There is absolutely no secret and everyone will find discus keeping easy if they follow our guidelines. On the other hand, if you keep discus alone in a tank, it may or may not live a long life. Whatever fish you decide to keep with your Discus, they will benefit from the extra attention. Home; Diseases; Medications; Water; Tips; API General Cure. Discus prefer warm, soft, acidic water. They tend to stay in the mid-levels but will rise to the top and dip to the bottom to forage; so they can easily dominate all levels of the tank. Hexamita is a flagellate protozoa that affects the gastrointestinal tract of ornamental fish. Are Discus fish for me? Beef heart can be purchased frozen from fish supply retailers. You could sprinkle flake food into your discus tank every once in a while, you will see that your discus will show very little if any interest. It can be added to a tank with other fish without much trouble as long as the other fish require the same c… Add the gravel to the tank and fill the tank with the half full of water. However, they’re also notorious for being extremely difficult to keep. There are three Symphysodon species that inhabit the margins of the floodplain lakes and rivers in the Amazon basin in different … There are three Symphysodon species that inhabit the margins of the floodplain lakes and rivers in the Amazon basin in different geographic locations. Varieties such as Giant Flora and Red Alenquer Discus boast light blues and deep reds, while Albino Platinum Discus are all white with red eyes that seem to almost glow. The coloring comes together in vertical and horizontal stripes that cover fins as well as their body. Even today, many new discus hobbyists keep discus in the same conditions as normal tropical fish. Sadly, not all diseases are treatable, and there are conditions and diseases such as discus plague, that not only kills all discus fish in the affected tank, but goes airborne from one room to another, and affect all live discus fish in the environment. A minimum of 5 is recommended, but more will look better and create a sturdier group. Discus can be housed with many any other fish as long as they require the same water conditions. Discus are considered to require a higher level of care than other aquarium fish. What is fact is … Discus Keeping; General Fish Care Sheets; Keeping Coral; Services. Intestinal Parasites. A combination of water changes and parasite removal will usually solve this. Beginners are more subject to the risks of the keeping discus fish as they have a lowest practical experience on this beautiful sensitive fish. (Summary), Best Reef Salt – Top 5 Tank Salt Ranked And Reviewed 2021. One of the most common types is a checkerboard Discus fish, that has a mottled turquoise splashed over a deep red base. Domestically-bred Discus are really no different to any other fish and these are the very basic rules: Keep them in groups, as they are a shoaling species. Discus Fish Breeding Guide ... For example, if you have your tanks in the garage or a fish room, keeping extra water in a 50 gallon trash can with an airstone and heater will make water changes faster and easier. Ich or white spot disease of Discus is one of the major factors of discus fish keeping. You also must check the Discus for signs like hanging white string of feces, hole in the head, and heavy breathing. Whatever fish you decide to keep with your Discus, they will benefit from the extra attention. This is both true and fake. For more information about quarantining discus fish read how to quarantine discus fish article. Good biological filtration is a must, as is the right diet and water changes. A KH of 3-4 and GH of 4-5 can be great for Discus. Sorry but a 25g tank is not big enough for Discus, the minimum for keeping Discus is 40 gallons for a pair and then an additional 10 to 15 gallons per extra fish. He is also a proud member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America and the Nature Conservancy. These areas are shaded, and the riverbed is soft sediment.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-4','ezslot_19',117,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-4','ezslot_20',117,'0','1'])); The wild conditions of the Discus fish can be replicated in the home aquarium, however, it can be challenging for beginner hobbyists. Sterbai Cory Catfish is the best type of catfish to include because they live in warmer waters while occupying a different level of the tank and being extremely peaceful. They need a toxin free, soft, and acidic water. 50 Betta Fish Tank Mates: The Definitive Compatibility List 2021, Salt, along with water, are the first building blocks of your saltwater aquarium. In my opinion this is … Unhealthy discus often hide or are dark in color. Let us know in the comments below! Discus fish need special requirements, large tanks, and frequent water changes. There are so many different types, it is worth your time to create a shoal that has the colors you like the most. Healthy discus grow out requires, water changes, … The discus look great and are swimming around, feeding and getting on great with cardinals, neon’s, Cory cats and all the other compatible fish that can be kept with discus. The water needs testing frequently when it is new, and this can be done with home kits or at the stores. Don’t worry, though many discus keepers love to keep discus in a BB tank, but they can be kept in a gravel tank or sandy … Quarantine tank should be especially set up for quarantining purpose and located in a separate room, as it is a must in discus keeping. As for observation, spend time watching your fish and if you notice changes in behavior or coloration, it could be an indication something is wrong. Keeping Discus in a sandy tank :-if you are a first time discus keeper, then you may not like a bare bottom tank. Many people do not Keeping Discus Fish because they think, it is very complicated to maintain Keeping Discus Fish. Install a heater and thermometer in the tank so you can keep the temperature between 84 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Secondly, Discus are also large fish, which means they cannot be kept at the same density. Discus are generally calm, peaceful fish, but as cichlids, they can be aggressive toward one another, especially when attempting to pair off and spawn. A plague attack is obvious when most of the discus fish in the aquarium stack together or rub against aquarium objects, or when their bodies turn black and the eyes become cloudy. Make frequent water changes to promote fish health. Robert Woods is the creator of FishKeeping World, a third generation fish keeper and a graduate in animal welfare and behavior. STAY CONNECTED Facebook YouTube. If you want to set up display aquarium with adult 8-10 Discus, you will need an aquarium that measures at least 5' x 2' x 2' and is equipped with powerful filtration. Discus Fish Food. May 3, 2019 Babak Ajideh. The Discus fish as a pet must be handled by those who are passionate enough to learn how to properly breed and care them. Discus are very social with members of their own species and are best kept in groups of at least ten fish, especially when juvenile. There are many options out there, but which one is the [Continue reading …], Cichlids are a common sight in tropical aquariums. Amazonian water is soft and slightly acidic, with a pH between 6 and 7. Conditions that I can’t provide right now. Parasites are a natural components … Discus fish are not cheap fish and no one would like to lose them shortly after purchase. The Discus fish is known as the King of the Aquarium. Undertake weekly water changes of a minimum 25%. There are many color variations available thanks to selective breeding, and interestingly it can take up to 6 years for them to reach their best colors.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'fishkeepingworld_com-box-4','ezslot_2',111,'0','0'])); They can live up to 15 years, but most live for around 10 years. Keeping discus fish can be made easy by preparing an excellent water quality. Is very sensitive to ammonia and nitrates content in tank water, just like to all water parameters in general and its purity. Because of this, there is a great degree of varied information available on the care of these fish, some sources will suggest that only the experts can keep discus correctly whilst others will state that anyone can keep them. All information, content, materials on this site, or obtained from a website to which the site is linked are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind either express or implied. Most Tetra's, Butterfly Cichlids, high temperature tolerant Corydora, Dwarf Cichlids, … Are you inspired to try your hand at keeping the king of the aquarium? API General Cure powder is a great medication to treat both internal and external parasites in tropical fish including discus.… Continue Reading → Posted in: Medications. Because the Discus is a schooling fish, it should be kept in small groups with a minimum of 5. It requires a stable environment and high maintenance. The Complete Guide to Vampire Shrimp Care, The Complete Malaysian Trumpet Snail Care Guide, The Ultimate Hermit Crab Care Guide: Habitat, Food And Much More…. These fish require higher temperatures than most fish 82-88°F. This 8 inch means size from mouth to before tail. We’re thrilled to have you as part of our community. If you need any help with keeping discus fish, or have any questions regarding discus care, you can ask it in our fish keeping forum. But in most of the cases we see maximum 6 inch size discus. Fish Keeping World is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and any other affiliated sites. supports HTML5 video. Use live or frozen proteins for 50%-plus of the discus’ diet. The tank must be ready and the filter cultured before bringing the discus home. Since the fish is tall the tank should be quite long and high as well. Below we cover in detail how to care for these majestic fish.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',109,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',109,'0','1'])); Recent research suggests are five species of Discus, though there is some debate around this. A discus can live even upto 13-15 years. To keep discus, keep them in a tank that holds at least 10 gallons of water per fish. Discus have a recognition as being fussy eaters, prone to disease and hard to keep. Custom Built Fish Tanks and Custom Aquarium Installations; Aquarium and Pond Maintenance Service ; Calculating Aquarium Volume; Blog; TRACK YOUR PARCEL; Terms and Conditions; Search Search. They are notoriously diffucult to keep and have a reputation of intimidating even very experienced aquarists. While I’ve spent the bulk of this article explaining how I would try to successfully keep betta fish with discus, that doesn’t necessarily mean I think it’s, generally speaking, a good idea. Discus Fish Buy live online Discus and other unusual fish now available at PetWave, the majority of which are sourced from superior Australian facilities. 1. At 30ºC / 86ºF, this will make it impossible for many common ailments such as white spot to reproduce, thus creating a healthier environment. This is a taller aquarium, discus prefer deeper water. They prefer soft to medium sediment, as they often search for food on the substrate and larger pieces could injure them as they forage. For a planted aquarium, between 82°F and 84°F should give you plenty of plant choices. You won't go wrong here. Discus (Symphysodon) is a regal genus of Cichlids that is native to the Amazon River basin of South America.Tropical fish keeping enthusiasts also refer to Discus as the Pompadour Fish because of their distinctive shape and bright colors.. We recommend keeping Discus with species that originate in South America. Blue Diamond Discus. We’ve spent many years personally keeping discus and helping our customers be successful with them. The best thing to do is to feed them a very small amount of food more frequently, usually 3-4 times a day. Discus can be housed with many any other fish as long as they require the same water conditions. These are not an easy pet, since they require certain water conditions that may not be provided in fish tanks by an inexperienced caretaker. Are Discus fish for me? You will find they are available at most aquatic stores, but rarer colors will have to be ordered through your local store or on the internet. I highly recommend OzDiscus for the quality and range of their Discus, and can vouch for their customer service both before and after your purchase. Click Here To View In Shop Long Fin Red White Cloud – This easy-to-keep Long Fin Red White Cloud will do well in the community aquarium with other peaceful fish and Discus. The discus turn dark or even go black, go off eating … You can buy discus fish from Discus Co. online store and we promise to provide you with the healthiest possible discus in the USA. Keeping this warmer temperature will reduce the chance of illness and deaths, it can be maintained using a good quality heater. Most serious hobbyists do not mix their discus with too many other species. Welcome to Fishkeeping World. You have to be careful during seasonal changes when these above causes can happen. Final Thoughts Are discus fish hard to keep? Discus prefer deeper tanks. The discus is a high shaped fish and when selecting an aquarium a … Like all cichlids, there can be some competition in the shoal and a pecking order will be established. To keep discus you’ll need a tank of at least 200 liters capacity (52,83 gallons), but if you are going to keep more than one fish, the tank capacity should be much more. Remember that discus are shoaling fish and do best in groups of 5 or more. If this is the first time you are keeping discus, consider initially keeping the tank bare except for filter, heater and light. Like I mention in size lifespaen of discus also depends on how well you care for. Discus (Symphysodon) is usually found in nature in lakes, slow-flowing streams, on the margins of larger rivers, in marshland, in ponds and also in lakes but seldom, if ever, in stagnant water. Marbled or Neon Hatchet fish are great fish to pair with them, because hatchet fish occupy the highest level of the tank, just make sure your lid is tightly fitted!eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_13',121,'0','0'])); Almost all Corydoras would pair excellently with these fish, however, they often require colder waters. Temperature should be kept between 82° and 86° F, although wild Heckel discus prefer water near 90° F. Use an Aqueon Aquarium Heater to maintain proper water temperature. It is not too aggressive and fits well with most other fish. In this care sheet, you will learn some simple tips and guides on how to keep, and take care of your discus fish. Reddened areas may also show up, with rapid breathing. Keeping your discus fish diet balanced with needed vitamins and minerals contributes to overall health and growth. Your email address will not be published. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-box-3','ezslot_6',110,'0','0']));The king of the aquarium, Discus fish are one of the most beautiful freshwater fish available for the home aquarium. Unhealthy discus often hide or are dark in color. The Discus is often referred to as the 'king of aquarium fish' and many fishkeepers dedicate their interest to keeping and breeding these fish. What you need to do from the start is to ensure that your fish tank where you are intending to keep your fish is large enough to accommodate all the fish. Categories. Discus Care Tips & Fish Keeping Articles. Copyright © 2019 Discus • Fish | Powered by. Fish Keeping Difficulty. Most will cost around $40 per fish. Thus, it is important to keep their aquarium water exceptionally clean, and temperature constant. Many people believe that live foods like blood worms, artemia, tubifex, and etc. Discus requires a little more care and husbandry than most bread-and-butter tropical fish. There are two types: the general hardness (GH) and carbonate hardness (KH). You must inquire yourself this question more so than for any other form of fish generally found in aquaria. Like many central and south american cichlids, discus are omnivores and their diet varies from live insects and worms to algae and plants such as spirulina in the wild. Copyright © 2020 - Fishkeeping World - All Rights Reserved. To get the best possible result, you need to know a little bit about water chemistry. For the best coloration, a variety of foods should be given to them. Discus Fish Food The body can be 8-10 inches long, making them a large fish for home aquariums. In normal cases, a tank breed discus … They have rounded dorsal and anal fins that add to their overall body shape, as well as pronounced pelvic and caudal fins. Moreover, fish keepers often have a hard time deciding on the best tank mates for these fish. They like warmer water, mid-80s Fahrenheit. There are think to needs some lots of Special care. Their aggressive behavior has been selectively bred for, hence the name “fighting fish”. Discus. Regular water changes are essential to maintain the health and well being of your Discus Fish. The discus fish generally require a bit higher temperature of water than other species of fish. Their eyes come in a variety of colors too, with red being highly prized – red eyes are not a sign of health despite this myth being spread frequently.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',115,'0','0'])); The different types of Discus are based on their colorations. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a However, I recommend you to reduce the risk of parasites and disease by not feeding discus with live foods. Here are a few things to consider before you purchase. They prefer water that is slightly soft and slightly acidic, with a pH level at about 6.5 to 7.0. Finally, never add young, small size discus into an aquarium with significantly larger discus. Live food such as blood worm, mosquito larvae, and brine shrimp is good for them and can encourage bright colors to show. To get the best possible result, you need to know a … They like lots of clean fresh, water and lots of water changes. If you want to be on the safe side … Monthly parasite removal solutions are readily available from pet stores. To provide the stable conditions Discus need to thrive, their aquarium needs to be set up with the most efficient and reliable equipment available. Discus Fish Care. These fish need weekly full tank cleans, with water changes of 25% and the sediment cleaned using a gravel vacuum to remove excess food. Discus are very sensitive to ammonia, nitrite, and changes in water temperature and quality. And there is bad information, as well. Due to their requirement for warmer temperatures, the temperature of the water needs measuring daily, and this can be done with a permanent thermometer in the tank.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'fishkeepingworld_com-sky-3','ezslot_35',126,'0','0'])); Parasite infections can also cause the fish to scratch their sides on ornaments or on the sediment. This is … You must inquire yourself this question more so than for any other form of fish generally found in aquaria. If you want to set up display aquarium with adult 8-10 Discus, you will need an aquarium that measures at least 5' x 2' x 2' and is equipped with powerful filtration. Other great fish to pair them with are Gouramis, Bolivian Rams and Pencil fish. There is a lot of good information on the internet about keeping discus fish. Choosing and buying healthy and high quality discus is the first and most important part of Keeping Discus Fish. Live or plastic plants are great additions for landscaping and providing hiding areas for the discus. There are important steps that you need to follow when facilitating an introduction of the angelfish to the discus fish and vice versa. Different kinds of flake food such as spirulina and tropical fish flakes, combined with algae or shrimp pellets, can make up the vegetable part of their diet. This pulse provides much more space for growth, breeding and best of all, feeding. You will notice that they grow well and lead a long, happy life this way. Any excess food should be cleared up after 5 minutes, as excess food can lead to health issues or bad quality water.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'fishkeepingworld_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_25',124,'0','0'])); As they have a pecking order, you should also watch your fish make sure that all of them are able to eat and aren’t being blocked by larger tank mates. How To Keep Discus Fish . A bare bottom and large enough tank is a good choice to start discus keeping. Their popularity comes from their intense colors that can have:eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-1','ezslot_14',114,'0','0'])); They are much brighter when bred in captivity compared to their wild counterparts. I highly recommend you to read Discus Water article for a happy and healthy discus in your tank. However, they’re notorious for being extremely difficult to keep, with Internet forums often recommending strict practices like 100% water changes every day. These include Neon Tetras, Rummy-nose Tetras, and Ember Tetras. Place the plants, decorations, filter, and heaters properly in the tank. Discus are also highly sensitive to a couple more water parameters or properties. It has enhanced my love of Discus keeping and it is fair to say I am thrilled with the quality of Discus I have bought there. Also, set up a high-quality filter in the tank to keep the water clean. The reason for their cost is that Discus fish are notoriously difficult to keep. They are very difficult to breed however, this makes them very rewarding too.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-portrait-1','ezslot_30',127,'0','0'])); They have very specific requirements for breeding, and all the parameters previously mentioned (in the tank setup section) must be perfectly maintained. Goldfish for example will tolerate ammonia as high as 500 ppm with discus only tolerating 20 ppm. For this reason alone they are not recommended for the beginner aquarist. Some suitable aquarium mates include cardinal tetras, neons, emperor … Most Betta fish are typically kept on their own in a 5 gallon aquarium, but can they be kept with [Continue reading …]. Great fish to have less stress in large breeding setups, has significant expense 14 with. Your time to create a sturdier group most fish 82-88°F rinse everything that will be established and or. 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