He was also told that if he told Kate what happened, they would do the same thing to her. ("Through the Looking Glass, Part 1"), The two made it to the camp, after also refusing Hurley's offer to help. He then asked if she slept with him because she saw Jack having dinner with Juliet the night before. They hid, but Aaron let out a cry and Keamy almost investigated, but Frank convinced him not to. She explained that she had been trying to get off the Island for over three years, and that she intended to be on the submarine in the morning despite Sawyer convincing Horace otherwise. Locke and Sawyer argued about their next course of action, and Juliet stuck with Sawyer. Sawyer attempted to get all the other residents of the Barracks inside their houses, but Keamy's group shot three survivors dead and attempted to gun down Sawyer. While with the Others, Sawyer and Kate were used as leverage to convince Jack to perform surgery on their leader, Benjamin Linus, until he and Kate eventually escaped. Using the DHARMA van, the group managed to clear away enough of the wreckage for Sawyer to climb into the mountain of metal. Sawyer then proposed a deal to Radzinsky: if he and Juliet could leave the Island on the submarine, he would tell Radzinsky everything he wanted to know. Sawyer responded that he was too busy to help, but Juliet ordered him to explain their predicament - namely Phil, who was still tied up in the closet. Locke confirmed that it was his plan but he was not going down with the ship like Sawyer and the rest of "Jacob's little candidates". Interestingly, Robert Ford's father was named James Thomas Ford. At this point that Sawyer pointed out that Juliet's nose was starting to bleed; they both become distracted by Charlotte who had just found some scattered items and what seemed like the recent wreckage of a ship. Sawyer, Claire, and Miles set off toward the beach. Because of this, she immediately kissed him and they gave in to their passions, making love inside his cage. When he attempted to escape captivity a few moments later, Sayid tackled him and severed an artery in his right arm with a knife. When Sawyer's group arrived at Hydra Island, it appeared that they had been betrayed and they were held at gunpoint by Widmore's men. What is his real deal? He warned Jack about taking his things, but when Jack ignored him, the con man hatched a plan to exact his vengeance. Sawyer revealed that he did not want to leave the Island because he had nothing to go back to. Sawyer said he knew she only did it because she thought Sawyer was going to die. An argument erupted between Jack and Sawyer, one which was promptly interrupted by Kate, hearing Juliet's muffled cries for help. Horace told him he'd be put on the next submarine out, but Sawyer asked for time to find the rest of his crew. Lost ending explained: What actually went down in the most misunderstood finale of all time. "Confidence Man""Outlaws""The Long Con""Every Man for Himself""LaFleur""Recon" Now, Locke was strangled by Ben. Sawyer finally agreed to tell the truth, but only to Kate, from whom he demanded a kiss first. Shortly thereafter, Sayid powered off the pylon fence generators, and the Smoke Monster appeared, quickly dispatching Widmore's men. They got away on the Ageria plane with the pilot, Miles, and Richard. He even knew what it felt like "to lose somebody you love". ("LA X, Part 2"), Pretending to be a con man, James took part in an undercover operation with the LAPD that led to the arrest of an actual con man's wife. When Karl decided to leave, Sawyer let him, prompting another disagreement with Kate. The deception allowed Sawyer a chance to steal all the guns and medicine housed in the Swan station armory, setting up a situation where everyone must come to him if medicine or guns were needed. Sawyer in exasperation tried to tell him if he wanted Kate back, all he had to do was talk to her. Hurley advised Sawyer to try to get in the other survivors' good graces, as they were planning a vote of banishment. Age What meaning can be found in the books seen on the hit television series Lost? Sawyer demanded to know where all this was coming from, as she was the one who told him to come back to stop Jack. The man swindled the family out of all their savings, enraging James's father. He was quick to get her out of the area upon the discovery of Rousseau's and Karl's bodies, and told her to get behind him when they heard someone (Frank) approaching through the bushes. Sawyer gave them instructions, provided new clothing, and assured the three that they would not be detected. He doesn't use the nickname "Sawyer". The two men caught up to her and discovered that she was Kate Austen. He then heard someone inside the house and threatened to shoot them, until he realized that it was Kate. Sawyer is one of 22 main characters to have their names appear in a soundtrack title. They met up with the rest of the survivors in the church and James, now Sawyer again, moved on. What are the difference between Japanese music and Philippine music? Family In the end of the show, you see In his conversations with Jack and Locke's fathers both joked about being in hell: Christian joked that Australia was as close to hell as you could get without being burned, and Anthony joked that they weren't on an island, and were in fact dead, and that it was a "little hot for heaven". On the march there, however, he secretly asked Jack to get Locke in the water when they arrived and make sure he did not board the submarine. She mentioned that he had been acting distant ever since he got back from his mission with Locke and that Juliet's tape said that she might be pregnant too. The two arrived at the Black Rock, and headed for the ship's brig, where Locke said Ben was being held. The van pulled up in time to help Jack, and a firefight ensued between the DI team and the castaways. ("Three Minutes") ("Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2"), A day later, Sawyer awoke in a cage at the Hydra station with his arm bandaged. He did not include his friends in the deal, curiously enough, only himself and Juliet. They convinced him to come with them but now the time shifts were becoming much more frequent. Place Equally furious and worried, Sawyer left Miles to find Aaron when he began to hear the baby crying. ("The 23rd Psalm") ("The Hunting Party") ("The Long Con"), Sawyer also willingly handed over a number of his guns to fellow survivors. ("Two for the Road") Sawyer visited a bar and met Christian Shephard, who talked about his son and encouraged Sawyer to finish the business he planned to do. Then Jin called him on the radio with a code 14-J, signaling a hostile intrusion. Sawyer then revealed to Kate that he was intending to propose to Juliet and threw the ring into the water. In addition, while hunting a boar that ransacked Sawyer's tent, the pair played a notable game of "I never", in which Sawyer admitted a number of both significant and trivial points about his past. On the dock, Sawyer sarcastically quipped that he'd buy Microsoft and bet on the Cowboys in the 1978 Superbowl. The group demanded to know who they were, and moved to cut off Juliet's arm even when Sawyer agreed to tell them what they wanted to know. When Jack told Sawyer he didn't want to leave the Island again, Sawyer ordered Jack to get off the boat and not talk that "crazy talk." ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 1"), They soon found Hurley and Locke at the Orchid. Miles interrupted their conversation so that he and James could go to Omer Jarrah's house to arrest Sayid for murder. James Sawyer is one of the people Edmund meets in the novel, When he mentions that Sayid cannot join the group of people in MIB's group that are leaving with out them in ". Despite Miles' claims that he cannot make his ability work, Sawyer threatened him, and Miles heard Juliet's last thoughts, "It worked," relaying them to a confused Sawyer. What is the WPS button on a wireless router? When he woke up, he was informed by Ben that he had been outfitted with a pacemaker that would cause his heart to explode if his heart rate went too high. ("Recon"), The next day, James was confronted by an angry Miles, who discovered that James lied about being in Palm Springs. Sawyer was nearly shot by a DI worker above him, but it was Kate who had his back that time as she shot the worker dead. Sawyer arrived at the Flame, to see that Radzinsky had already locked Sayid in a room and suggested that they shoot him. Order was quickly restored when Widmore grabbed Kate and held her at gunpoint, telling Sawyer that she was expendable since she was not on his list of four names, which included Ford, Reyes, and the Kwons. ("Confidence Man"), Kate and Sawyer's relationship soon became more intense, after Kate found the letter Sawyer wrote as a boy to the man who conned his parents. Sawyer pretended to agree with Locke, noting that he had been in favor of taking the sub all along. His partner in the con though forced his hand by threatening Cassidy's life. Sawyer remained unconscious on the sand as Jack, Kate, and Hurley reunited on the beach and mourned the loss of Sun, Jin, and Sayid. ("The Glass Ballerina"). But it was to no avail, Juliet saw that the scaffolding was collapsing and would take all three of them down, and she told Sawyer she loved him before letting go. ("The Last Recruit"), Later, Miles reminded James about the benefit concert set for that evening at the museum where Miles' father worked. Locke gave Sawyer a rough map to get a boat and to bring it to collect them all and take them to Hydra Island. When he has feelings for a woman, Sawyer can be emotional and give completely unexpected signs of kindness. ("Namaste"), The next day, Sawyer attempted to reason with Sayid, offering him a chance to join DHARMA as a defector from the hostiles. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? Miles asked about James' supposed trip to Palm Springs. The morning after,they awaken to find Pickett and an accomplice have arrived with guns, to kill Sawyer. Jin insisted that they escape the hut as fast as possible, but Sawyer replied he was with Locke. He was later captured by the Others, along with Jack and Kate, as a result of Michael's betrayal. ("Outlaws"). Sawyer was left kneeling in the mud, his fate in the balance. The Man in Black's physical body dies after Jacob exposes him to the Source. The following morning they got into a fight over the potential pregnancy. The next day, Sawyer approached her to give a Phil Collins tape, commenting that if Bernard asked about it, he knew nothing. She opened the notebook and found that it contained personal information about the deaths of James' parents. Out by the van, Miles began to question whether or not what Jack was doing would cause the Incident, rather then prevent it. Sawyer then moved Sayid to another holding cell and ordered that food be brought to him, stating "We're not savages. As the two discussed their options and escape plans, they did not realize that they were in fact being monitored remotely by Ben and the Others. She allowed Sawyer, Kate and Karl to escape, and they paddled back to their own island. ("He's Our You"). ("The Brig"), Sawyer returned to the beach camp with the tape and confided in Sayid. After Jack called the freighter for rescue, Sawyer joined Locke and a small number of survivors sheltered in the Barracks. When Richard asked Kate who she was, Sawyer intervened, asserting that she was with him. He had three choices: to do nothing, to become Jacob's "puppet", or to accompany the Man in Black off the Island. Sawyer, Richard, Frank, Claire and Kate left the island and died at some unknown point in the future. When he demanded to know who or what the Man in Black was, the Man in Black responded by telling him that he had been a man once. This included stealing from the luggage compartments and even pawing through corpses' the wallets, giving him a shady reputation in the camp. 1 decade ago. Sawyer followed Juliet and Locke as they tracked Jones to the Others' camp. Meaning of Sawyer. ("The Little Prince"), On their continued journey to reach the Orchid, Sawyer and his group stumbled upon Jin (who they thought was dead) just moments after another flash through time. Sawyer confronted Hurley about the con, and Hurley pointed out that, with Jack, Sayid, Kate and Locke away from camp, the other survivors were looking at Sawyer to fill the leadership role on the Island in the wake of Nikki and Paulo's deaths. Right back where you started." Kate suggested, and Sawyer implements the "Wookiee Prisoner gag", took out Aldo, and rescued Karl. Sawyer joined the DHARMA Initiative and eventually became their head of security. They were interrupted when Miles and Daniel arrived, asking where he could find the Hostiles. Josh Holloway's story begins. Scott Gries/Getty Images. Information and translations of Sawyer in the most comprehensive … All of this is mostly a mask, because Sawyer wants to hide the pain he has felt since his childhood. ("Every Man for Himself") After his release, he and Hibbs participated in the Tampa Job, which by accounts did not turn out well for him. Alternate Casting Finding Claire still alive, he carried her back to the house in which Ben, Locke, and Hurley were taking shelter. Along the way she told him about his daughter Clementine, and they discussed their relationship, with Sawyer saying he and Kate would not have lasted at the time, but that he's grown up in the past three years. He deposited his commission from the deal anonymously in an account in Clementine's name. Jack said it had to do with Desmond, that he thought Jacob brought him back not as bait but as a weapon. As he scrambled in the water, the raft was destroyed by a Molotov. Anthony started to read, but stopped and explained to Sawyer his theory that they were not on an island but, in fact, in hell. There is another time shift and the other boat disappears, and the group is caught out in the rain during nightfall. As he was carrying Juliet's body out of the twisted metal, Sawyer stared hatefully at Jack, and said, "You did this." Sawyer was then among the witnesses to see the dead Sayid suddenly awaken. As Sun became pinned under a cabinet and pipes, Sawyer, Jack, and Jin worked to free her until Sawyer was hit in the head and knocked unconscious. He didn't share it with Juliet, but went out in a jeep to meet Jin in the North Valley. He demanded to know if Kate loved Sawyer, and continued to bloody his face until she finally broke down and exclaimed that she did. So while Sawyer appears to have gotten off of the island unharmed, he did die eventually. The last enemy survivor was Tom, who surrendered grudgingly; however, Sawyer shot him in the chest, much to everyone's surprise - especially Tom's. http://www.illinoishistory.com/jamesford.html, http://etext.virginia.edu/railton/tomsawye/tomhompg.html, http://spoilerslost.blogspot.com/2009/03/episode-516517-season-finale-new_09.html, https://lostpedia.fandom.com/wiki/James_%22Sawyer%22_Ford?oldid=1124594. Jasper, Alabama, USA He selflessly handed over his hard-won fish biscuit to a hungry Kate when she was brought to the cage opposite his. Later that evening Sawyer became increasingly impatient with Frogurt's pessimistic attitude and just as tensions peaked Frogurt was killed by a flaming arrow, fired by a group from within the jungle. Sawyer enlisted Charlie's help in an elaborate scheme that included kidnapping Sun and blaming it on the Others. Coming to his aid, Jack realized he was farsighted, and gave him a pair of glasses welded together to match his prescription. Sawyer, however, talked her into staying for just two more weeks until the next submarine trip. They head for their camp in order to use the Zodiac to get to the Orchid to save time, to find the Zodiac boat is gone and the camp has been ransacked and abandoned. After pulling off a long con, he gained control of all the guns and a position of power over the other survivors. Later at the hospital, James asked Jack where he could buy some grub, and Jack said he should try the vending machines. Horace arrived and was suspicious of them talking. The next morning, he and Juliet were asleep in bed when they were awakened by a telephone call from Jin, who had important news. Sawyer, Kate and Claire made it off the island for good aboard the Ajira plane (accompanied by Miles, Lapidus and by the finally-aging Richard.) The next morning, Sawyer, Jack, Sayid, Kate, Claire, Frank, Sun, Jin and Hurley made their way to the Ajira plane to meet Locke and make their escape. Jack refused and Sawyer continued to beat him until Juliet intervened, shouting at Sawyer to stop. ("The End"). The Man in Black grabbed Sawyer as he fell past, and pulled him onto the rope ladder, thereby saving his life. The name Sawyer may also be a reference to the fictional character Jack Sawyer who appears in the novels "The Talisman" and "Black House" by Stephen King and Peter Straub. "), Among the names on the list of people Michael was instructed to bring to the Others was Sawyer, and he was convinced to join Michael, Jack, Hurley, and Kate on their mission to find Walt. ("Left Behind"), When Sawyer goes to the food tent for breakfast, he noticed that Jack, Kate and Sayid had returned. When they got to the sonic fence, Juliet demanded that Amy render it safe. ("Eggtown"), While playing a game of horseshoes with Hurley, Sawyer saw Ben walking freely into his home. They headed back to find Daniel and Charlotte where they saw that Charlotte had disappeared after her death. They gave each other awkward looks as the submarine departed from the Island. ("One of Us"), Sawyer went to Kate's tent to talk to her. How long will the footprints on the moon last? Sayid ran with the bomb down the hall, saving the survivors from the brunt of the initial blast, and killing himself in the process. After jumping back in time again, Sawyer, against Daniel's attempts to persuade him that it was impossible, headed to the Swan's back door to get supplies: "Food, beer and clothing". How many grams in a cup of butternut squash? They are interrupted though when whoever owns the outriggers give chase in the other one and begin shooting at them. However, when Sawyer 'casually' asks Charlie about the vote, Charlie had no idea what he was talking about, and Sawyer realized he had been duped. ("The Package"), When the other survivors arrived at the camp, Sawyer told Hurley they were going to use Charles Widmore's submarine to escape the Island, Sayid was with the "dark side" so he was not invited. Sawyer replied he was with nobody. Later, Sawyer asked Jack how he was going to kill Locke. SawyerJames 'Jim' LaFleurRedneck Man A warm reunion followed. Then a deep hum started far below ground, as all the metallic objects in the vicinity started to be pulled into the well. The second principle that the sawyer effect shows is the reverse of the first any game can be changed into work by the offering of rewards contingent on its completion. are you sure you're thinking about Sawyer? This echoes the opening line of Twain's. Sawyer attempted to challenge these people, but ended up being hit round the head with a club by a man, later revealed as Mr. Eko. It soon became apparent that there was a leak in the copter's fuel tank, and that they had to lose weight. "James, we are going to be ok. You just have to trust me," he said. Ben said that the only way to gain the respect of a con man is to con him, and claimed to be much better at conning than Sawyer. However, she said that she only claimed to love him so Pickett would stop hitting him, and climbed back in her cage. The Man in Black however, had conned Sawyer into stealing the sub so that he could kill the remaining candidates with a bomb. Locke told Sawyer that he was right about Ben, then Sawyer offered to kill him, but Locke said that he would do it himself. Afterwards, Sawyer, along with Miles, was captured by the Others and brought to the Temple, although Sawyer put up a considerable fight. James had previously lied to Miles by telling him that he was going to Palm Springs instead of Australia, so he became flustered when answering Miles' question. That night, Sawyer was present when the Monster attacked Keamy's team. Jack in a church with everyone else from the show. The final season's non-island scenes took place at an unknown point in time after everybody had died and was a place for them to meet up again so they could move on together. As we all watched in "The End" the Season Finale of Lost, Christian tells Jack they all are dead and died at different times. The group led the new arrivals to their current home in the Arrow station. Later, the group met up with Jacob. (Ben is still alive). ("The Incident, Part 2"). ("The Lie"). With Hurley allowed to go free, the trio of Jack, Kate and Sawyer were kidnapped by the mysterious indigenous group. Widmore accepted the deal. At that moment, the Man in Black arrived with his new recruits from the Temple, including Kate and Sayid. Later, while the two of them sat in James' parked car, James opened up to Miles and told him about his parents' past and the reason he went to Australia. happily ever after. Sawyer almost immediately saw through the Man in Black's disguise as John Locke, and demanded to know who he was and what he wanted. He was in Australia in search of Anthony Cooper, but it is unknown if he still killed a man while down under. Sawyer continued to grow wary of the Man in Black, and, eventually, heeding Richard's warnings, pulled a gun on him. With Naveen Andrews, Nestor Carbonell, Henry Ian Cusick, Emilie de Ravin. When the well reappeared, Sawyer attempted to help Locke, but when he jumped in, he found it either hadn't been dug yet or had been filled in. He playfully asked her about sex, and she, with irritation, rebuffed his advance, prompting him to ask her if he needed to get her a mix tape. He never returned to Australia again. Sawyer then cast an affectionate look towards an oblivious Kate, which did not go unnoticed by Juliet. After Arzt left, James warned Hugo that he shouldn't tell people about winning the lottery because they'd take advantage of him. When the Oceanic Six left in the helicopter, Sawyer heroically jumped into the ocean, when the chopper was running low on fuel. Phil then took the interrogation to a more vicious level by slapping Juliet, which infuriated Sawyer. Kate quickly stepped in to prevent a fight. Sawyer and Juliet were forced to surrender at gunpoint. When he reached the surface, he made the decision to abandon Claire to prevent Locke, who was running toward him, from reaching the hatch. As he watched Jack walk away, he saw an unhappy Kate at the next house over. After Sawyer challenged him, Jacob explained that he didn't drag anyone out of a happy existence but that they were all flawed. As soon as Sawyer stepped into the room, Locke shut the door and locked him in with a hooded figure. James Ford was born in 1968 in Jasper, Alabama. ("Exposé"), After burying Nikki and Paulo, Sawyer defiantly called Hurley "rotund," upholding the letter of his week-long 'punishment', if not the spirit of it. She threw them back at Sawyer when she found out that he and Charlie were the ones who assaulted and kidnapped her. Shortly after Kate departed from the Barracks, Sawyer was visited in his house by the Man in Black. Sawyer does not die in Lost. But he was there to help, not hinder, saying that he was only doing this for Juliet. Reason in Australia Though he continued tracking the original Sawyer to take revenge, he became the very man he hunted. They rowed back to the Island using a raft from the sub. At the funeral, James began writing a letter to the con man, vowing to find him one day and kill … RELATED: Lost: Sawyer’s 10 Best Nicknames For The Castaways, Ranked. When Jack and Juliet returned, Sawyer was obviously angry at both of them, but in the end, he listened to Juliet, turned to the tape over, and listened to Ben's plans on invading the beach. Kate tells him that she does not trust him. Sawyer began to question why Locke believed the freighter people were bad, and expressed doubt once Locke explained that it was Walt (or a vision of Walt) who instructed him to kill Naomi and attempt to stop the people on the boat from coming to the Island. Locke came out of the plane with a brick of C4, explaining that Widmore's men had wired the aircraft to explode. Jack insisted that Locke killed them. When Hurley commented that Tom had surrendered, Sawyer quietly replied, "I didn't believe him." Sawyer, Kate and Juliet intercepted the DHARMA van as it headed towards the Swan station. ("Confidence Man"). He began a relationship with Juliet and they lived together during the 1970s until Jack, Hurley and Kate returned to the Island following the crash of Ajira Airways 316. He had to work out a way to find food, which he eventually did, much to his pleasure. When Sawyer woke up, he was confronted by Horace Goodspeed, who asked for his story. They tried to stay out of sight but were spotted and held at gunpoint. ("The End"), Sawyer found Jack, Kate and Hurley and told them Locke was going to destroy the island and mentioned the importance of them finding Desmond before Lock and Ben did. He also shot a polar bear, revealing that he had stolen a firearm from the U.S. Sawyer guessed that Locke was here to get Desmond because Locke needed him to destroy the Island. Sawyer attempted to make a deal with him: he promised he would bring the Man in Black to Widmore's doorstep so Widmore could kill him, as long as he and his people would get a safe passage off the Island. He later killed an Other who was spying on the group from across a river. ("The Variable"). Sawyer does not die in Lost. When Sawyer returned to the main Island, he revealed everything he had noticed in Widmore's sub to the Man in Black, including his own deal with him. At the top of the mountain, Ben showed Sawyer that they were on an island separate from the Island on which their plane crashed, proving to Sawyer that running was useless, as there was nowhere to go. Locke thanked Sawyer for killing the man who ruined both of their lives, saying that, "he had it coming." ("The End"). After being kept as prisoners for several days, they were released by Ana Lucia, and, eventually, it was revealed that they were accompanying fellow survivors of the flight, from the tail section. Sawyer confronted them and asked them to lower their weapons at the point of his own gun, but when one of them attempted to shoot him, Juliet shot him and Sawyer took out the remaining Other. Sawyer took Frogurt's red shirt, and questioned Daniel about how they were going to get off the Island. At that moment, he noticed Zoe, a woman who introduced herself as the only survivor of the Ajira massacre. Instead, Sawyer, Hurley, Juliet, Jin, Bernard, Sayid, and Desmond grabbed some guns and set out to meet up with Jack and the others in the jungle. That can come true ( he killed Tom for taking the kid off the pylon fence generators, and make... Experiencing headaches could not trust Jack, Hurley drove the DHARMA van, the man who his... Some of his supplies begin shooting at them coworker of Miles ' father visited! Because eventually everyone from the sub so that he was invited in, carefully prompting him to the,... Demanded that Miles failed to sway Jack, Kate, Sawyer tried to cover up with her about. Welcome home, Sawyer exposed Kate as Locke and they overpowered their captors cup butternut... To talk about it when Juliet points out the wreckage for Sawyer take... 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To Kate, banishing her from the van arrived, and beat him severely, all... Demanding to be nice, which did not like at all a sad look with Juliet,... Juliet into his home, Part 1 '' ), they would do when they got to entire. To camp alone, hand-cuffed to a prison elevator stopped, and pulled the wires on Island! On Oceanic flight 815 with Ben to take him to death with the previously unknown section! Aaron let out a way to the Island using a raft from the south continued beat... Leave for the everyone to hate him. Jacob 's cabin they set off toward the series acted civic! Happy existence but that they escape the Island Kate got caught in a tree ( Ep: 1x1 pilot...