vie personnelle et semble réticent à toute interprétation autobiographique de son travail. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion For example, I think you don’t want to have Twitter feeds about where different patrols are happening in real-time in Afghanistan. L’aspect pictural de ce cliché provient de la longue exposition photographique sous la pleine lune. L’exposition proposait une étude matérialiste de ces images dont les scientifiques usent sans même les regarder. Le paysage qui a toujours été au cœur de mon travail est un paysage d’infrastructures, ces composants essentiels des nouvelles formes de pouvoir.”. Ses œuvres brouillent délibérément les frontières entre la science, l’art et le journalisme. Blank Spots on the Map is about trying to understand how, in order to make a place “disappear,” you have to develop an alternative state, an alternative economy, an alternative legal structure, and what the ramifications of doing that are. ISBN : 9782980802041. So in a lot of the visual work that I do, I am much more interested in the line separating vision from knowledge. Throughout his career, Paglen has developed a long-standing interest around issues of surveillance, CIA black sites, drone warfare, the essence and apparatus of America’s security systems, and much more. The Guardian. Accueil > Trevor Paglen English Un magazine qui se consacre à la présentation et à l’analyse des pratiques de la photographie en lien à l’art contemporain, aux nouvelles technologies de l’image et aux enjeux actuels de la culture. What the photograph conceals though, is a Reaper Drone, an unmanned aerial vehicle. It has an investigative instinct. The Brooklyn Rail Curatorial Projects . Now, how do you fund an airplane in secret when the constitution states that all federal funding needs to be accounted for? Trevor Paglen, Ausstellungsansicht Frankfurter Kunstverein 2015, Photo: Norbert Miguletz, ©Frankfurter Kunstverein, Courtesy: the artist. Paglen There are multiple things that I do as a person in the world. View Trevor Paglen’s artworks on artnet. You can contact the gallery to find out about Paglen’s next exhibition. I am specifically interested in bases and military installations and infrastructures that are either secret—in other words the existence of the facility is secret—or facilities that are primarily funded through classified spending and where classified research or classified development takes place. I spent many years developing techniques based on astrophotography. “PAN” (Unknown; USA-207) de Trevor Paglen [2010]. Paglen The idea of the blank spot on the map goes back to early Portuguese, Spanish and English imperial maps. Le photographe Trevor Paglen capture un ciel 2.0, Du cyborg à la webcam, comment le Net a transformé l'art, Devenez un spécialiste de l’art et du design avec le MoMA, Un Van Gogh dérobé dans un musée fermé des Pays-Bas. Et des décisions politiques.”. Cela n’a rien d’abstrait. But Paglen’s interest in drones extends beyond the aesthetic paradox that they present. As an artist, I am interested in seeing, and I am interested in how we see the world. MacArthur Foundation. ^ "Trevor Paglen". By extension, he also develops ways of seeing what a different world might look . Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie e.V.. Accessed 7 March 2017. “Une idée communément admise veut qu’il y ait équivalence entre l’image d’un objet et la réalité de cet objet, commente l’artiste. Les premières expérimentations de la CIA en 1963, fondées sur des photographies gouvernementales, ont laissé place aujourd’hui à l’utilisation de photographies de personnes, récoltées sur le Net sans aucune autorisation. 25 x 18cm. His is a practice broadly underpinned by an investigation into the relationship between vision, power and technology. Art21 produces the Peabody Award-winning PBS-broadcast … Après une rétrospective importante de Trevor Paglen au Smithsonian Amercian Art Museum de Washington DC, l’artiste américain a une actualité chargée en Europe pour cette rentrée 2019. Trevor Paglen I started looking at military sites in the late 1990s. Si vous continuez à utiliser nos services, nous supposerons que vous acceptez l'utilisation de ces cookies. L'Orbital Reflector : un nanosatellite un peu particulier Que l'on soit sensible à l'art ou non, il faut avouer que la démarche de Trevor Paglen est assez surprenante ! An artist and author of numerous books and articles, Trevor Paglen uses special equ… Trevor Paglen, Drone Vision, 2010, ©the artist, Courtesy: Courtesy Galerie Thomas Zander, Köln. When you’re looking at an obscure chemicals weapons facility, perhaps more abstract images can actually convey the things that go on in that facility better than the “objective-looking images.”. 1974 • Follow. On one hand, there is an image of a particular site, in which I am asking questions about that site. The Brooklyn Rail Curatorial Projects. Numéro utilise des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience sur notre site. chaque semaine, découvrez les must-reads de l'actualité mode, art, beauté et lifestyle. Venice, Brooklyn. Dans son travail photographique (2006-2011), Paglen explore l’usage des drones et la façon dont le paysage américain a été envahi par la technologie militaire, redéfinissant de la … The images that I had produced of this facility were very impressionistic, almost like color fields. MacArthur Foundation. How do you reconcile that with your training in geography, which seeks to represent through context? To read more interviews, please click here. “On leur apprend comment reconnaître un nez, un sourire, une bouche, et à calculer la distance entre l’un et l’autre”, précise Kate Crawford. Trevor Paglen is an American artist, geographer, and author whose work tackles mass surveillance and data collection. Medium. In his recent project The Last Pictures, Paglen worked with MIT scientists to design a spacecraft able to last billions of years, which was launched into space with an archival disc inscribed with one hundred photographs that the artist chose to capture our … Les drones qui s’y déploient – et qui sont invisibles – sont de véritables armes de combat. About the work. Identifying subjects such as secret military sites, … This secret state, this “deep state,” has a tendency to continually transform the more democratic institutions that surround it in its own image. Invité de Prada à Paris et à Milan, l’artiste Trevor Paglen s’est associé à la chercheuse Kate Crawford dans un projet portant sur l’intelligence artificielle. By extension, he also develops ways of seeing what a different world might look . Trevor Paglen. They Watch the Moon est en réalité la photographie d’une station d’écoute classifiée de l’armée américaine, située au cœur des forêts de la Virginie-Occidentale et du Maryland (Trevor Paglen y est né en 1974). This is the same type of drone that … Trevor Paglen is an artist and activist who is particularly concerned with the power of images, having spent his entire career challenging our vision of the world. Dans cet épisode d’ART 21 “séries exclusives”. “Seule une dizaine d’entreprises ont la capacité économique et logistique de créer une intelligence artificielle, conclut Kate Crawford. TREVOR PAGLEN LE MOIS DE LA PHOTO À MONTRÉAL 7 SEPTEMBRE - 9 NOVEMBRE, 2013. I researched the way in which astronomers take pictures of galaxies or distant planets and tried to adopt some of those techniques for terrestrial photography, to take images of places that are oftentimes invisible with the unaided eye. A nonprofit organization, Art21’s mission is to inspire a more creative world through the works and words of contemporary artists. A secret air force base deep in the desert outside Las Vegas is the control centre for the US's huge fleet of drones: Paglen has photographed these tiny dots hurtling through the Nevada skies. Editors’ note: Trevor Paglen’s exhibition “A Study of Invisible Images” was shown at Metro Pictures in New York City in the fall of 2017. Venice, Brooklyn • Follow. Paglen One of the places I’ve taken images of was the Dugway Proving Ground in Utah, where a lot of biotechnological and chemical weapons are developed. Trevor Paglen’s “Untitled (Reaper Drone),” 2012. 20.06.2015 — 30.08.2015. It took me about four or five years of researching those techniques and developing them before I felt comfortable publishing any of my images. So secrecy in this case is not about access to information, it’s about creating and preserving certain kinds of state powers under the executive branch that are not subject to the oversight of other parts of the state or the people. Time/Image, Blaffer Art Museum, University of Houston. On entraîne les intelligences artificielles à prédire vos émotions rien qu’en regardant votre visage. Dans cette zone “silencieuse”, les transmissions radios sont limitées et le WiFi et la FM sont interdits afin de laisser la station capturer les informations destinées au système Echelon. His photographs of military black sites, offshore prisons, underwater cabling, and surveillance drones derive their impact from the tension between what is seen and unseen. Over time, when you build these types of infrastructures, you end up developing a state within the state that has very different rules and different ways of operating than what we would think of as a kind of democratic state. Drone Vision, 2010. Medium. Training Humans dévoilait aussi et surtout l’idéologie inhérente à toute technologie, jamais neutre dans la manière dont elle s’élabore. Trevor Paglen s’est fait connaître grâce à ses recherches sur les activités clandestines de l’armée américaine. For those interested, Google has released an open-source tool that allows anyone to examine the datasets used to train AI. Interview: Trevor Paglen. If you take the C.I.A.’s drone war, this is something we have an enormous amount of information on. Paglen’s photographs of drones have become canonical. His art has been shown internationally in both solo and group shows. Avec l’aimable autorisation de l’artiste ; de Metro Pictures, New York ; Altman Siegel, San Francisco ; et de la Galerie Thomas Zander, Cologne. Les couleurs de ciels de sa série Untitled (Drones) évoquent les azurs peints par d’anciens maîtres classiques autant que des abstractions numériques. In addition to the mediation with the audience, an extensive following program is being prepared, and an artist talk by Paglen … Venice, Brooklyn • Follow. Venice, Brooklyn. Throughout his career, Paglen has developed a long-standing interest around issues of surveillance, CIA black sites, drone warfare, the essence and apparatus of America’s security systems, and much more. Für diese Ausstellung erhielt Trevor Paglen den Deutsche Börse Photography … Dans ses images, il a capturé nos paysages contemporains peuplés de drones, de stations d’écoutes secrètes ou de satellites naviguant entre les étoiles, anticipant notre futur. Photo: Courtesy of the artist. Many of these facilities are in the middle of states like Nevada and Utah, in places that have enormous buffer zones around them, in some cases up to 20 or 30 miles. I think that is deeply troublesome for the future of democracy. TREVOR PAGLEN (B. As you mentioned before, this idea can be explored through the use of photography or by referencing specific moments of art history, when considering how other artists have seen the world and then represented that view in their work. The Brooklyn Rail Curatorial Projects. Trevor Paglen, "Drone Vision", 2010 Vidéo interceptée par un satellite de télécommunications (montage d’extraits), 5 min, muet, en boucle. One of them would be recognizable as social science. Drone In your images, you create something representative yet decontextualized, almost to the point that it means nothing. Learn about the artist and see available works for sale. Notice bibliographique de livre. Trevor Paglen: The Octopus. Constructing unfamiliar and meticulously researched ways to see and interpret the world around us . Photo : Guy L'Heureux. About the Residency. So a kind of social engineering needs to take place. The control and video links between aircraft and pilot are often left unencrypted to reduce the latency inherent in the system. Instead, I want to know what state capacities you need to develop in order to have a place like Area 51, an unacknowledged airbase. I make arguments about these places, about these infrastructures, the economies and the legal regimes that they are a part of. Trevor Paglen: The Octopus. C-Print, 152,4 × 121,92 cm. Retrouvez Trevor Paglen: Sites Unseen et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon.fr. If you’re going to develop secret airplanes, you’re going to need to figure out how to fund them. Trevor Paglen est un photographe un peu particulier. He points us toward areas citizens do not typically see —particularly the government’s covert operations and mass surveillance infrastructures. Trevor Paglen. A nonprofit organization, Art21’s mission is to inspire a more creative world through the works and words of contemporary artists. Although the image is extremely distorted, the hulking Reaper is immediately recognizable as a drone. December 12, 2013 November 9, 2014 Interviews, Lenny Simon, Photography, Secrecy, trevor paglen. "Trevor Paglen's drone photography wins 2016 Deutsche Börse prize". By creating an image of a drone that is highly obscured and abstracted, and yet eminently recognizable, Paglen has represented the space that drones inhabit in the public imagination. There are a huge number of them. And yet it isn’t exactly the same. Photo: Katy Raddatz/San Francisco Chronicle. One image in particular, a blurred photograph of a Reaper drone at an Air Base in Indian Springs, Nevada, captures exactly what it is about drones which has taken such a firm hold of our imaginations. Paglen’s photographs of drones have become canonical. )Executed in 2010, this work is number one from an edition of five plus two artist's proofs I’m very interested in what the limits of vision are as an aesthetic question as well as an epistemological question. Parts of the project, which began five years ago, are on display at Metro Pictures gallery in Chelsea. In … Find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks for sale, the latest news, and sold auction prices. From questioning our assumptions about government surveillance to calling out existence of covert operations or the “blank spots on the map,” Paglen takes nothing for granted. Paglen’s winning work, The Octopus, combines images and … The work that I’ve done is not so much trying to fill in these metaphorical blank spots as trying to understand how they’re produced and what sort of state capacities and powers have to be developed in order to create and sustain such places. Trevor Paglen, Orbital Reflector, rendering. Trevor Paglen, Untitled (Reaper Drone), 2010. Paglen addresses the sky as a politicized space through his depiction of its colonization by surveillance technologies, such as those … Mode, art, beauté et lifestyle the image is extremely distorted, the Reaper. Were people who weren ’ t realize these things were being flown around in the images I are... Not able to translate a piece of music into a text work and Wikileaks one of them would be as... Comfortable publishing any of my work exclusives ” vous acceptez l'utilisation de images! Ph.D in Geography from Berkeley and an MFA from the kinds of things you ca n't see secret!, tapped cables, spy satellites armée américaine les futurs alternatifs going on at the same Américain... Art 21 “ séries exclusives ” usent sans même les regarder government ’ s “ Nothing is Beyond Our ”. Drone what are the most common responses to your work and Wikileaks that allows anyone to examine the used! 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