Neon Tetras have gotten a bad reputation recently, as a fish which is hard to keep, but this might be from the fact that they become popular, and as such, breeders might have resorted to dubious practices such as inbreeding. If you want to keep your betta fish in a bowl, I recommend getting a bowl with a volume of at least 2.5-3 gallon (10-12 liter). These shy schoolers are native to the forests of Southeast Asia and prefer densely planted tanks with dim lighting and plants growing along the top of the tank. You can keep them in small groups of 5 or in larger, more dramatic groups of 10 or more. properly i'd first make sure that Cherry Barbs and Bettas like water of an same - or very similar pH. They prefer densely planted tanks 30-gallons and up. © Copyright 2021 - SmartAquariumGuide. Even though bettas are territorial and males tend to be especially aggressive, they don’t do well in semi-aggressive or aggressive community tanks. Cory Cats are mostly active during the day, they are bottom dwellers, but they might also dart to the surface to get a bite of food or just a gulp of air. For tanks 30-gallons and up, the panda cory can be a fun addition. He named it Rasbora urophthalma brigittae, in dedication to his wife Brigitte. Getting the right tank mates for your community aquarium is always about knowing which fish are compatible with each other and which are a bad match. These hearty fish look similar to the silver tip tetra but have a metallic wash to their scales, giving them a shimmering appearance. Even still, that’s on the higher end of the size spectrum. I’d recommend no more than 3 mollies for a small betta tank. I recommend adding them in groups of 20 for the best visual effect. Learn how your comment data is processed. Thank you so much Jen ! They may grow up to 1.6-inches in length and do best in groups of at least 6 to 10. They are social fish who prefer to be in groups of at least 5, or they tend to hide all the time. Yet another example of aquatic creature that you can keep with Bettas, the Ghost Shrimp makes a great addition to a Betta tank. Healthy adult fish kept in mature, well-planted aquariums will sometimes produce young with no assistance from the aquarium owner. ADFs will not enjoy flake or dried foods, which means you’ll need to make special dietary accommodations and offer them a diet rich in meaty foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms. Bristlenose Plecos are an excellent choice for beginners and hobbyists, albeit a bit more expensive than other Plecos. African dwarf frogs were the reason I started my very first aquarium, and they are so much fun to observe. It’s best to go with species that either stay near the bottom and hide a lot of time or those that are active at night when your betta is resting. The trick is to select fish that can coexist peacefully with bettas and to arrange your decor to maximize the success of the community. A coin-shaped fish with a pale to bright orange-red colored body, the fire rasbora may grow up to 2-inches in length. Espei Rasboras also known as Lambchop Rasbora, are pretty small in size. You’ll have to pay close attention to your water quality and be diligent about your routine maintenance if you want to keep your tank healthy. I recommend keeping them in tanks 30-gallons and up, however, so you have enough space for a group. Lamb Chop Rasbora And Bettas. Albino corys typically grow to a maximum of 2-inches in length and are best kept in groups of 5 or more. Peaceful betta friendly fish that are a similar size (2.5 to 5 inches in length) and that have short fins and tails. If the aggression continues, you will need to separate the two fish to avoid any future problems. So, yes, I think there would be no problem in keeping male betta fish with Espei Rasboras in the same tank. The Espe’s Rasbora Trigonostigma espei (previously Rasbora espei) is yet another amazing aquarium fish from Southeast Asia.It is a relative newcomer, described by Meinken as recently as 1967. I notice that they sometimes pair off and swim alongside each other, flicking themselves against each other, then they start wiggling their bodies quite vigorously. Jen has more than 30 years experience as a biologist, aquarist, and fishkeeper. They are rather shy and prefer to hide around the plants and debris in the bottom of your tank. Espei Rasboras also known as Lambchop Rasbora, are pretty small in size. 3. They will also eat any soft algae and decaying plant matter. Their bodies can grow up to 3-inches in length and their shimmering silver bodies and black markings look very elegant in your aquarium. Most of the time this works really well. If you’re going to keep other fish with your Bettas, make sure you read my suggestions for fish compatible with Bettas and watch out for my recommendations regarding each fish species below. You’ll want to add them in groups of 10 to prevent problems with your betta sorority, and they are especially dramatic in larger groups of 30 or more. They do well in planted tanks with dim lighting and will school if they’re in a group of 6 or more. If you have a larger thank you should definitely go for 10 or even more. Choose fish that hang out in the bottom parts of your tank, or create areas in a larger tank (20 gallons and up) that your betta won’t like and will naturally avoid. The beauty of the Clown rasbora biotope is that you can have so many more fish in their tank and they are naturally found with a wealth of other species. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. They have a shy temper, so it’s not advisable to keep them with large active fish. If you’d just like to add a couple of invertebrates to spice up your small set-up, then you may be able to stick with your existing tank, heater and filter. Because they like to feed on scraps of food and algae that builds up in the tank, Zebra Snails can be part of a natural cleaning crew of a tank. Adults can reach up to 1 inch (2,5 cm) in size, which is considered small compared to a betta fish. Now let’s see which are some of the most compatible fish, snails and shrimp with betta fish. In their natural habitat, Bettas aren’t as aggressive as those kept in aquariums, and they’ll become aggressive only during breeding season. One of the most common aquatic snails, the trumpet snail is named for its trumpet-shaped shell. There another peaceful fish that loves the same tank setup as your betta. Harlequin Rasboras are also known as Red Rasbora or Harlequin Fish are a schooling fish, they grow to about 5 cm (2 inches) and they have a distinctive black triangle. What did you end up adding to your community aquarium? They are completely aquatic and grow to a maximum length of 2.5 inches. Along with other Rasbora species, they will also happily co-exist with the icy-eyed Brevibora dorsiocellata, some Puntius species, Chocolate gourami, and even some Betta, such as B. pugnax. That being said, there are absolute no-no when it comes to keeping some fish with Bettas. I’m not including obligate brackish or saltwater fish, but it goes without saying that those would not be a good match either! Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 10°N (71.43 - … But they usually become more aggressive as they age. You’ll definitely want to supplement their diet, or they might just start eating your plants and the other fish’s food. Like the albino variety, the panda requires a densely planted tank and smooth substrate to prevent injuries to their whiskers. They enjoy snacking on the driftwood and algae in your tank and will likely eat anything your betta misses. These coin-shaped tetras have a fluorescent red spot over their eye, which gives them their name. Hi Gloria! Being an easy to care for and peaceful species they are very popular among beginners. All Rights Reserved. Unlike the males with their flashy tails, female fancies are usually compatible with bettas because they lack the colorful long tail. These scavengers like to hide among the debris on the bottom of your tank. So far, seems to work. Because they’re hardy fish that can withstand even lower temperatures, they’re often recommended for beginner aquarists. They’ll also come out in force whenever you feed your tank! If you want something unique for your betta tank, check out these miniature frogs! Rasboroides vaterifloris Upto 1.5 inches The Fire Rasbora is said to be that peaceful it is often the victim of bullying in an aquarium, with it being housed with a Betta it should be given some form of refuge, just so it can retreat if stressed. Metallic bronze-colored fish with black markings that grow to a maximum length of 2-inches. A younger pleco may fit in your 25-gallon or 50-gallon betta sorority for a while. If they can fit another species in their mouths they may end up eating them. So once you buy them they will be a lifelong friend for your betta. The fish are not true rasboras and were put in the Boraras genus in 1993. Like all rasboras and danios, this fish is completely peaceful and totally safe to keep with other fish (as long as the other fish are peaceful as well), snails, shrimp, and live plants. – read more. These fish prefer to stick together and are best kept in groups of at least 10 to deter your male betta from fighting with them. While both genders are territorial, male betta fish will really defend their space vigorously. But more than that could cause your fish to feel stressed and might overwhelm your filtration system. I recommend planning out your dream tank on paper before investing in equipment and fish. Source: I recommend only getting a single snail for a small betta tank, since there may not be enough food to support more. Male fish are brighter than the females but both genders make great options for bigger aquarium communities. Another favorite of mine, the green neon is an especially good option for housing with male bettas. I recommend no more than a single loach for a small betta tank. She is an expert in setting up new tanks and maintaining naturally-planted freshwater habitats, and has experience raising a wide variety of aquatic species. Rabbit snails are very peaceful creatures. They prefer sand or round stones, as any sharp rocks or other decorations might scratch their body. Since they will defend their territory, they are best kept as the only pleco in your 25-gallon or bigger tank and shouldn’t be kept with many other bottom dwellers. They grow up to 1.2 inches in length and live for 3-5 years. Fish that are overly active can stress the timid rasbora. These coin-shaped tetras grow to about 2.5-inches in length and have red markings on their fins and a metallic blue colored body. Harlequin Rasboras are omnivores, so you can feed them live and frozen food and they also eat flake. However, if you give them enough food (vegetables or commercial vegetable based pallets), they will ignore live plants. Therefore it is good to have a lighter substrate in your betta fish tank if you want to keep rabbit snails. Otos are small schooling catfish that grow to a maximum of 4-inches long but are usually smaller. They do best when added in groups of at least 6, and like many other tetras look very dramatic in larger groups. Your betta might snack on the smallest snails but the adults are usually too big for them to eat. If you keep a group of 3 to 5 with your male betta he won’t be able to easily pick on one loach. There are many species of rasboras, including some that live in the same habitat as bettas. They’re not fussy about food, so you can feed them whatever you fish your Betta fish with, the only requirement is to keep your White Cloud Minnows in schools of 5 or 6. If you want to get more than one than make sure that they are females (they are also a bit smaller) as the males need to have enough room to establish their territory. The first examples were sent out by Kamphol of Aquari-Corp in Thailand. Bettas are extremely beautiful fish with long flowy fins and brilliant coloration. How big of a tank do you need to start a community aquarium? They never bother my Betta and can outswim the betta if it gives them a chase. There’s never any guarantee that things will work out between a betta and other community species, and sometimes things go sour without warning. Bettas aren’t fish that require company, so it’s no problem to keep them on their own. These silver colored tetras with black markings grow to around 1 to 1.5-inches in length. Because these fish are willing to eat algae, they’re often chosen for planted aquariums, but you can’t expect them to stay well-fed only on algae, so I recommend that you supplement their diet with algae wafers too. They are known for the abundant bristles that grow around their mouth and snout. The most popular freshwater shrimp in the aquarium trade, adult cherry shrimp grow to a maximum size of 1.5-inches. Keeping them in sufficient numbers will also reduce the likelihood your betta sorority will mess with them. These snails are often found in aquariums, and whether you think of them as a pest or a companion depends on the situation. As bottom dwellers, Clown Plecos always add a beautiful splash of color to the bottom of your aquarium. These 1¼-inch fish have bright red and blue metallic stripes and are simply beautiful to watch in large numbers. They prefer very clean water and tanks with lots of plants and hiding places. Usual size in fish tanks: 8 - 9 cm (3.15 - 3.54 inch) 0 14. They are shy and may take a while to adjust to your betta tank, but once comfortable you’ll find these fish very entertaining. And because of their peaceful personalities, they are unlikely to be aggressive to your betta. Thanks a lot for your suggestion! Add the rasboras, at least a school of 6, but 10 would be better – let them get used to the tank for a few days But if you want to keep a group of females or a male and a variety of community fish you’ll need a much bigger tank. These zebra-patterned fish are popular among freshwater fish-keepers because of their active and hardy nature. Another tetra that makes a dramatic appearance in large groups, the rummy nose is ideal for sorority tanks. In smaller schools, these fish will stress. Other than this, ADFs make good tank mates for Bettas. They have only been in my tank for a few days and I absolutely love them: very active and colourful characters! If your betta can single out another individual, they will chase them. Add the male betta fish and monitor any aggressive behavior. Source: They like to have plenty of room to swim and school together and are best kept in groups of 10 or more. Take care not to overstock your tank with Amano shrimp, because they’ll produce waste and tax the aquatic environment. They’re also great swimmers. Harlequin Rasboras tend to develop a hierarchy, and they are fun to watch as they follow their leader while schooling in the tank. Temperature Range – 23 - 28°C. Because they are a schooling fish and due to their size, it is recommended for bigger tanks of 20+ gallons. They thrive in community tanks with mid-sized, non-aggressive fish and they go about their business without interfering with other fish. In this article, I’ve chosen to discuss the best Betta fish tank mates if you’re looking to choose a tank mate for Betta fish. These peaceful scavengers grow to about 2.5-inches in length and have gold and black markings on their bodies. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. One of my favorite fish to keep with my Betta is black line tail tetras. Bottom dwelling scavengers and algae eaters make for attractive and entertaining members of your betta community. You may get away with keeping two females in the same tank, but never two males. These golden colored fish have a black stripe running down their bodies and tail, which makes them look a bit like a penguin. I have a 30 gallon tank. Your betta will eat any offspring a mixed-gender group might produce, though. Source: Prefer brackish (slightly salty), saltwater, or aquariums with a high water pH. The biggest challenge in deciding on companions for your betta in a tank that’s 10 gallons or less in size is you don’t have a lot of room to work with. Female guppies have shorter tails and longer bodies than the males, and they are bigger and lack the bright coloration. I did my research and they are supposedly compatible. Don’t keep Betta males together, not even two! Popular varieties include the Pygmy, Panda, and Albino Cory. Lambchop (Esme’s) Rasbora. While not suitable for smaller betta tanks, you can keep a wide variety of tetras, rasboras and minnows in an aquarium that’s 25-gallons or bigger.
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